Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

gross-income tax

Added to glossary by Thomas T. Frost
Jun 19, 2022 18:49
2 yrs ago
15 viewers *
Danish term


Danish to English Bus/Financial Accounting Pay Slip
Good evening, colleagues. Can anyone help me out by explainig what Arb. mar stands for? Please?

Many thanks for your kindness.
Change log

Jun 24, 2022 09:43: Thomas T. Frost Created KOG entry

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Pernille Kienle Jun 19, 2022:
? I am surprised you don't know this if you are translating into Danish...? Are you fluent in English and/or Danish? It is, of course, arbejdsmarkedsbidrag...

Proposed translations

11 mins
Danish term (edited): arbejdsmarkedsbidrag

gross-income tax

It's a tax based on all work income without any deductions. Also see IATE.

Note added at 28 mins (2022-06-19 19:17:30 GMT)

It's a rather strange name for a gross-income tax indeed. Successive Danish governments have been very creative in the domain of tax.
Note from asker:
Thank you: I did check IATE but somehow did not get the answer. I am not translating from Danish. A good friend is considering a job offer in Greenland and has asked me to check a couple of terms he was unsure of. I really appreciate the help I was given.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
15 hrs

labour market contribution(s)

All working citizens must pay labour market contributions. Your employer will deduct the contributions from your pay. Labour market contributions are used for the Government's labour market expenses, for example to cover unemployment benefits, supplementary training courses and maternity.
Example sentence:

B-income is income on which tax and labour market contributions (AM-bidrag) have not been withheld by your employer.

Note from asker:
Thank you. As I explained, a friend is considering a job in Greenland and he asked me to clarify some information. You've all been great. Much appreciated.
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