Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

above budget

Italian translation:

superiori al previsto / a quanto preventivato

Added to glossary by Giulia Peverini
May 21, 2009 16:22
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

above budget

English to Italian Bus/Financial Economics
The Warsaw and Vienna exchanges are longstanding rivals. Vienna last year beat Warsaw to acquiring a controlling stake in the Prague Stock Exchange, one of the few remaining exchange prizes in eastern Europe. In addition to its 92.7 per cent stake in the WSE, Vienna holds 81 per cent of the Ljub]jana exchange in Slovenia and a 68.8 per cent stake in the Budapest Stock Exchange. Mr XXX said the group had paid ***on the upper side of valuation ranges*** for the stakes but he was encouraged that April`s volume figures had come in **"above budget"**. Wiener Borse was "consulting a lot of exchanges in the region" about cooperation, he said. "I think it would make a lot of sense if the region came together. We want to consolidate the whole region."

Potreste darmi una mano con le due espressioni fra ***. Forse sarò stanca ma non riesco a formulare correttamente la frase. Grazie in anticipo!

Proposed translations

19 mins

superiori al previsto / a quanto preventivato

questo per quanto riguarda "above budget".
Per l'altra espressione, temo che dovrai postare una nuova domanda :-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Eva Varolo : anche bene questa
5 mins
grazie Eva :-)
agree Vincenzo Di Maso : sono totalmente d'accordo
8 mins
grazie Vincenzo, buona serata!
agree silvia tamanini
25 mins
grazie Sivia :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie!"
23 mins
English term (edited): on the upper side of valuation ranges / above budget

aldisopra delle valutazioni (stime) fatte / aldisopra delle spese previste (o previsioni di spesa)

1. aldisopra delle valutazioni (stime) fatte
Puo' aiutare:

2. direi "si dimostreranno essere aldisopra (in eccesso) delle spese previste" - si potrebbe forse anche usare budget ("aldisopra del budget previsto")
Se ho ben capito il contesto, si prevede che in Aprile la produzione/le entrate copriranno ampiamente le spese.
Puo' essere utile:
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