Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

ikut gotong-royong manunggal

English translation:

taking part in Army-sponsored community work

Added to glossary by Catherine Muir
Nov 2, 2012 05:08
12 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Indonesian term

ikut gotong-royong manunggal

Indonesian to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature cerpen "Nagari" tulisan HET
In Harris Effendi Thahar's short story 'Nagari', a pensioner is ill and his daughter comes to visit him. She says that one of her students, her father's neighbor, has told her that her father "ikut gotong-royong manuggal".

I know that 'manunggal' is Javanese, a derivation of 'menunggal', from 'tunggal'.

Does it mean that the old man has been out doing work in the community (gotong-royong) all by himself/alone, with no help from others?

Please help me to understand.

Thanks so much.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

taking part in Army-sponsored community work

This short story was written in early 1991, at the golden era of the New Order (Orde Baru).


The term manunggal was then dubbed to the Army's initiative called AMD (ABRI Masuk Desa - loosely translated into: Armed Forces Develop Villages).

In the post-"Reformasi" of 1998, when the police force was separated from the ABRI, the program was renamed into TMMD (TNI Masuk Desa).

The term referred to by Ria, "Manunggal Sakato", emerged later, IMHO, some time after the year of 2000.

(See: Manunggal Sakato IX was in 2011, whilst Manunggal Sakato X was launched just last month: )

Considering the fact that manunggal was not a program name in 1991, but rather a kind of buzzword (that is, "ABRI manunggal dengan rakyat" - the Armed Forces is inseparable from the people), I proposed Army-sponsored to reflect this fact. In fact, most initiative, resources, money came from the Armed Forces - they just asked villagers to show that they were really "manunggal" with the people.

Note: Majority of the soldiers deployed were from the Army. The Navy were deployed to villages near beach, and the Air Force were far less utilized.

The below link may give more insight to this manunggal:

c. Tugas AMD dan AMR.


2. Dasar Surat Telegram Pangdam VI/Mlw No: STR/396/1990 tanggal 11 Juli 1990 tentang perintah BKO personel Denzipur 7 Dam VI/Tpr guna mendukung AMD manunggal ke XXXV (Tmt 10 Agustus s.d 2 September 1990), hasil yang dicapai :

a.Pembuatan jalan sepanjang 10 km lebar 6 meter.

Note added at 2 hrs (2012-11-02 07:41:46 GMT)


... they just asked people to take part to show that ....
Note from asker:
Thanks, Erich. The AMD program began in 1980; don't exactly know when the term 'manunggal' began to be applied to it, or how it is intertwined with Manunggal Sakato, but your explanation helps me to understand that the gotong-royong of the cerpen was a government/ABRI funded program involving the locals.
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42 mins

participates to mutual help unite

ikut = participate or join, gotong royong = mutual help, and manunggal = unite. The 'ikut' here is as verb, so I suggest by the term, "participates to mutual help unite."
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1 hr

is/participates in Manunggal community work

I suspect "manunggal" here does not have literal meaning.

Based on this site gotong royong in the local area is called Manunggal Sakato which clearly means cooperation in unity. So, I think manunggal as local title for gotong-royong shall remain as is.

In Java, gotong royong is called Gugur Gunung.
Example sentence:

Pemerintah bersama warga Kota Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) melaksanakan kerja bakti Manunggal Sakato VI sebagai satu upaya melestarikan adat budaya gotong royong di tengah masyarakat daerah ini yang telah ada secara turun temurun.

Manunggal Sakato adalah istilah lokal bagi gotong-royong di Nagari (Desa) Sungai Beringin, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat (Sumbar). Membangun rumah bagi warga miskin sangat berpotensi menggalang keakraban dan kerjasama antarwarga.

Note from asker:
Thank you, Ria. I'll do some research on that. Very helpful.
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1 hr

work hand in hand and blend into the community

In KBBI, manunggal means "menjadi satu dl sikap dan tingkah laku; luluh (bercampur, berpadu) sehingga tidak terpisahkan".

I think the use of 'manunggal' here functions to emphasize that the person works jointly and blends into the community. I also think we do not have to be too faithful here.
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