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Jan 2, 2011 09:29
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term


Italian to English Tech/Engineering Engineering: Industrial cooling systems
L’attivazione dei pannelli è realizzata con profili conduttori in alluminio di larghezza 120 mm e da tubi di rame di diametro 12 mm più curve presagomate a saldare, più tubi a saldare con boccole per innesto a flessibile; il tutto fissato ad opportuni traversi muniti di molla a spinta verso il basso, per l’aggancio rapido e sicuro agli omega esistenti.

I am wondering whether attivazione in this sense is interpreted as Implementation. any thoughts


agree with Jim, we shouldnt stick to the word activation itself but figure out the general sense, probably in italian it sounds ok, but activation in english... i doubt..
James (Jim) Davis Jan 3, 2011:
Same again the copper tubes and aluminium conductor, would seem to be the components of the panels themselves and he is being consistent in his (mis)use of the word Attivazione.
Being Earnest (asker) Jan 2, 2011:
I thought so until now L’attivazione dei pannelli radianti è costituita da tubi in rame UNI EN 1412 di sezione 12 mm, completi di profilo conduttore in alluminio da 80 mm di larghezza, estruso, anodizzato e opportunamente sagomato e adesivizzato al pannello in acciaio - just found this phrase so the "activation" bit has thrown me again
James (Jim) Davis Jan 2, 2011:
Implementation I would definitely interpret in this sense. In fact I would more or less ignore the word. "The panels consist of....

Proposed translations

5 mins


Solar panels activated at Freedom Field - Rockford, IL - Rockford ...

29 Jun 2010 ... Rockford Register Star - ROCKFORD — The first Rockford-made solar panels were put online Monday at Freedom Field, the county's alternative ...
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24 mins


I guess in this meaning the word /attivazione/ stands not for the process itself but for the system (as described) of actions to bring the panel to its activation. So I offer /launching/ or /triggering/ as a translation.
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1 hr


This is how I might put it
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1 hr

operation of the panels is supported by 120mm-wide conductor profiles and by 12mmØ copper pipes

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7 hrs


(Does NOT mean "activation" or "actuation".)
"The functioning of the panels is provided (or realized) by conductive aluminum profiles ..."
(This is just patent jargon.)
Okay alternative, less desirable because it drops the author's idea of the reason for the functionality: "The panels are comprised of: conductive aluminum profiles ... "
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