Translation glossary: Gladis General Fr En

Showing entries 1-50 of 66
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Aide-mémoirecheck-list, reminder 
French to English
French to English
augmentation de salairepay rise 
French to English
Avoir le cul entre deux chaisescaught between two stools 
French to English
à vos souhaitsbless you 
French to English
Ça va chier des bullesThe shit is going to hit the fan 
French to English
babyfootfoosball, table football 
French to English
French to English
French to English
blackoff the books 
French to English
French to English
cartonnerto ace, to do brilliantly, take the world by storm 
French to English
Casse-piedspain in the butt 
French to English
French to English
climAir con 
French to English
Cocotte-minutepressure cooker 
French to English
coup de foudrelove at first sight 
French to English
dépaysementa sense of alienation (disorientation) in a new environment, a change of scene 
French to English
de luxeluxurious 
French to English
Doudousecurity blanket 
French to English
dressingwalk-in closet 
French to English
French to English
French to English
Faire d'une pierre deux coupskill two birds with one stone 
French to English
Faire moitié-moitiésplit the bill 
French to English
Fermeture Eclairzipper 
French to English
French to English
flipperpinball machine 
French to English
French to English
Il y a une couille dans le potagewe have a problem 
French to English
jeté comme une vieille chaussettetossed out like an old shoe 
French to English
Jouer le chaud et le froidblowing hot and cold 
French to English
L’ésprit d’escalierfinding retorts too late 
French to English
le boxthe storage unit 
French to English
le drivethe drive-through service 
French to English
le pressingthe dry-cleaner 
French to English
les 36 du moisany day of the week that doesn't end in a Y 
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
Manger les pissenlits par la racinepushing up the daisies 
French to English
mauvais poilbad mood 
French to English
French to English
Noyer le poissonTo avoid the real issue 
French to English
partie des jambes en l’airhave a bonk 
French to English
Pâté de maisonsBlock of Houses 
French to English
poser un lapinstand someone up 
French to English
Quoi de neuf?What's up 
French to English
Rabat-joieparty pooper 
French to English
ras-le-bolhave enough of, be sick of 
French to English
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