Translation glossary: Climate change

Showing entries 301-350 of 399
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pleinement et effectivement mise en �uvrefully and effectively implemented 
French to English
plus diversifi� et plus s�r.more diverse and secure. 
French to English
plus en d�tailgreater depth 
French to English
French to English
porter les r�ductions � 25%achieve 25% reductions 
French to English
poursuivre les travaux en coursto proceed with the ongoing work 
French to English
French to English
pr�server les prairiesmaintain grasslands 
French to English
pr�te � fournirThe Commission is prepared to provide 
French to English
French to English
Priorit�s en mati�re d�infrastructures �nerg�tiques pour 2020 et au-del�Energy infrastructure priorities for 2020 and beyond 
French to English
problèmes de répartition de la main-d'œuvre qualifiée entre les filièresskills bottlenecks 
French to English
French to English
Programme de travail de la CommissionCommission Work Programme 
French to English
protoxyde d�azotenitrous oxide 
French to English
French to English
Résidentiel et tertiaire (CO2)Residential and services (CO2) 
French to English
redevances sur l'utilisation des infrastructuresinfrastructure charging 
French to English
French to English
R�duction des �missions de GES par rapport � 1990GHG reductions compared to 1990 
French to English
r�ductions dramatiquesdeep reductions 
French to English
R�ductions sectoriellesSectoral reductions 
French to English
r�duire l'�rosionreduce erosion 
French to English
r�duire les �missions mondiales de 50�% d�ici 2050.a global reduction in emissions 
French to English
renforcement de la r�silience des �cosyst�mesenhancing the resilience of ecosystems 
French to English
French to English
rentablecost efficient 
French to English
r�seaux intelligentssmart grids 
French to English
restaurer les zones humidesrestore wetlands 
French to English
rev�tent une importance capitaleare of paramount importance 
French to English
French to English
s'inscrit dans une strat�gie plus largeis an integral part of a wider strategy 
French to English
sans aucune �mission de carbonefully decarbonised 
French to English
Schéma directeur pour un réseau énergétique européen intégréA blueprint for an integrated European energy network 
French to English
se conformerto be in line with 
French to English
se fonder sur la feuille de routeuse this Roadmap as a basis 
French to English
se pencher sur le probl�mefor dealing with the issue 
French to English
French to English
sectorielsector specific 
French to English
sensiblement renforc�s.strengthened significantly 
French to English
French to English
ses �missions internesdomestic emissions 
French to English
ses performances environnementales et climatiques.its environmental and climate performance. 
French to English
ses strat�gies op�rationnelles et d�investissementits investment and operational strategies 
French to English
French to English
French to English
French to English
stimuler les n�gociations internationalesto stimulate international negotiations 
French to English
French to English
stratégie européenne et plan d’actionEuropean Strategy and Action plan 
French to English
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