Translation glossary: CS-EN (UK) miscellaneous

Showing entries 101-150 of 660
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Den vzniku funkce:Position assumed on: 
Czech to English
depka (deprese)depression 
Czech to English
derivatizační činidlo [gas chromatography]derivatising agent 
Czech to English   Engineering (general)
destilační 3hrdlá baňka3-neck distilling flask 
Czech to English   Engineering (general)
detektor diodového polediode-array detector, DAD 
Czech to English
difuzní denuder [environment]diffusion denuder 
Czech to English
disociační konstantdissociation constant 
Czech to English   Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
dle mého uváženíat my discretion; in my view, in my opinion 
Czech to English
dlouhodobé pohledávkylong-term receivables 
Czech to English   Accounting
dlouhodobý nehmotný a hmotný majetektangible and intangible fixed assets 
Czech to English   Accounting
do dvou týdnů powithin two weeks of, no later than two weeks after 
Czech to English
doba odpisovánídepreciation period 
Czech to English   Accounting
dobrovolné zrušenívoluntary winding-up 
Czech to English
dodatečněadditionally, in addition; subsequently, afterwards 
Czech to English
dohadné účty pasivníestimated accounts payable 
Czech to English   Accounting
dohledané informaceretrieved information, traced information 
Czech to English
dojednánícompletion of talks, (process of reaching) agreement 
Czech to English
doprodejclearance sale, sale of remaining stocks 
Czech to English
doručovací adresadelivery address, postal address; address for service 
Czech to English
dostanete zaplacenoyou will be paid, you get paid 
Czech to English
dostat doživotíget life (imprisonment) 
Czech to English
dostavbacompletion (of building) 
Czech to English   Construction / Civil Engineering
dvojalbumdouble album 
Czech to English
dvojmocné železobivalent iron, ferrous iron 
Czech to English   Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
dvouvýběrový Wilcoxonův test (Mannův-Whitneyův U test) [statistics]Wilcoxon rank sum test 
Czech to English   Mathematics & Statistics
ekonomicky uvažujícíeconomically minded, economy-minded 
Czech to English
elektromobilelectric car 
Czech to English   Automotive / Cars & Trucks
emisní ážioshare premium, capital surplus 
Czech to English
Czech to English
energie klíčenígermination energy 
Czech to English   Agriculture
ES prohlášení o shoděEC declaration of conformity 
Czech to English
eseróčko, company, Ltd, LLC 
Czech to English
Evropský průkaz zdravotního pojištěníEuropean Health Insurance Card (EHIC) 
Czech to English
exekuční titulexecutory title, enforceable title 
Czech to English
extrakční celaextraction cell 
Czech to English   Environment & Ecology
fúze sloučenímmerger by acquisition 
Czech to English   Business/Commerce (general)
Czech to English   Architecture
film je namluventhe film is dubbed 
Czech to English
film vznikl za přispěníthis film was created with a contribution from 
Czech to English
finanční výkazfinancial statement 
Czech to English   Accounting
fix, fixkafelt-tip pen, marker 
Czech to English
fotosky(film) stills 
Greek to English
fotovoltaikasolar power, solar energy, photovoltaics 
Czech to English
fugát (kalová voda)sludge liquor, supernatant liquor 
Czech to English
gaučový povalečcouch potato 
Czech to English
gradovatbuild up, escalate 
Czech to English
grafické listyprints, art prints 
Czech to English   Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
háelpéčko (hluboký lidský příběh)human drama, strong/compelling human-interest story 
Czech to English
hafo, hafola lot, loads of 
Czech to English
hlavní výdělečná činnost [cash flow summary]main revenue-producing activity 
Czech to English   Accounting
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