Translation glossary: general

Showing entries 1-20 of 20
day-by-day business communicationcomunicazioni di lavoro giornaliere 
English to Italian
di immaginepublic relations (about) 
Italian to English
DVD booklet pockettasca, scomparto per custodia libretto del DVD 
English to Italian
go the distancePlease make remittance to 
English to Italian
go the distancefino in fondo, a destinazione., alla meta 
English to Italian
hand-line (in contesto)fissare una corda (pompieri) 
English to Italian
in the frost regionzona soggetta a congelamento 
English to Italian
Long. 30°W to Long. 40°E, Lat. 31°N to Lat. 71°Nda long. 30° Ovest a long. 40°Est, da lat. 31°Nord a lat. 71°Nord 
English to Italian
loop (contesto!)occhiello 
English to Italian
mandrappacover, cape, rag 
Italian to English
Orkney patternDisegno Orkney 
English to Italian
politiche di tutela e valorizzazioneexpert in policies for the protection and promotion of.... 
Italian to English
prebollepicking list - packing list - shipping list 
Italian to English
relazione di approfondimentoin depth report 
Italian to English
sfilando il coppopulling out the cover 
Italian to English
tempo childrenlavoratori temporanei (ragazzi) 
English to Italian
the links of his fettersdalle maglie delle sue catene 
English to Italian
the substrate, adhesive and foil sandwichil sandwich formato dal sottostrato, adesivo e stagnola deve essere 
English to Italian
Tread-in standpaletto di appoggio (spinto col piede) 
English to Italian
working fire(place)camino funzionante 
English to Italian
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