Translation glossary: French-English general glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 334
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"au fil de l'eau"along the waterside 
French to English
"qu'il pourra face"/let if/love do its worstsee this site with the translation 
French to English
(conduire) une politique de conventionnementa policy of agreement/partnership agreement 
French to English
(ne pas) craindrenot to hesitate to; proceed to (e.g. "xxx ne craint pas de solliciter la nullité de l'acte...") 
French to English presente a la clinique d'intimégoes to the respondent's/appellee's clinic 
French to English
3-D P-wave velocity modelmodele tridimensionnel de vitesse de l'onde P/structure de vitesse tridimensionnelle des ondes P 
English to French
3A ENThird Year: Electronics and Signal Processing 
French to English
A partir d'un lingot d'etainusing a pewter ingot 
French to English Middle (ca.1100-1500)
French to English
abolition du discernementabolition of moral discernment 
French to English
accidentellesaccident conditions 
French to English
accompagnement de l’innovationThe way forward to accompany [industry-led] innovation/how to accompany [industry-led] innovation/ 
French to English
addition-curing siliconesilicone par addition 
English to French
French to English
administration provisoireprovisional administration 
French to English
Adminstration d'une offre de stageManaging a placement offer 
French to English
affaires emblématiqueshigh-profile businesses 
French to English
French to English
aguille de bifurcationbranch line points/switches/switch points 
French to English
French to English
Alpha-Dot kitsysteme de sécurité ALPHADOT 
English to French
aménagement de haute chuteHigh head hydroelectric plant 
French to English
French to English
anti-échappementnon-disembarkation/prevention of disembarking 
French to English
appel de bobinessurge from coils/coil surge 
French to English
applies-to-applesa pied d'égalité 
English to French
après le siège des parlementairesafter the siege by parliamentarians 
French to English
après majoration et bonificationafter overtime/increased payments and premiums 
French to English
arboresencetree structure 
French to English
arret N. c.judgment/case of N versus 
French to English
assiette des pénalitésbasis for calculating penalties/penalty calculation basis 
French to English
à l'étoufféeunder cover 
French to English
éléments constitutifs d'unités d'enseignementcomponent parts of teaching units/teaching unit component parts 
French to English
épreuve chromogène contrecolléeChromogenic print photograph mounted [on aluminum ] 
French to English
French to English
étude, conception, mise au pointresearch, design and development 
French to English
événement à l’origine de cet avisreason for notification/notice/opinion 
French to English
BAESFire alarm/emergency lighting systems 
French to English
BAJANTE LATERALside downpipe/lateral downpipe 
Spanish to English
bands d'emprise des collectes gazrights of way routes for gas collections 
French to English
base lavantecleansing base 
French to English
baseline pressurepression de base 
English to French
bassin d’oragestorm-water basin 
French to English
French to English
bâtiment de réactifsreagents storage facility 
French to English
blast patternplan de tir 
English to French
Boîte sérigraphiescreen printed box 
French to English
boucle de poursuitetracking loop 
French to English
bride cicatricielle rétractileretractile scar band 
French to English
Cahiers de notes documentairesCahiers de notes documentaires (Occupational Health and Safety periodicals) 
French to English
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