Translation glossary: Business & Commerce

Showing entries 401-450 of 461
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p�riode nf (Finance)~ de gr�ce tax holiday; 
French to English
p�riode nf (Finance)~ de recouvrement collection period; 
French to English
perso (Internet)page ~ home page 
French to English
phare adj (Commerce etc)" leading, flagship product" 
French to English
pièce nf (Commerce)" article, item" 
French to English
PIB nm (Finance)" gross domestic product, GDP" 
French to English
placement nm (Finance)investment 
French to English
plage nf (Finance)~ de taux rate band 
French to English
portail nm (Internet)portal 
French to English
pr�nom nm (Administration)" forename, first name, Christian name, " 
French to English
prix nm (Stock Exchange)~ vendeur offer price 
French to English
produit nm (Finance)" product, profit" 
French to English
protection nf (Administration)~ sociale social welfare 
French to English
pseudo nm (Internet)" user name, login name" 
French to English
rappel nm (Commerce)" recall, callback (of goods)" 
French to English
rappel nm (Finance)calling in (of money due) 
French to English
rappel nm (Finance)~ (de salaire) back pay 
French to English
rappel nm (Marketing)follow-up (call) 
French to English
rappeler vt (Commerce)" to recall, call back faulty goods" 
French to English
réductible a (Finance)(souscription) à titre ~ (application) for excess shares 
French to English
réseau nm (Commerce)~ commercial sales network; 
French to English
réseau nm (Commerce)~ de distribution distribution network 
French to English
r�gent nm (Administration)director 
French to English
requalifier vt (Administration)to reclassify a contract 
French to English
revolving ai (Finance)revolving credit 
French to English
rompu nm (Finance)odd lot 
French to English
rural adj (Administration)rural 
French to English
sacrifi� a (Commerce)" articles ~s give-away bargains, items at knockdown or rock-bottom prices" 
French to English
sans p (Administration)~ domicile fixe of no fixed abode 
French to English
SAV nm (Commerce)after-sales service 
French to English
secteur nm (Commerce)~ du marché market sector 
French to English
service nm (Commerce)" service, service charge" 
French to English
solde nm (Commerce)" sale item, item in the sale" 
French to English
solvabilit� nf (Finance)solvency 
French to English
solvable a (Finance)" solvent, creditworthy" 
French to English
sous-marque nf (Marketing)sister brand 
French to English
souscription nf (Finance)" subscription, application" 
French to English
spin-off nf (Business)spin-off 
French to English
start-up nm (Business)start-up company 
French to English
sus d (Administration)en ~ in addition 
French to English
suscription nf (Administration)address 
French to English
syndication nf (Finance)syndication 
French to English
syndiqu� a (Finance)syndicate 
French to English
tableau nm (Commerce)management control data 
French to English
tableau nm (Commerce)~ d'avancement de commandes order flowchart; 
French to English
tableau nm (Commerce)" ~ de service duty rota, duty roster" 
French to English
tableau nm (Finance)~ de financement cashflow statement; 
French to English
tableau nm (Finance)~ de roulement statement of changes in working capital; 
French to English
titre nm (Finance)security 
French to English
train nm (Administration etc)batch of reforms 
French to English
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