Translation glossary: Pedagogy

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A educação é um processo deliberado de elaboração da aprendizagem (educere), de encorajar e dar tempo à descoberta.Education is a deliberate process of drawing out learning (educere), of encouraging and giving time to discovery. 
Portuguese to English
a educação está enraizada na natureza humanaeducation is rooted in human nature 
Portuguese to English
A pedagógia, amelyet leggyakrabban a tanítás megközelítéseként értelmeznek, a tanulás elmélete és gyakorlata, valamint az, hogy ez a folyamat hogyan befolyásolja és befolyásolja a tanulók társadalmi, politikai és pszichológiai fejlődését.Pedagogy, most commonly understood as the approach to teaching, is the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences, and is influenced by, the social, political and psychological development of learners. 
Hungarian to English
A pedagogia é muitas vezes, erradamente, vista como \"a arte e a ciência do ensino\".Pedagogy is often, wrongly, seen as ‘the art and science of teaching’. 
Portuguese to English
A pedagogia, mais comumente entendida como a abordagem ao ensino, é a teoria e a prática da aprendizagem, e como este processo influencia, e é influenciado pelo desenvolvimento social, político e psicológico dos alunos.Pedagogy, most commonly understood as the approach to teaching, is the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences, and is influenced by, the social, political and psychological development of learners. 
Portuguese to English
Aftur á móti, til að kalla okkur \"kennara\" þurfum við að horfa til þess að starfa með fólki frekar á þeim.In contrast, to call ourselves ‘educators’ we need to look to acting with people rather on them. 
Icelandic to English
Al contrario, per definirci \"educatori\" dobbiamo guardare ad agire con le persone piuttosto che su di loro.In contrast, to call ourselves ‘educators’ we need to look to acting with people rather on them. 
Italian to English
Algeng leið til að nálgast kennslufræði er sem list og vísindi kennslu.A common way of approaching pedagogy is as the art and science of teaching. 
Icelandic to English
All\'interno dell\'antica società greca, c\'era una forte distinzione tra le attività dei pedagoghi e degli insegnanti di materia.Within ancient Greek society, there was a strong distinction between the activities of pedagogues and subject teachers. 
Italian to English
Als solche ist Bildung eine zutiefst praktische Aktivität – etwas, das wir für uns selbst tun können.As such education is a deeply practical activity – something that we can do for ourselves 
German to English
Als zodanig is onderwijs een zeer praktische activiteit - iets dat we voor onszelf kunnen doenAs such education is a deeply practical activity – something that we can do for ourselves 
Dutch to English
Aquí sugerimos que una buena manera de explorar la pedagogía es como el proceso de acompañar a los estudiantes; cuidar de ellos y sobre ellos; y dar vida al aprendizaje.Here we suggest that a good way of exploring pedagogy is as the process of accompanying learners; caring for and about them; and bringing learning into life. 
Spanish to English
Aqui sugerimos que uma boa maneira de explorar a pedagogia é como o processo de acompanhamento dos alunos; cuidar e sobre eles; e trazer a aprendizagem à vida.Here we suggest that a good way of exploring pedagogy is as the process of accompanying learners; caring for and about them; and bringing learning into life. 
Portuguese to English
As crianças eram muitas vezes colocadas no seu comando por volta dos 7 anos e permaneceram com elas até à adolescência tardia.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Portuguese to English
Útbúgving er ein væl umhugsað tilgongd av tekningum at læra (educere), av eggja og geva tíð til at discovery.Education is a deliberate process of drawing out learning (educere), of encouraging and giving time to discovery. 
Faroese to English
French to English
Italian to English
Portuguese to English
Spanish to English
Az ókori görög társadalomban erős különbség volt a pedagógusok és a tantárgyi tanárok tevékenysége között.Within ancient Greek society, there was a strong distinction between the activities of pedagogues and subject teachers. 
Hungarian to English
Şeýle bilim çuňňur peýdaly işdir. Biz muny özümiz edip bilerisAs such education is a deeply practical activity – something that we can do for ourselves 
Turkmen to English
Á undanförnum árum hefur áhugi aukist á \"kennslufræði\" innan enskumælandi umræðna um menntun.In recent years interest has grown in ‘pedagogy’ within English-language discussions of education. 
Icelandic to English
Í contrast, fyri at ringja til okkum sjálvar/sjálvar/sjálv, mugu vit síggja út til at hyggja at fólki heldur á teimum.In contrast, to call ourselves ‘educators’ we need to look to acting with people rather on them. 
Faroese to English
Í forngrísku samfélagi var gerður mikill greinarmunur á starfsemi uppeldisfræðinga og námsgreinakennara.Within ancient Greek society, there was a strong distinction between the activities of pedagogues and subject teachers. 
Icelandic to English
Í recent ár er vaksin í \'pedagogy\' við enskum kjakum av útbúgving.In recent years interest has grown in ‘pedagogy’ within English-language discussions of education. 
Faroese to English
პედაგოგების როლები და ურთიერთობებიThe roles and relationships of pedagogues 
Georgian to English
განათლება დაფუძნებულია ადამიანის ბუნებაშიeducation is rooted in human nature 
Georgian to English
Çagalary köplenç 7 ýyla golaý öz gözegçiligine alyp, ýetginjeklik ýaşyna ýetýänçä ýanynda galýardylar.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Turkmen to English
Çocuklar genellikle yaklaşık 7 yaşında sorumluluklarına alındı ve geç ergenliğe kadar onlarla birlikte kaldı.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Turkish to English
Barn ble ofte satt i deres ansvar på rundt 7 år og forble hos dem til slutten av ungdomsårene.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Norwegian (Bokmal) to English
Barn sattes ofta i sitt ansvar vid cirka 7 år och stannade hos dem till sena tonåren.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Swedish to English
Börn voru oft sett í umsjá þeirra í kringum 7 ár og voru hjá þeim fram undir lok unglingsára.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Icelandic to English
Børn blev ofte sat i deres ansvar omkring 7 år og forblev hos dem indtil sene ungdomsår.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Danish to English
Børn vóru ofta sett í teirra ábyrgd um 7 ár og vórðu verandi hjá teimum til seint.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Faroese to English
Beaucoup pensent à des endroits comme les écoles ou les collèges lorsqu’ils voient ou entendent le mot.Many think of places like schools or colleges when seeing or hearing the word. 
French to English
Bildung ist ein bewusster Prozess des Lernens (educere), des Ermutigens und des Gebens von Zeit für Entdeckungen.Education is a deliberate process of drawing out learning (educere), of encouraging and giving time to discovery. 
German to English
Bildung ist in der menschlichen Natur verwurzelteducation is rooted in human nature 
German to English
Binnen de oude Griekse samenleving was er een sterk onderscheid tussen de activiteiten van pedagogen en vakdocenten.Within ancient Greek society, there was a strong distinction between the activities of pedagogues and subject teachers. 
Dutch to English
Bu tür bir eğitim son derece pratik bir faaliyettir - kendimiz için yapabileceğimiz bir şeydir.As such education is a deeply practical activity – something that we can do for ourselves 
Turkish to English
Bunu örnek, konuşma ve disiplinin bir kombinasyonu ile yaptılar.This they did by a combination of example, conversation and disciplining. 
Turkish to English
Burada, pedagojiyi keşfetmenin iyi bir yolunun, öğrencilere eşlik etme süreci olduğunu öneriyoruz; onları önemsemek ve onlarla ilgilenmek; ve öğrenmeyi hayata geçirmek.Here we suggest that a good way of exploring pedagogy is as the process of accompanying learners; caring for and about them; and bringing learning into life. 
Turkish to English
Come vedremo, vedere la pedagogia in questo modo non riesce a onorare l\'esperienza storica e a collegare aree cruciali della teoria e della pratica.As we will see, viewing pedagogy in this way both fails to honour the historical experience, and to connect crucial areas of theory and practice. 
Italian to English
Comme nous le verrons, considérer la pédagogie de cette manière échoue à la fois à honorer l’expérience historique et à relier les domaines cruciaux de la théorie et de la pratique.As we will see, viewing pedagogy in this way both fails to honour the historical experience, and to connect crucial areas of theory and practice. 
French to English
Como tal, a educação é uma atividade profundamente prática – algo que podemos fazer por nós mesmosAs such education is a deeply practical activity – something that we can do for ourselves 
Portuguese to English
Como tal, la educación es una actividad profundamente práctica, algo que podemos hacer por nosotros mismos.As such education is a deeply practical activity – something that we can do for ourselves 
Spanish to English
Como veremos, ver a pedagogia desta forma não honra a experiência histórica, e ligar áreas cruciais da teoria e da prática.As we will see, viewing pedagogy in this way both fails to honour the historical experience, and to connect crucial areas of theory and practice. 
Portuguese to English
Como veremos, ver la pedagogía de esta manera no honra la experiencia histórica y conecta áreas cruciales de la teoría y la práctica.As we will see, viewing pedagogy in this way both fails to honour the historical experience, and to connect crucial areas of theory and practice. 
Spanish to English
Dans la société grecque antique, il y avait une forte distinction entre les activités des pédagogues et des enseignants de matières.Within ancient Greek society, there was a strong distinction between the activities of pedagogues and subject teachers. 
French to English
Děti byly často svěřeny do péče kolem 7 let a zůstaly s nimi až do pozdního dospívání.Children were often put in their charge at around 7 years and remained with them until late adolescence. 
Czech to English
De kan också titta på särskilda jobb som lärare eller handledare.They might also look to particular jobs like teacher or tutor. 
Swedish to English
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