Translation glossary: Business/Management

Showing entries 1-23 of 23
bank transfervirement bancaire 
English to French
bank wire transfer, bank/wire transfertransfert bancaire (électronique) 
English to French
competitive edgeavantage, atout concurrentiel 
English to French
Employer's Work RulesRéglement Intérieur de l'Employeur 
English to French
First Source OpinionsAnalisi/Valutazioni di Prima Mano 
English to Italian
English to French
item codecode d'article 
English to French
item datadonnées de l'article 
English to French
item master recordfiche descriptive d'un article 
English to French
item numbercode d'article 
English to French
item recordfiche descriptive d'un article 
English to French
mark-up/markupmajoration (de prix) ou marge (sur coût d'achat) 
English to French
mergerfusion, fusion-absorption 
English to French
part master recordfiche descriptive d'un article 
English to French
part numbercode d'article 
English to French
part recordfiche descriptive d'un article 
English to French
price return (stock price return)rendement du cours (de l'action) 
English to French
product numbercode d'article 
English to French
stock codecode d'article 
English to French
stock numbercode d'article 
English to French
supply chainchaîne logistique 
English to French
swapswap, échange (financier) 
English to French
total return swapswap sur rendement total 
English to French
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