Archived polls

5890 polls, displaying 5701 through 5750
Some outsourcers use test translations in their translator qualification process. Is this wise?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 18, 2006
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How old are you?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 17, 2006
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Do you work on Sundays?
By Patricia Torres - featured on Jan 16, 2006
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Which is more challenging for you overall, translating or interpreting?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 15, 2006
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When it comes to your language work, are you primarily a translator or an interpreter?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 14, 2006
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How many hours of television do you watch per day (on average)?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 13, 2006
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How many books do you read per month, for pleasure?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 11, 2006
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Active KudoZ answerers: have you passed / received work to/from professionals met via KudoZ?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 10, 2006
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Do you sometimes indulge in unprofitable but interesting jobs for the sheer fun of it?
By heikeb - featured on Jan 9, 2006
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What kind of translation project do you most prefer?
By Monika Coulson - featured on Jan 8, 2006
Weekly projects (up to 15,000 words) 53.7%
Daily, short projects (up to 2,000 words) 24.3%
Monthly projects (up to 100,000 words) 11.6%
Longer term projects (>100,000 words) 10.3%
774 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If it were possible for to set a minimum rate for you and others--should it do so?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 7, 2006
Yes 49.3%
No 29.6%
Not sure 21.1%
871 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Is it possible for to control minimum rates?
By Alicia Casal - featured on Jan 6, 2006
No 67.4%
Yes 32.6%
840 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you keep a record of daily production when working on a large job?
By Muriel Vasconcellos - featured on Jan 5, 2006
Yes 59.3%
No 40.7%
892 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you feel threatened by machine translation software?
By Ángela María Gómez - featured on Jan 4, 2006
No 87.4%
Yes 12.6%
1008 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Will you make a New Year's resolution (or resolutions)?
By Lydia Molea - featured on Jan 3, 2006
No 54.1%
Yes 45.9%
966 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your income goes in taxes?
By Cecilia Civetta - featured on Jan 1, 2006
20-40% 40.9%
10-20% 30.5%
<20 28.7%
164 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Will you set an income target for your translation or interpreting work in '06?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 30, 2005
No 58.2%
Yes 41.8%
687 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you opened a bank account in another country in order to be paid in another currency?
By Stephen Rifkind - featured on Dec 29, 2005
No 79.3%
Yes 20.7%
922 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever been a teacher?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 28, 2005
Yes 67.5%
No 32.5%
1037 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How did you spend December 25?
By Nina Khmielnitzky - featured on Dec 27, 2005
At home with family 66.4%
Visiting others 13.5%
Working 11.0%
Other 9.1%
779 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you make regular use of speech recognition software in your work?
By Mariana Idiart - featured on Dec 26, 2005
No; I've not tried it. 59.2%
What is speech recognition? 12.0%
No; I've tried it and it does not help me. 9.8%
It is not available in my language(s). 6.2%
N/A 5.5%
Yes; it helps a bit. 3.8%
Yes; it helps a lot. 3.4%
885 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At peak speed and without a CAT tool, how many source words can you translate in 1 hour?
By Lingua Port - featured on Dec 23, 2005
300-500 39.7%
500-750 22.5%
<300 16.1%
750-1000 12.6%
1000-1500 5.9%
>2000 1.8%
1500-2000 1.5%
796 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At what age are you planning to retire?
By Nikki Graham - featured on Dec 22, 2005
Never! 39.9%
61-65 18.9%
66-70 12.4%
56-60 10.1%
>70 7.8%
50-55 5.8%
<50 5.1%
914 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your translation income goes in taxes?
By Cecilia Civetta - featured on Dec 21, 2005
<10% 28.4%
10-20% 26.9%
21-30% 20.7%
31-40% 12.0%
41-50% 6.9%
>50% 5.1%
825 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the highest rate (per word, USD) you were ever paid?
By Ziad Marzouka - featured on Dec 20, 2005
<0.08 19.2%
>0.18 17.8%
0.10-0.12 16.6%
0.08-0.10 16.2%
0.12-0.14 13.4%
0.14-0.16 10.6%
0.16-0.18 6.2%
989 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you send holiday greeting cards or presents to your clients?
By Linda Gaus - featured on Dec 19, 2005
No 53.9%
Yes - to some of them 32.7%
Yes - to all of them 13.4%
768 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have the quick polls changed your business conduct?
By Marion Schimmelpfennig - featured on Dec 18, 2005
No 88.3%
Yes 11.7%
673 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you intend to use the new Project History function?
By Mihai Badea (X) - featured on Dec 17, 2005
I don't know what it is 39.3%
Maybe 26.6%
No 15.4%
Yes 13.5%
I already have 5.1%
1131 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Who are the most problematic payers according to your personal statistics?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 12, 2005
Small translation companies 41.9%
Big translation companiies 22.3%
End-clients 15.9%
Other (please specify) 11.4%
Colleagues 8.4%
596 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The project you are working on most right now came from what type of client?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 11, 2005
Small translation company 31.9%
Large translation company 27.6%
End-client 21.9%
I do not have any projects right now 16.6%
Non-profit 2.0%
711 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What subject area are you translating in right now?
By Fred Neild (X) - featured on Dec 10, 2005
Tech / Engineering 34.2%
Other 13.7%
Law / Patents 12.8%
Bus / Financial 10.3%
Medical 8.6%
Marketing 8.2%
Art / Literary 5.9%
Social sciences 4.1%
Science 2.1%
851 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many Kudoz points do you have?
By Ziad Marzouka - featured on Dec 9, 2005
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Are you the main breadwinner of your household?
By Ramona Ali - featured on Dec 9, 2005
Yes 31.5%
No 28.0%
Financial responsibilities are shared evenly 23.5%
I have a one-person household 17.0%
896 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How does your workload in 2005 compare to your workload in 2004?
By Cecilia Civetta - featured on Dec 8, 2005
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Do you invest your savings from translation income?
By Orla Ryan - featured on Dec 7, 2005
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Should ongoing education be required of certified translators / interpreters?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 6, 2005
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Would you like your children to consider translation as a career?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 5, 2005
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Have you ever happened to get the same text for translation twice?
By Maciej Andrzejczak - featured on Dec 4, 2005
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Are you in the process of raising your rates?
By Anabel Martínez - featured on Dec 3, 2005
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On what percentage of your jobs do clients provide glossaries?
By humbird - featured on Dec 2, 2005
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Have you ever tweaked your CV/profile to better show that you meet a client's requirements?
By Alicja Weikop - featured on Dec 1, 2005
Yes, rarely 29.1%
No, I choose not to 28.4%
No, I never thought of it 23.6%
Yes, often 18.9%
838 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your level of use of CAT tools?
By Elías Sauza - featured on Nov 29, 2005
Middle 26.1%
I don't use any CAT tool 25.7%
Beginner 20.7%
Advanced 20.4%
Expert 7.0%
1228 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Non-platinum members: Why aren't you Platinum?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 25, 2005
Don't think it's necessary 31.8%
Can't afford it 30.2%
Will go Platinum soon 20.3%
What is Platinum? 9.7%
Haven't thought about it yet 8.0%
497 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Translators resident in the EU: do you have a VAT number?
By Chiara Santoriello - featured on Nov 24, 2005
I have 51.7%
I don't have 48.3%
773 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you think you will be doing for a living in 10 years' time?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 23, 2005
Translating, probably 39.7%
Translating, certainly 35.6%
Not sure 13.0%
Doing something other than translating 9.8%
I'll be retired 1.9%
941 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you attend a Conference held in the USA?
By Monika Coulson - featured on Nov 22, 2005
No. 59.9%
I would try. 19.4%
Not sure. 14.0%
Yes, definitely 6.8%
222 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are there any other translators in your family?
By Paula Gayol - featured on Nov 22, 2005
No, I am the only one 76.5%
Yes, my partner 11.4%
Yes, a distant relative 7.0%
Yes, one of my parents (or both) 3.8%
Yes, one of my children (or more) 1.3%
612 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which do you meet more via new clients or new friends ?
By Roberta Anderson - featured on Nov 20, 2005
New clients 39.5%
New friends 26.5%
Neither 19.7%
Unable to quantify 14.3%
741 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you overshoot your deadline?
By Larry Salas - featured on Nov 19, 2005
Never 65.5%
<10% of the time 28.8%
10-20% of the time 3.6%
>20% of the time 2.0%
830 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you do when you have excess work?
By Elías Sauza - featured on Nov 18, 2005
I reject new offers 49.0%
I have not been in that situation 21.1%
I subcontract for a lower rate 18.5%
I subcontract for the original rate 11.5%
817 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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5890 polls, displaying 5701 through 5750