Rates for single-stage transcription services
Thread poster: Noelia Hubert
Noelia Hubert
Noelia Hubert
United Kingdom
English to Spanish
Jul 25, 2022

Hi everyone,

I've received a couple of requests from some LSPs to provide single-stage transcription services, which I wasn't familiar with.

Basically, it involves translating audio or video content directly into another language in the written form (I'm guessing that to cut costs).

Does anyone know what the standard rates are for this type of service?

Thank you very much for your help.


Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:33
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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@Noelia Jul 25, 2022

This might be useful: https://www.proz.com/forum/money_matters/335761-how_much_should_i_charge_for_transcriptiontranslation.html

Barbara Carrara
Noelia Hubert
Barbara Carrara
Barbara Carrara  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
Member (2008)
English to Italian
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Calling a spade a spade Jul 25, 2022

Agree with Teresa and what's been written in the linked thread.


Using a ludicrous moniker like 'single-stage transcription' (are your contacts from the US, by any chance?), is just another way to fool you into believing that it is perfectly all right to complete what's in fact a 'two-stage assignment, including a) monolingual transcription and b) translation into your native language'. Fee-wise, I bet that would be calculated on the latter only and maybe with a prior flat-rate agreement as the cherry on the cake, which would no doubt turn out to be a nightmare, time- and ultimately money-wise.
And once you'll realise that you would be working your socks off for a pittance, there is no way you will be in a position to renegotiate a very - very - bad deal.
Just think about it - would you call that a service (from your potential agency client's perspective), or a disservice (from your own perspective)?
Hardly a hard call, wouldn't you say?

Peter Shortall
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Noelia Hubert
Korana Lasić
Korana Lasić  Identity Verified
Serbian to English
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Welcome (back) to proz.com, Noelia :) Jul 25, 2022

Have you tried the "single-stage transcription" yet? What do you think of the results?

I work as both an interpreter and a translator. Like everyone before me said, what they're asking you to do isn't a legitimate service to ask for or offer. Interpreting is in every way different to translation. The very aim isn't to produce a good translation but to convey the meaning accurately enough to provide good communication between the audience who will listen to the target and the speaker
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Have you tried the "single-stage transcription" yet? What do you think of the results?

I work as both an interpreter and a translator. Like everyone before me said, what they're asking you to do isn't a legitimate service to ask for or offer. Interpreting is in every way different to translation. The very aim isn't to produce a good translation but to convey the meaning accurately enough to provide good communication between the audience who will listen to the target and the speaker who is speaking in the source language. Translation is all about nuance and taking the time to perfect the text and interpretation is about honing a skill to very quickly convey the gist of what is being said, as accurately as possible, so the communication is flawless.

If you attempt to write interpretation down you will get something that isn't an accurate transcript or an accurate translation.

What needs to be done is to transcribe the videos and then translate the transcript. Transcription does not require as many skills as translation and can be done by anyone who speaks the language of the video content well enough with basic grammar skills, so it's usually paid much less than translation. For this reason, what people I work with do is provide the transcripts and pay my translation rate. For best results I also get the videos but I watch them once at 1.25-1.5 or even 1.75 speed to make sure I understand the context properly.  

I've no idea how much I would be able to get, given the fact that any secondary school pupil or university student native can do a great job transcribing, but I would not transcribe anything for less than my per hour editing rate. So, the hours I've spent transcribing times my per hour editing rate. Then I would translate the transcript applying my usual translation rate.

If for some reason I cannot imagine right now, they still want you to simply write down your interpretation of the video content, you should charge them per interpretation hour. My interpretation hour is 60 GBP and I would call myself a budget interpreter since people who only do interpretation, and therefore are far more experienced at it than I am, charge 100-150 an hour. You can find the details by looking for interpreters on proz.com 

What you should do is ignore that agency, but if you still want to try and work for them they need to pay either per interpretation hour (you write down the gist of the videos content), or per editing hour + your normal translation rate (you produce a proper translation).

There are still many great translation agencies out there that are worth collaborating with and then there are also people whose emails is best to just ignore. Please do not sell yourself short thinking that every agency will be as bad as the lower end ones.

Noelia Hubert
Noelia Hubert
Noelia Hubert
United Kingdom
English to Spanish
Thank you everyone for clearing my doubts. 😊 Jul 27, 2022

I thought the whole idea behind this was a bit dodgy, but I wanted to give the recruiter the benefit of the doubt. (My bad!)

Thank you everyone for your comments.

Take care. 😊


Korana Lasić
Barbara Carrara
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Korana Lasić
Korana Lasić  Identity Verified
Serbian to English
+ ...
No worries, darling Jul 27, 2022

Noelia Hubert wrote:

I thought the whole idea behind this was a bit dodgy, but I wanted to give the recruiter the benefit of the doubt. (My bad!)

Thank you everyone for your comments.

Take care. 😊


No harm in having an open mind. There's even no reason not to give them exactly the service they want, if they pay you well. So, you can always use lower-end agencies to practice your negotiation skills. You ask for a good rate knowing that if they say no, you didn't lose much as they aren't the best agency anyway or at least cannot afford you, and if they say yes, you've got yourself some paid work.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:33
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Thank you! Jul 28, 2022

Noelia Hubert wrote:

Thank you everyone for your comments.

Take care. 😊


Thank you for taking the time to thank us! There are so many posters here who start a thread asking for help and then vanish into thin air after getting what they wanted that I must congratulate you for taking the time to thank us.

Peter Shortall
Noelia Hubert
Barbara Carrara
Christel Zipfel
Josephine Cassar

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Rates for single-stage transcription services

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