Need Japanese-English technical dictionary (on-line or download)
Thread poster: Natalya Zelikova
Natalya Zelikova
Natalya Zelikova  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:19
English to Russian
+ ...
Apr 14, 2003

Please advise me on where I could find good Jap-Eng technical terms and abbreviations dictionary (more precisely - optic sensors). On-line one or for downloading.

Thanks in advance,

Natalya Zelikova
Natalya Zelikova  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:19
English to Russian
+ ...
addition Apr 14, 2003

... and Rus/Eng - Jap dictionaries, please

Matthew Kinnersly
Matthew Kinnersly  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:19
Japanese to English Apr 15, 2003

The above site is full of dictionary and glossary resources, including many that you can download. Take a look. I don\'t know how much use it will be for Russian, but it\'s good for J>E.


Onesime Tamoh Gounoue
Onesime Tamoh Gounoue
Local time: 02:19
English to French
Jap-eng dictionnaries Apr 15, 2003

Try these links:

Natalya Zelikova
Natalya Zelikova  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:19
English to Russian
+ ...
Thanks to you both! Apr 19, 2003

These resources are really helpfull.


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Need Japanese-English technical dictionary (on-line or download)

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