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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translators' Stammtisch - January 2008

January 24, 2008, 8:00 pm
United KingdomEdinburghIn personEnglish

Second anniversary of our Stammtisch!

Monthly informal meeting of translators and interpreters from Edinburgh and surrounding areas. All welcome – whether you are here on holiday/business or live in Scotland all year round. Since this is our second anniversary, I hope to see as many people there as possible! Please note that the Stammtisch has been moved from Wednesday to Thursday, so from now on we will meet every fourth Thursday a month.

where: The Cumberland Bar, 1-3 Cumberland Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH3 6RT
when: 8 pm

If this is your first time, please ask the bar staff for the "translators meeting". There's a table booked for us.

If you need accommodation:

The Edinburgh Central hostel run by the Scottish Youth Hostel Association (SYHA) is a modern hostel about 10 minutes' walk from the pub where we meet.

Identity verification:

If you are not VIDed yet, you can get your identity verified at the powwow. Please make sure you bring some sort of picture ID and that you show your real name on ProZ. More info can be found here: How do I get VIDed at a powwow?

See you there!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (7) / Confirmed: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Marion Lurf  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
Rebecca Hendry   I'll be there, but might be closer to 9pm.  y
Xmargaretwf (X)   Hi, I will be in Edinburgh that weekend visiting from Paris. I can't commit yet to attending till I see what family commitments I have, but can you keep me posted please? How do I add my name to the list of possible attendees? Margaret Fuller  
Sarah Medcalf   I'll be there, I have a class until 9 though so will come along afterwards.  
Manuela Junghans   Unfortunately I can´t make it. Hope to see you all next month.  n
Ramon Inglada   I'm afraid I won't be able to make it either. Hopefully I'll be there for the February one.  n
XRebekka Groß (X)   I'll try to be there.  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Edinburgh - United Kingdom
Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:41
Member (2004)
English to German
+ ...
change of date Jan 12, 2008

Hi Marion,

that´s exactly when I will take my plane to Germany, a shame. Any chance to move the date forward in the week, Monday or Tuesday??? or to move it forward a whole week?


Marion Lurf
Marion Lurf  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:41
English to German
+ ...
Meeting Jan 22, 2008

Hi Manuela,

Too bad you can't make it this month! Hope to see you in February, and sorry for not reacting to your message earlier (I'm kind of very, very busy just now).

Margaret, you have already signed up for the powwow, congratulations.icon_wink.gif Now you'd only need to update your attendance status.

See you all on Thursday!

Manuela Junghans
Manuela Junghans  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:41
Member (2004)
English to German
+ ...
Hi Marion Jan 22, 2008

I can clearly relate to that very very busy feeling. You guys have fun and hopefully see you next month.


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