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Indonesian to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.09 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour German to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.10 EUR per word / 30 - 35 EUR per hour
Indonesian to English: Excerpt from economic outlook - the global economy General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - Indonesian Perlambatan ekonomi dunia saat ini dipicu oleh signifikannya pelemahan ekonomi di negara-negara maju terutama AS sebagai episentrum krisis keuangan global. Kinerja ekonomi AS semakin menurun hingga mencapai 1% pada tahun 2008, jauh di bawah pertumbuhan tahun sebelumnya sebesar 2,7% maupun perkiraan awal IMF pada April 2008 sebesar 1,3%. Pelemahan ekonomi di AS dipicu oleh kuatnya dampak krisis subprime mortgage yang mendorong penurunan tajam nilai aset dan kekayaan (wealth) rumah tangga khususnya aset keuangan sebagaimana tercermin dari perkembangan neraca (balance sheet) rumah tangga hingga akhir tahun 2008 (Grafik 2.4). Kondisi ini diperberat dengan terhambatnya akses pembiayaan konsumsi masyarakat akibat ketatnya kondisi keuangan yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan perlambatan kegiatan konsumsi dan investasi masyarakat. Hasil asesmen IMF (2008) menunjukkan penurunan harga rumah dan lemahnya pasar modal memberikan kontribusi sebesar 10% terhadap penurunan kekayaan bersih (net wealth) rumah tangga relatif terhadap PDB AS. Di samping itu, efek lanjutan dari pelemahan ekonomi AS yang terjadi sejak tahun 2007 yang berdampak pada meningkatnya angka pengangguran AS di 2008 (Grafik 2.5) pada akhirnya semakin memperlambat kegiatan konsumsi dan investasi masyarakat melalui efek rambatan penurunan pertumbuhan pendapatan.
Translation - English The current malaise in the world economy was set off by significant weakening in advanced economies and particularly the US, the epicentre of the global financial crisis. Economic growth performance in the US slipped further to 1% in 2008, far below the previous year’s growth at 2.7% and the early IMF forecast in April 2008 at 1.3%. The economic downturn in the US was triggered by the strong impact of the subprime mortgage crisis that led to a steep drop in asset value and household wealth, and especially in financial assets as reflected in developments in household balance sheets until the end of 2008 (Chart 2.4). This condition was exacerbated by lack of access to financing for household consumption, a consequence of tight financial conditions that ultimate curbed activity in private consumption and investment. An IMF assessment (2008) found that the drop in housing prices and weak capital market contributed 10% to the contraction in household net wealth relative to US GDP. Added to this were the knock-on effects of the weakening in the US economy dating back to 2007, which produced surging US unemployment figures in 2008 (Chart 2.5) and in turn slowed private consumption and investment activity through the spillover effect of falling income growth.
Indonesian to English: Interest rate movements in 1994 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Indonesian Perkembangan di Indonesia beberapa waktu belakangan ini jelas semakin terpengaruh oleh gerak-gerik dunia. Misalnya, hingga awal tahun 1995, US Federal Reserve telah dua kali menaikkan tingkat suku bunga diskonto utama, untuk membatasi kemungkinan pelarian modal dari Amerika, yang dapat memperburuk nilai tukar dolar Amerika dan membengkakkan Defisit Neraca Pembayaran. Sebagai negara terbesar didunia dalam perdagangan uang, setiap gerak-gerik yang relatif kecil bagi pasar uang Amerika sudah akan berakibat sangat besar bagi pasar uang di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Untuk itu, Bank Indonesia mengantisipasinya dengan meningkatkan tingkat bunga diskonto -- yang pada gilirannya akan meningkatkan tingkat bunga di pasar bank komersiel -- agar mata uang rupiah tetap attractive dan tidak terjadi pelarian modal keluar sehingga lebih memperburuk lagi nilai tukar rupiah. Seperti kita lihat, Tindakan Bank Sentral untuk meningkatkan tingkat bunga diskonto utama selama setengah tahun terakhir tahun 1994 ternyata menjadi awal dari kenaikan tingkat suku bunga domestik. Hingga bulan Oktober 1994, bank sentral telah menaikkan tingkat bunga sebanyak tujuh kali. Jelas bahwa selain untuk mencegah percepatan kredit yang tidak terarah, tindakan ini juga ditujukan untuk menyesuaikan dengan trend internasional.
Translation - English Recent events in Indonesia have clearly been influenced to a growing extent by international developments. For example, by early 1995, the US Federal Reserve had twice raised its prime rate to fend off the likelihood of capital flight from the United States that could erode the value of the US dollar and swell the balance of payments deficit. The United States is the world’s largest currency trader and therefore every little move on the US money market will inevitably have major consequences for money markets in developing nations like Indonesia. To anticipate the effect of these rate hikes, Bank Indonesia raised its discount rate—which in turn prompted rate increases on the commercial bank market—to maintain the attractiveness of the rupiah and prevent capital flight that would further undermine the value of the currency. As we could see, the central bank decision to raise the prime discount rate during the second half of 1994 marked the onset of a series of hikes in Indonesia’s interest rates. By October 1994, the Indonesian central bank had raised interest rates seven times. This action was obviously taken not only to prevent runaway credit expansion, but also to keep pace with international trends.
Translation education
Other - NAATI
Years of experience: 39. Registered at Aug 2006. Became a member: Sep 2006.
Indonesian to English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters)
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, XTM
Specialisations: banking, finance, economics, socio-economics, law, human rights, medicine.
My translation career began in Indonesia in the late 1980's, driven by high demand from a rapidly growing private sector as well as institutional clients. I value the long-term, stable relationships that have been established over the years, while also making myself available to clients who require only occasional assistance. Translation is not merely providing a service - I find it a fascinating challenge of continuous learning that stirs the passion of the soul!
Rate: GBP 7.50 or EUR 9.00 per 100 words (or equivalent)
Keywords: banking, law, economics, macroeconomics, monetary, general knowledge, perbankan, banks, hukum, human rights. See more.banking, law, economics, macroeconomics, monetary, general knowledge, perbankan, banks, hukum, human rights, environment, perbankan, ekonomi, hak asasi manusia, translator, interpreter, penerjemah, lingkungan hidup, umum, interpreting, ham, politik, juru bahasa, transcreation. See less.