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When there is no job...
Thread poster: Silvia Barra (X)
Silvia Barra (X)
Silvia Barra (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
English to Italian
+ ...
Oct 22, 2008

Hello to all!
It's only few months that I am a fulltime translator. I'd like to know what other translators do (I mean related to the job)when they have no projects on going.
Since I've started this job it's the first time it occurs to me to be without jobs (and surely this situation will repeat other times) and I'd like not to waste my time, while I can spent it in some useful things.
Thanks to all
Bye bye

Local time: 22:18
Dutch to English
Suggestion Oct 22, 2008

Why not contact different agencies and try to drum up some new business?

Marion van Venrooij-Rooijmans
Marion van Venrooij-Rooijmans
Local time: 22:18
English to Dutch
What I SHOULD be doing Oct 22, 2008

Hi Silvia,

It's pretty quiet over here as well and there are a lot of things I SHOULD be doing: archiving past projects, cleaning up my mailbox, cleaning my desk, getting a headstart on preparing my invoices for the end of the month, sorting out all the papers on my desk...

Instead, I'm playing games and reading posts on the Proz forum (although the latter actually has to do with translation).

Buck's suggestion is also a good one.

Cecilia Falk
Cecilia Falk  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
English to Swedish
Create/update web site, glossaries Oct 22, 2008

* Create a web site if you don't have one, or update your existing one.
* Update your CV so you always have an updated one to send when requested.
* Search the net for glossaries that can be useful in you future work.
* Streamline your invoicing procedures and administrative system (I have an Excel file where I insert all assignments with project numbers etc so I can keep track of overdue invoices, the yearly turnaround etc).
* Research useful tools and maybe try them out
... See more
* Create a web site if you don't have one, or update your existing one.
* Update your CV so you always have an updated one to send when requested.
* Search the net for glossaries that can be useful in you future work.
* Streamline your invoicing procedures and administrative system (I have an Excel file where I insert all assignments with project numbers etc so I can keep track of overdue invoices, the yearly turnaround etc).
* Research useful tools and maybe try them out.
* Read up on things you are unsure about in for example these foras and in online publications for translators.
* Enjoy your time off

Good luck!

Lindsay Sabadosa (X)
Lindsay Sabadosa (X)  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:18
Italian to English
+ ...
Sleep and Relax Oct 22, 2008

For me, that's my game plan because while all the other things suggested are great, sleep and just vegging are two things that I don't get to do a lot when I'm really busy with work.

Silvia Barra (X)
Silvia Barra (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
English to Italian
+ ...
So many things to do Oct 22, 2008

There are so many thing I can do, it's real. I did not think about some of them, thank you.
Lindsay's suggestion is not so bad!)

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Terminology work Oct 22, 2008

Personally I would spend some time looking for bilingual publications (or the English and Italian editions of magazines) in the subject you think is more promising or more interesting for you, to better learn about the matter at hand and be able to underline the terminology in the two languages. Also, create your own glossary based on that new knowledge, ideally with a system that will allow you to grab terms automatically for your texts, for instance Multiterm.

Any time spent learn
... See more
Personally I would spend some time looking for bilingual publications (or the English and Italian editions of magazines) in the subject you think is more promising or more interesting for you, to better learn about the matter at hand and be able to underline the terminology in the two languages. Also, create your own glossary based on that new knowledge, ideally with a system that will allow you to grab terms automatically for your texts, for instance Multiterm.

Any time spent learning and recording new terminology is a good investment in the long run.

Daniel Bird
Daniel Bird  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:18
German to English
Things I have done... Oct 22, 2008

Cook/bake a lot of your favourite foods then load up the freezer – when the big project hits you, at least you’ll be able to eat well.

If you often wish you had more time for the cinema, dog-racing, chess etc, use your downtime to catch up.

Every day write a letter to a loved one then entrust it to the post office.

They all pay off in some way. Enjoy the variety

Robin Salmon (X)
Robin Salmon (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:18
German to English
+ ...
I had nothing to do yesterday Oct 23, 2008

- I went with my friend to see a lady who does sewing and left her four pairs of trousers to take up

- I bought a watch (A$20). It is factory-set to another time zone in Australia and so I will have to take it back if I don't want to lose two hours of my life every day (I lost another hour trying to reset it).

- We went to the cheap food shop where I bought 4 packets of biscuits for A$2, 3 packets (6 in p
... See more
- I went with my friend to see a lady who does sewing and left her four pairs of trousers to take up

- I bought a watch (A$20). It is factory-set to another time zone in Australia and so I will have to take it back if I don't want to lose two hours of my life every day (I lost another hour trying to reset it).

- We went to the cheap food shop where I bought 4 packets of biscuits for A$2, 3 packets (6 in pack) of fruit bars for A$2, 6 bread rolls for $1 and 2 packets of Nestlé Salclic Apitivo for A$ 0.20 each (Total A$ 5.40).

- My friend cooked (Hungarian) lunch. Nagyon finom!

- I bought a webcam (A$79.50) and can now scare my customers via Skype

Well, ask me a question and you'll always get the truth!

Silvia Barra (X)
Silvia Barra (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
English to Italian
+ ...
A very good idea! Oct 23, 2008

Tomás Cano Binder wrote:

Personally I would spend some time looking for bilingual publications (or the English and Italian editions of magazines) in the subject you think is more promising or more interesting for you, to better learn about the matter at hand and be able to underline the terminology in the two languages. Also, create your own glossary based on that new knowledge, ideally with a system that will allow you to grab terms automatically for your texts, for instance Multiterm.

Any time spent learning and recording new terminology is a good investment in the long run.

Thank you Tomàs!
I never thought about that! I think I will start buying or searching on the web reports, magazines and other and start reading. This is the same method my teacher taught me English.
Thank you Daniel too, this morning I'm going cooking (I really love it) so my poor husband can eat something normal once a time!
Have a nice day

Sandrine Rizzo (X)
Sandrine Rizzo (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
Spanish to French
+ ...
CAT training Oct 23, 2008

Hi Silvia,

Here is another idea, maybe it's time to discover new CAT tools, upload the trial versions, test them and practice. In this way, you will be ready when an agency asks you overnight to work with this tool;-). The latest one I discovered is ACROSS, there is a free version.

Vadim Pogulyaev
Vadim Pogulyaev  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:18
English to Russian
Relax Oct 23, 2008

Read a book, go to some fancy SPA salon, spend some time with your family, do something at home, something you've been delaying for years, go outside, play xbox, watch movies or the whole series (Firefly is cool).

Trust me, "no projects" periods rule, just relax and enjoy yourself=)

Arnaud HERVE
Arnaud HERVE  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
English to French
+ ...
Same thread Oct 23, 2008

Marion Rooijmans wrote:
It's pretty quiet over here as well and there are a lot of things I SHOULD be doing: archiving past projects, cleaning up my mailbox, cleaning my desk, getting a headstart on preparing my invoices for the end of the month, sorting out all the papers on my desk...

There are people who do that sort of things?

Arijit De
Arijit De  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:48
English to Bengali
+ ...
Do nothing! Oct 28, 2008

It is a good work to ask every one in the forum that what to do? Then try to select the best.I think during this U will get your next project.

Richard Bartholomew
Richard Bartholomew  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
German to English
Translate for Wikipedia. Oct 28, 2008

I had nothing to do last week, so I translated some Wikipedia articles. The selection was based on the the subjects in which I get most of my work. Not only do you learn more about those subjects, but you can point the work out to potential clients.

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