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Around the Worldfast - Mumbai - Wordfast Pro Training Level 1

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Rajesh Srivastava
Rajesh Srivastava  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:32
English to Hindi
+ ...
Wordast training Aug 14, 2010

It would really be very usedful for the translators using wordfast. Is there any charge for participating in it?
Rajesh Srivastava

John Di Rico
John Di Rico  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:02
Member (2006)
French to English
+ ...
Price Aug 15, 2010

Hi Rajesh,

Nothing in this world is for free! There is a mistake on the page. If you click where it says "Working knowledge of MS Word and fluent in English.", you can see the price.

Best regards from Antananarivo,


Local time: 16:02
English to Dutch
+ ...
From India to Thailand - would Sri Lanka be worth a stopover? Aug 28, 2010

Hi! Would there be enough interest in Sri Lanka to make a stopover between India and Thailand?
You've got already one candidate here!


United Kingdom
Local time: 10:02
Spanish to English
+ ...
Mismatch in timing Sep 1, 2010

Hello, I really want to attend this training on 7 Sep but have some previous commitment upto 10:30 am on 7 Sep. Is there a remote chance of a timing change?

Is it worth attending the course if I miss about an hour or so of the training?

Also, I do not think I can pay via paypal. Is there any other option? Maybe, via Insituto Hispania (I am a student there).

[Edited at 2010-09-01 07:10 GMT]

John Di Rico
John Di Rico  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:02
Member (2006)
French to English
+ ...
Sri Lanka Sep 8, 2010

Hi Alfonso,

Sorry but I've already booked tickets through to Japan. I'll be in Bangalore next week and there will be trainings. Otherwise, you can catch me in Vietnam or Malaysia!

Best of luck,


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Around the Worldfast - Mumbai - Wordfast Pro Training Level 1

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