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Poll: Do you ever delete your work-related emails?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Feb 9, 2012

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you ever delete your work-related emails?".

This poll was originally submitted by Daniel Harcz. View the poll results »

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:00
German to English
+ ...
No Feb 9, 2012

Occasionally I've deleted one accidentally, but as a general rule, no. They get archived out after a couple of months but I never get rid of any.

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 07:00
English to French
+ ...
Other Feb 9, 2012

Yes, more or less once a year, but only after the invoice has been paid!

inkweaver  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:00
French to German
+ ...
Yes Feb 9, 2012

Usually after the invoice had been paid.

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:00
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
+ ...
No, and I'm in trouble Feb 9, 2012

I have a folder for every client - about 55 as of last count. My tech told me I am about to exceed the space allowed for my e-mail program and its files. So I've been going through and deleting the attachments after making sure that I have saved them elsewhere on my computer. While I'm at it, I delete the conversations back and forth that aren't worth saving.

Unless my clients ask me to destroy their stuff, I hold onto it, because I often find past translations useful.

Karin Hinsch
Karin Hinsch  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:00
Spanish to German
+ ...
Other Feb 9, 2012

Yes, after the invoice has been paid.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:00
Turkish to English
+ ...
Likewise Feb 9, 2012

Karin. wrote:

Yes, after the invoice has been paid.

I do the same.

Emin Arı
Emin Arı  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:00
English to Turkish
+ ...
No! and no need Feb 9, 2012

E-mail providers have become very generous and now providing unlimited storage so no need to delete any e-mail which would be necessary.

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:00
Spanish to English
+ ...
After taxes have been paid Feb 9, 2012

I may decide to delete emails, but only after my taxes from the previous year have been paid and processed with no problems. Up until that time, it's best to have written records of transactions with customers and others with whom I've had any financial dealings.

Like Muriel, I generally only delete other less important emails when the server starts complaining that I've reached my limit of storage space, which usually happens after a couple of years.

Local time: 07:00
Spanish to English
+ ...
Other Feb 9, 2012

= Yes, sometimes, but not if they're important to me for some reason.

Confidentiality issues aside, I tend to leave most of them intact as reminders, as I am rubbish at keeping records and admin in general so it's handy to be able to retrieve emails from a while back in case I ever need to check something, which is only once in a blue moon anyway...

Local time: 07:00
Spanish to English
+ ...
Exactly Feb 9, 2012

Emin Arı wrote:

E-mail providers have become very generous and now providing unlimited storage so no need to delete any e-mail which would be necessary.

I only ever use free webmail (mainly yahoo and gmail, the latter as a backup option) and they all give me unlimited storage AFAIK, or at least as much as I could ever hope to use/need. I think the people citing storage space issues must be referring to Outlook (which I never use) or else have bought into the notion that you need to pay for a secure storage service.

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:00
Member (2011)
Japanese to English
Yes, but ... Feb 9, 2012

Not immediately.

I keep them archived for at least one year since they might contain instructions or other useful information for subsequent projects.

The same applies for data attachments and all other data provided for the project by the client, unless the client -- and some do -- specifically states that the data be deleted immediately from my computers or other data storage media for security purposes after confirmation of delivery. This frees up space on my compute
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Not immediately.

I keep them archived for at least one year since they might contain instructions or other useful information for subsequent projects.

The same applies for data attachments and all other data provided for the project by the client, unless the client -- and some do -- specifically states that the data be deleted immediately from my computers or other data storage media for security purposes after confirmation of delivery. This frees up space on my computers but really hurts them when they call back a few weeks later and they have to send everyting again. Hey, not my fault!

Happy translating!

Rosa Grau (X)
Rosa Grau (X)
Local time: 07:00
English to Catalan
+ ...
Of course... Feb 9, 2012

that is called "letting go of the past".

Leena vom Hofe
Leena vom Hofe  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:00
English to German
+ ...
Can't believe it Feb 9, 2012

I can't believe that there are people who delete emails after the project has been finished...

What if some client gets back to you with recourse claims after a while? Ok, it has never happened to me, but one should be prepared...

Esther van der Wal
Esther van der Wal  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:00
Member (2010)
English to Dutch
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Obliged to keep 7 years Feb 9, 2012

I keep all relevant emails because under Dutch tax law, I'm obliged to archive and keep all parts of my administration for 7 years. This does not necessarily include every piece of a conversation, but it does apply to e.g. order confirmations and agenda items!

My current business email account only has 1GB of space, which I'm already occupying for 75%. So I'm looking for a way to export all messages at once (e.g. once a year as a .zip file) to fulfil my obligations and clean up at t
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I keep all relevant emails because under Dutch tax law, I'm obliged to archive and keep all parts of my administration for 7 years. This does not necessarily include every piece of a conversation, but it does apply to e.g. order confirmations and agenda items!

My current business email account only has 1GB of space, which I'm already occupying for 75%. So I'm looking for a way to export all messages at once (e.g. once a year as a .zip file) to fulfil my obligations and clean up at the same time.

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Poll: Do you ever delete your work-related emails?

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