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Should non-paying non-verified members forum posts be vetted?
Thread poster: Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:40
Hebrew to English
Jul 13, 2012

I ask this because I have often felt that the input in the forums by non-paying members is frequently overlooked and their participation in forum discussions is severely hindered by the fact they cannot join in on a forum discussion in real time like everyone else.
If a forum discussion is particularly fast moving and robust, then their posts often get left by the wayside.

I understand it is currently one of the ways that incentivize paid membership, but there are ple
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I ask this because I have often felt that the input in the forums by non-paying members is frequently overlooked and their participation in forum discussions is severely hindered by the fact they cannot join in on a forum discussion in real time like everyone else.
If a forum discussion is particularly fast moving and robust, then their posts often get left by the wayside.

I understand it is currently one of the ways that incentivize paid membership, but there are plenty of incentives to join: . Instantaneous forum posting is not even mentioned there.

In addition, seeing as the moderation of the forums is rather...comprehensive shall we say, I don't see how a distinction can be made between paying and non-paying members....surely they are both equally capable of breaking the rules and posting something inappropriate.

It's a bit like donating blood here, you can't donate blood if you are deemed "high-risk", yet ALL blood is tested anyway, so why bother preventing one group of people from doing it?

What's the point in vetting non-members posts when pretty much all posts are vetted by the moderators after the fact anyway?

I simply feel that it will increase participation and allow discussions to become far more fruitful.

Procedures already exist to deal with any bad apples who might sneak in and post the unpostable.

If ProZ believes whole swathes of people join ProZ to get rid of forum vetting then fair enough, I can see why they do it (in truth it's part of the reason I pay membership but there are other reasons I pay, and I doubt that's the case for the masses).

I just think it diminishes the forums for many members who don't pay to have their voices muffled.

[Edited at 2012-07-13 09:33 GMT]

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
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Just a small clarification Jul 13, 2012

Non paying members can post without being vetted when their identity is verified.

This is for preventing new and unknown users to post freely, saying sometimes vulgarities and similar...

All the best!

Edited for typo, sorry

[Edited at 2012-07-13 10:01 GMT]

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
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Why? Jul 13, 2012

Angie Garbarino wrote:

Non paying members can post without being vetted when their identity is verified.

This is for preventing new and unknown users to post freely, saying whatever they like

If you ask me, there is no reason whatsoever to stop new and unknown users from posting freely, saying whatever they like. That's how a community should work.
My posts generally show up 3 to 6 hours after I post them. Guess if I like that... and no, I have no intention of paying proz or "having my identity verified", ever.

Terry Richards
Terry Richards
Local time: 01:40
French to English
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How? Jul 13, 2012

How can I get my identity verified?

Of course, you probably won't see this post because the thread will be on to the next page before it is vetted...

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
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Thanks for clarification, Angie! Jul 13, 2012

It is not that difficult to have one's ID verfied, for instance at a powwow.

It happens almost automatically for paying members - if they pay from a bank account or similar with the same name as their membership, they are assumed to be the person they claim to be. But it must be the member's own name, not a partner's name on a joint account.

The other way of doing it is to send scans of documents to staff: I sent a scan of my membership of the IoL and som exam.
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It is not that difficult to have one's ID verfied, for instance at a powwow.

It happens almost automatically for paying members - if they pay from a bank account or similar with the same name as their membership, they are assumed to be the person they claim to be. But it must be the member's own name, not a partner's name on a joint account.

The other way of doing it is to send scans of documents to staff: I sent a scan of my membership of the IoL and som exam. certificates (as far as I remember), which were accepted.

At a powwow you have to show proof of identity to someone authorised to confirm identity, but the powwow organiser should be able to help, and possibly others as well (Moderators and former Moderators for instance).

So there are plenty of possibilities. Please do feel welcome, everyone, because it is the content people contribute that makes the site worth paying for ...

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:40
Hebrew to English
Yes but how realistic is this? Jul 13, 2012

Angie Garbarino wrote:

Non paying members can post without being vetted when their identity is verified.

This is for preventing new and unknown users to post freely, saying whatever they like

All the best!

Edited for typo, sorry

[Edited at 2012-07-13 08:27 GMT]

Identity verification, 9 times out of 10 is a by-product of paying your membership, when they use your credit card to "verify" your identity.

So this brings us to a rather circular argument. Non-paying members may be able to post without being vetted (is this actually the case? - would a verified non-paying member please stand up......), but becoming verified usually involves paying membership fees and hence no longer being a non-paying member.

Any the "safeguard" argument doesn't wash, anybody can say whatever they like, paying/non-paying, old and new, known and unknown alike. As I argued, a paying member is no more or less likely to break the rules or post something inappropriate merely based on the fact they shelled out for membership (see open door policy).

Which brings us back to my original point....(see OP).

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
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Vid Application Jul 13, 2012

Exactly Christine, here below a link with 3 ways for applying for vid.


Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
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Oh yes! Jul 13, 2012

Ty Kendall wrote:
Non-paying members may be able to post without being vetted (is this actually the case? - would a verified non-paying member please stand up......), but becoming verified usually involves paying membership fees and hence no longer being a non-paying member.

Dear Ty I personally know several of them especially in the Italian forum and please check the link I posted above, I can assure you that I am not used to post an information when I am unsure, after all I am a Site Guide (like Christine), these are things I am aware of

Kindest Regards!

Angie Site Guide

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:40
Hebrew to English
Not convinced Jul 13, 2012

Sorry, but there are non-paying members whose identities have been verified yet their forum posts do NOT appear instantly.

I know this for a fact after following a recent LONG thread where verified non-paying members posts would just "appear" out of nowhere after hours/days.

Unless these are individual cases whose forum posts have a vetting restriction for some reason....I'd have to talk to the individuals to be sure.

Like I said, I'd still like a non-payin
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Sorry, but there are non-paying members whose identities have been verified yet their forum posts do NOT appear instantly.

I know this for a fact after following a recent LONG thread where verified non-paying members posts would just "appear" out of nowhere after hours/days.

Unless these are individual cases whose forum posts have a vetting restriction for some reason....I'd have to talk to the individuals to be sure.

Like I said, I'd still like a non-paying verified member to stand up.....

(Also: Powwow identity verification - does anybody 'actually' do this?).

Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member for the following reason: empty post
Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:40
Hebrew to English
Ok........ Jul 13, 2012

But why can't just everyone be allowed to post regardless of identity verification?
I still don't see the logic in thinking that people who pay $5 or people who turn up to a little party are any more/less likely to be disruptive.

I think if we remove the barrier, then the forum threads will be all the more enriched.

As I said, there are plenty of safeguards already in place to take care of the bad apples.

Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
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Yes I did Jul 13, 2012

Ty Kendall wrote:
(Also: Powwow identity verification - does anybody 'actually' do this?).

I verified people in Italy and in NY at a powwow.

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:40
Hebrew to English
I should change the title then...... Jul 13, 2012

Should non-paying non-verified members forum posts be vetted?

I still think the answer is no and I think it's a shame that non-paying non-verified members are excluded in this way. People may have a reason not to get verified (don't want to fork out money - even $5 and can't attend a Powwow...I can think of other reasons), but their input on the forums might still be worthwhile and at the moment it's stifled.

Let's be honest, forum participation is already quite
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Should non-paying non-verified members forum posts be vetted?

I still think the answer is no and I think it's a shame that non-paying non-verified members are excluded in this way. People may have a reason not to get verified (don't want to fork out money - even $5 and can't attend a Powwow...I can think of other reasons), but their input on the forums might still be worthwhile and at the moment it's stifled.

Let's be honest, forum participation is already quite low (given the total number of members on this site - especially if we were to exclude CAT threads) and limited to the same group of people (Hello everyone!).

I think measures should be taken to encourage forum participation. Allowing a few more people (it won't be hoardes regardless) to have their say unimpeded can only advance that aim.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
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Vetting can be temporary Jul 13, 2012

Ty Kendall wrote:

Sorry, but there are non-paying members whose identities have been verified yet their forum posts do NOT appear instantly.

I know this for a fact after following a recent LONG thread where verified non-paying members posts would just "appear" out of nowhere after hours/days.

Unless these are individual cases whose forum posts have a vetting restriction for some reason....I'd have to talk to the individuals to be sure.

There are indeed both non-paying and paying members who have their posts vetted. This is when there has been some problems with previous site activity. See this FAQ:

28 - My posts did not require vetting and now they do. What happened? [Direct link]

When in doubt, submit a support request and site staff will be able to look into the issue.

In some instances, a forum vetting requirement may be placed by site staff or moderators. A vetting requirement can be in relation to a rules violation, but this is not necessarily always the case. Rather, the vetting requirement is a safeguard which is used by site staff and moderators to help protect the positive, results-oriented environment of the forums. When it is deemed that this environment is being endangered, the vetting requirement may be used.

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:40
French to English
thank you Ty Jul 13, 2012

for bringing this topic up.

I am not (yet?) a member and my contributions are often published too late to be relevant.

I don't mind having a moderator vet my posts, what I do mind is when it takes a long time and then my post appears chronologically *according to when I first posted it* rather than when it was approved, by which time various other paying members have posted and nobody sees my post because they don't go back beyond posts they have already read.
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for bringing this topic up.

I am not (yet?) a member and my contributions are often published too late to be relevant.

I don't mind having a moderator vet my posts, what I do mind is when it takes a long time and then my post appears chronologically *according to when I first posted it* rather than when it was approved, by which time various other paying members have posted and nobody sees my post because they don't go back beyond posts they have already read.

This does give the impression of being ignored sometimes!

And the time it takes to have my post verified is totally random too...

All it would need would be for the post to appear after the last post to be published at time of approval rather than at time of posting, and I would be delighted.

I hasten to add that while I am considering taking out membership, this issue is not at the tipping point

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Should non-paying non-verified members forum posts be vetted?

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