Create your marketing machine to sell translation and localization services

Formats: Webinar presentations
Topics: Getting established in the translation industry
Marketing tools for translators
Grow your translation business
Marketing for translators
Business skills for translators
Business of Translation and Interpreting

Course summary
Start time:Jun 16, 2016 14:00 GMT     Add to calendar

Duration: 180 minutes.

Check what time the course is running in your local time here.

Useful links:
Once uploaded, the video will be available from the video centre training cancelation policy.
Summary:This hands-on 3 hour workshop will boost your marketing and sales: Create unique marketing emails about you and your business that makes you stand out from the crowd, generate leads that value your work as their preferred translator / localizer, launch Facebook campaigns that make new customers want you, enjoy a customer pipeline that remains full.
Build the perfect prospect list for your sales pipeline with proven list building tactics for translation professionals.

Individual translator, independent consultant, or language services provider alike: We all find ourselves scavenging the internet for new customers. We all have to do it, or we go extinct.

This Digital Marketing Workshop is the fastest way for translators and localizers to increase their customer list within 60 days.

Hint: The secret to success is not only to increase the number of potential customers on your list.

Otherwise, everybody could buy a list of names from a database acquisition service and be a millionaire overnight.

What counts is the relationship that you build with your audience on that list. And as we have learned from America's most successful vocal group to date, The Supremes, you can’t hurry love. But you can have a strategy.

The more trust we build, the deeper our relationships grow over time and the more natural it becomes for them to buy from you.

In this workshop you will learn to create:

  • Unique marketing emails about you and your business that makes you stand out from the crowd

  • Landing pages that create leads that value your work as their preferred translator / localizer

  • Facebook and Linked campaigns that make new customers want you

  • Customer pipeline that is always full

  • Some feedback from others on this course's trainer:

    "This is one workshop we need more of."
    Lori Thicke,
    CEO and founder of Translators Without Borders and the translation agency Lexcelera

    "Lots of food for thought and tangible actions that I could take back to the business and implement with both my sales and marketing teams.
    The workshop itself was very enthusiastically delivered by Andrew which made it even more enjoyable."
    Kristine Berry-Trow
    Director, Global Sales and Marketing
    Capita Translation and Interpreting

    "Amazing guidance and advice. It really triggered something that I can’t stop. It has even been difficult to sleep, since my head keeps spinning around every word Andrew said."
    Mora Meter, Owner, Mora Translations

    Target audience
    - Freelance translators
    - Marketing and sales professionals in agencies
    - LSP
    - localization consultants
    - interpreters
    Learning objectives
    Create unique marketing emails about you and your business that makes you stand out from the crowd, generate leads that value your work as their preferred translator / localizer, launch Facebook campaigns that make new customers want you, enjoy a customer pipeline that remains full.
    Click to expand
    How list building drives sales
    Communicate your value with maximum impact
    Exercise 1 – Write your first message
    Why list building is like dating
    Exercise 2: Update your message for greater effectiveness
    Your Marketing Tool Set - Landing pages, Facebook, social media, blogs, mailing lists
    Making it work for you - create your sales engine
    10 Guerrilla marketing tactics you can do right now
    Build your list building plan
    Wrap up
    Registration and payment information (click to expand)
    Click to expand
    Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat

    Steps to take your training:

    To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "Purchase access to the webinar today!" button. Available slots are limited and will be assigned to paid participants as soon as payment is reported. Early payment is advised in order to secure participation. Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer.

    Software and system requirements (click to expand)
    Click to expand
    For PC-based Users:

    • Required: Windows 7 – Windows 10
    • Required: Google Chrome v39 or later; Mozilla Firefox v34 or later; Internet Explorer v8 or later (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
    • Required software: GoToWebinar desktop app; JavaScript enabled
    • NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.

    • Internet Connection Required: 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
    • Recommended: 2GB or more of RAM (recommended)

    For Mac®-based Users:

    • Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) – 10.11 (El Capitan)
    • Required: Microsoft Edge; Apple Safari v6 or later
    • Required software: GoToWebinar desktop app; JavaScript enabled
    • NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.

    • Internet Connection Required: 1 Mbps or better (broadband recommended)
    • Recommended: 2GB or more of RAM (recommended)

    Join from Android

    • Operating system: Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or later
    • Internet connection: 3G connection or better (WiFi recommended for VoIP audio)
    • Software: Free GoToWebinar App from the Google Play Store


    • For the visual section of the training course, we recommend that you have a 64kbps link. This means using an ISDN line or Broadband. Wireless connection is NOT recommended.
    • For the audio section of the training course, we recommend that you have a headset or speakers.
    • We recommend that you log in 30 minutes in advance of the start time to prepare for the training course.

    Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.
    Created by
    Andrew Lawless    View feedback | View all courses
    Bio: Andrew Lawless is a speaker, writer, business owner, and a reference point for localization professionals. He has a regular business school column in localization's prime magazine 'Multilingual' and is a contributor to 'Brand Quarterly.' He was last featured as a world's leading industry expert in the German marketing magazine 'Absatzwirtschaft.' Andrew has presented on the importance of localization to a country's economic security to the US White House and testified on the issue in the US Senate.

    His company, Rockant, automates global digital marketing, and helps you speak with one-voice - in all marketing channels and all languages - for maximum brand impact worldwide.

    As President of Rockant and Lawless GuidesTM, Andrew is razor sharply focused on inspiring and priming localization professionals for success.
    General discussions on this training

    Create your marketing machine to sell translation and localization services
    Pablo Rojas-Salado
    Pablo Rojas-Salado Identity Verified
    United Kingdom
    Local time: 19:20
    English to Spanish
    any discounts or tasters for members?May 26, 2016

    I am interested, but it seems like a very pricey webminar to me. In other translation forums and communities I see full in-depth courses on the same subject and promising the same results lasting a few weeks for this price... OR at a fraction of this price if boiled down to the essence and presented as a 3 hours webminar... Thanks.

    PeMad Identity Verified
    Local time: 02:20
    Member (2009)
    English to Indonesian
    + ...
    Video and materialsMay 26, 2016

    Dear Sir,

    Hope you are doing well. I'm Vita from PeMad - Indonesia.
    I'm very interested to join this webinar. However, since the webinar starts at 9 PM, I'm afraid I won't be able to attend.
    Would it be possible if although we aren't be able to join the live webinar, we can still ask for the video and materials as long as we register as the participant?
    Kindly advise.

    Best Regards,

    any discounts or tasters for members?May 26, 2016

    Pablo Rojas-Salado wrote:

    I am interested, but it seems like a very pricey webminar to me. In other translation forums and communities I see full in-depth courses on the same subject and promising the same results lasting a few weeks for this price... OR at a fraction of this price if boiled down to the essence and presented as a 3 hours webminar... Thanks.

    Hello Pablo,

    Thank you for your interest in the training. Let me offer you a 20% discount here.

    Hope this helps.

    My bests,

    Tuguldur Batmunkh
    Tuguldur Batmunkh Identity Verified
    United States
    Local time: 15:20
    English to Mongolian
    + ...
    PlaybackMay 28, 2016

    This is the session I want, but the time coincides with my work. I was wondering if it will be recorded so that I can play it back?

    Andrew Lawless
    Andrew Lawless
    United States
    Local time: 15:20
    any discounts or tasters for membersMay 29, 2016

    Pablo Rojas-Salado wrote:

    I am interested, but it seems like a very pricey webminar to me. In other translation forums and communities I see full in-depth courses on the same subject and promising the same results lasting a few weeks for this price... OR at a fraction of this price if boiled down to the essence and presented as a 3 hours webminar... Thanks.

    Yes, Proz members get a discount. See Helen's post above.

    ... See more

    Pablo Rojas-Salado wrote:

    I am interested, but it seems like a very pricey webminar to me. In other translation forums and communities I see full in-depth courses on the same subject and promising the same results lasting a few weeks for this price... OR at a fraction of this price if boiled down to the essence and presented as a 3 hours webminar... Thanks.

    Yes, Proz members get a discount. See Helen's post above.

    Know that I created this live Master Class to help others AVOID the incredible amount of time and money I spent figuring out the best way off selling translation and related services online. This is NOT a workshop that teaches general list building approaches. Its content is SPECIFICALLY tailored for translators and localization service providers.

    Over the last seven years, I've spent days, weekends and an endless hours sitting in meetings with marketers from billion-dollar companies to develop best in class global digital marketing infrastructures, processes, and strategies to localize global marketing content. I have listened to audios and watched videos to learn all I could about marketing and selling products and services.

    Then, and this is the IMPORTANT part, I implemented, experimented and tested various approaches for our line of business.

    I created the Roundtable ‘Localizing Digital Marketing’ in collaboration with the Localization Institute (watch Microsoft’s Paige Williams’ presentation 'How to be ready for Global Marketing ‘ from the event here: I moderated master mind classes with marketers from organizations, such as Marriott, Intuit, ALPFA, Water and Microsoft, and listened and learned to what works best and what doesn't, which successes can be achieved faster, and which ones materialize only over time.

    I ran my own paid and unpaid Facebook campaigns, experimented with email messaging, tried LinkedIn - and yes, I learned the hard way that you get blocked from the best forums and groups when you do it wrong.

    So when I say that I created this workshop to help you shorten the learning curve, to save you time and money, I mean it.

    That does not mean that this is going to be easy. This Master Class is intense and it will challenge you. You will need to focus on implementation for at least 30 days to get the results I am promising. It will take longer if you cannot devote enough energy to promoting your business. But it will still produce results - just a bit later. It won't do anything for you, though, if you do not put in the creative and sweat work.

    I am NOT promising easy-money-in-30-days. I am forecasting, that you will significantly increase your sales leads if you put in the hard work - it may be even the hardest work on online marketing that you have ever done. But I sincerely hope that it will be easier for you than it was for me.

    Will it work for you?

    At the core of this Master Class is advice on how to connect and communicate more powerfully, and then sharing that message via digital marketing tools, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, mailing lists and blogs. All with the purpose to FILL UP your mailing list, ENGAGE your audience, and make it natural to BUY from you. You will be inviting people to come to you, rather than chasing new customers.

    You might wonder if you would be better off taking any of the free and low-cost offers out there. If that is what your heart, life situation and finances are saying to you, then I fully respect and support that decision. I went through the same process, and ended up paying $1,000 - $3,000 for online programs that I wished I had taken earlier, because they would have put me on the right path sooner.

    Money is always a hot button topic and I understand.

    As I have shared in multiple Facebook posts, I started out in 2008 when the global economy tanked. There were no jobs, no one was buying, and I used up all my savings and accumulated $120,000 in credit card debt after surgery. At one point, I tried selling coupon books door to door - out of desperation, just to keep myself afloat. Today, I live a much different life, but I still tell stories about when I closed a large contract with a major global company, driving there for 2 hours in my 20-years old Honda Civic in the middle of a sizzling summer with no air conditioning. Starbucks be thanked for letting me fresh up in their bathroom.

    So, please know that I do not take the financial commitment for this workshop lightly.

    I am also a business person. I know what my advice is worth. Offering this workshop at a lower price point has been a hot topic between me and the ProZ team. In the end we balanced the weight of the program and what it asks of its participants with its cost.

    I am not interested in people joining this workshop and then not acting on it, because ‘it was not that much of an investment.’ That would be wasting yours and my time. And time is worth more than money - because we cannot win time back. I want you to succeed, and I want you to stick with it, even when it gets hard - because you made an investment with time and money. I don't want you to take yet another course, read one more book, watch one more video. 95% of success in digital marketing is doing, measuring success, adjusting and then doing it again, so that you will do better tomorrow than you did yesterday. Always make your future better than your past.

    I am offering a 30-day money back guarantee. But, if and when you will be asking for a refund, I will also want to see what you have actually done. I will want to see your customer avatar, email copy, blog, opt-in offer, Facebook book posts, LinkedIn activity, your follow-ups, service offers, and re-framing activities. If you fully implemented my advice and did not get any results, you will get a full refund.

    It is also true that more than anything, I want you to be successful and increase your opportunities to grow your business. And I want you to grab these chances.

    Be kind to yourself,


    [Edited at 2016-05-29 14:02 GMT]

    [Edited at 2016-05-30 14:32 GMT]

    Andrew Lawless
    Andrew Lawless
    United States
    Local time: 15:20
    Will it be recorded so that I can play it back?May 29, 2016

    Would it be possible if although we aren't be able to join the live webinar, we can still ask for the video and materials as long as we register as the participant?

    Yes, the full recording will be available for all registrants that have paid. I will also make available to you all handouts and downloads, and I will include you in all communication leading up to and after the webinar.


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