Working languages:
English to Spanish
Portuguese to Spanish

two2tango Professional Trainer
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La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Local time: 03:15 -03 (GMT-3)

Native in: Spanish 
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two2tango is a husband-and-wife team of translators who have worked together for over 20 years in the translation industry

Haydée Incicco earned her B.A. in Teaching, English Language and Literature at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata back in 1973, and that same year she started working as a translator.

This passion was interrupted in the 3 years she spent working in London, UK and during a few years dedicated to teaching, but she has been a very active freelance translator since 1984 to the date.

Haydée's contribution to the team are her huge translation experience, a keen eye for finding errors and her passion for translation quality.

Enrique Cavalitto is a Telecommunications Engineer with a post-degree in project management and a certification as Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

He has worked in a shipyard, managed for 7 years his own industrial automation company, represented in Argentina some global leaders in the measurement industry, managed the operation of a softwarehouse and worked for 12 years at

Between 2011 and 2015 he managed the translation operation of Translators without Borders (a period where throughput was expanded 20x) and he served for three years in their board of directors.

Related to translation since the end of the 20th century, Enrique's contribution to the team are his writing skills and a very solid theoretical and practical experience in technical issues. 

I love memoQ                              

I work with SDL Trados Studio 2017
Haydee Incicco TM-Town Profile                             

Keywords: English to Spanish, Portuguese to Spanish, Spanish, español, translator, traducción, traductor, technical translation, localization, localización. See more.English to Spanish, Portuguese to Spanish, Spanish, español, translator, traducción, traductor, technical translation, localization, localización, website localization, medical instruments, instrumentos médicos, industrial safety, seguridad industrial, test instrument, press release, comunicado de prensa, electromedicine, electromedicina, education, educación, newsletters, webpage, sitio web, ATA, software, hardware, telefonía celular, pda, cell phones, wireless, inalámbrico, networking, IT, information technology, engineering, ingeniería, automotriz, automotive, power generation, automation, automatización, electronics, electrónica, electrical, telecommunications, telecomunicaciones, cdma, advertising, publicidad, mass media, environment, marketing, e-commerce, comercio electrónico, globalization, globalización, informed consent, translation solution, ecology, ecología, environment, travel, viajes, tourism, turismo, training, capacitación, human resources, recursos humanos, brochures, folletos, discursos, user manuals, semiconductor, components, manufacturing, robotics, machinery, tools, herramientas, máquinas, textiles, clothing, vestimenta, fashion, moda, cosméticos, cosmetics, belleza, beauty, seguridad, controles de acceso, security, access control, systems, food, dairy, alimentos, lácteos, agricultura, agriculture, nutrition, nutrición, cocina, gastronomía, recetas, recipes, cooking, media, multimedia, entertainment, photography, fotografía, household appliances, electrodomésticos, project manager, project management, PMP, PMI, packaging, machines, embalaje, maquinarias, tools, herramientas, cuidado de la salud, healthcare, medicine, medicina, Trados. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 21, 2024

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