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What translation project are you working on right now?
Josephine Cassar posting from ProZ.com shared:

A video message for Women's Day featuring brave deeds by Ukrainian women, how these are helping others in same plight in small but very meaningful ways

Nuru r-reżiljenza tan-nisa Ukreni, studenta tal-mediċina qed iżomm refuġjati għandha, tfajliet ingħaqdu mal-gradi tad-difensuri ta' Kiev meta għandhom inqas żmien mill-armi tagħhom, pensjonanta qed tagħmel it-te u ħobż għar-refuġjati, qed toffri refuġju lin-nies litlifu djarhom


I Do That

  • English to Maltese
  • 200 words
  • International Org/Dev/Coop
  • Subtitle Edit