What translators are working on

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What translation project are you working on right now?

Reuben Wright posting from ProZ.com shared:

Subtitling a 60-minute sewing arts video. EN > SP


1 userI Do That

Reuben Wright posting from ProZ.com shared:

Subtitles for a documentary on a group of Spanish-speaking female artisans

telar de cintura,cardar la lana,rojo grana cochinilla,artesanía,coloridos bordados


I Do That

  • Spanish to English
  • 1280 words
  • Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Reuben Wright posting from ProZ.com shared:

Revising a translation of Dictionnaire des Compétences, 1100 words, FRA to ENG (GB)

Compétences Transverses,S’exprimer à l’oral,Résistance à la Tension,Bureautique et langues


I Do That

1 user

  • French to English
  • 1100 words
  • Bureautique et langues
Reuben Wright posting from ProZ.com shared:

Translating a Letter on Gender Equality Issues, French to English, 1830 words

Égalité de genre,droits humains,booster la croissance économique,l'enjeu d'une masculinité revisitée,transition agroéconomique et sociale


I Do That

1 user

  • French to English
  • 1830 words
  • Government / Politics
  • Kató TM
Reuben Wright posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finishing up a business letter, 840 words, French to English


I Do That

1 user

  • French to English
  • 840 words
  • Business/Commerce (general)
Reuben Wright posting from ProZ.com shared:

18K words FRA to ENG on the legal system and resources for French communities in the province of Ontario

porter une accusation formelle,système judiciaire en Ontario,comparution devant le tribunal,Aide juridique Ontario,mise en liberté sous caution


I Do That

  • English to French
  • 18187 words
  • Law (general)

I finished an FRA to ENG project, Revision Public Outreach, 1128 words for Translators without Borders I used MateCat. Interesting project, great experience


I Do That

  • French to English
  • 1128 words

I finished an FRA to ENG project, Revision Public Outreach, 1128 words for Translators without Borders I used MateCat. Interesting project, great experience


I Do That

  • French to English
  • 1128 words
Reuben Wright posting from ProZ.com shared:

Just finished translating 1800 words in the medical research sector for Translators Without Borders. Challenging but interesting!


I Do That