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Search results: (84 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is your favorite place to do translation-related work besides your home/the office? only office I can't concentrate anywhere else. In the coffee
shop, I will be distracted by the coffee. In the
bookshop or library, I will be distracted by
books. In the park, I will be distracted by b
Atena Hensch Feb 23, 2010
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Translator or proofreader I agree too [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT
wrote: [quote]Grayson Morris wrote: I'd advise
you to contact an experienced legal translator in
your language pair and hire them to work with you
Atena Hensch Jan 19, 2010
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Translator or proofreader ? Hi Steph I tell you from my own experience. First
of all, if I am offered a job which I don't feel
comfortable or competent enough to deliver an
excellent translation, I will decline the
Atena Hensch Jan 19, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you keep hard copies of translations? Soft copy of course I always keep a soft copy not a hard copy. The
only time that I got the hard copy at the first
place and I ended up keeping it was one page
document which was written 350 years ago. As the
Atena Hensch Oct 14, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use touch system when translating? I have no idea what it is! Is it "typing system" or is it the same as "touch
Atena Hensch Oct 11, 2009
Getting established When there is no job... spring cleaning I didn't have any work for 4 days and I was
worried about it. My husband said enjoy your time
and do something which you feel like it. So, I
took everything out of the cupboards and drawer
Atena Hensch Oct 29, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp Have you ever refused a project for ethical reasons? I did Hi one time I received an email from one of my
clients to translate a document from English to
Persian and it was about using chemical and
changing DNA in some products and generally it w
Atena Hensch Sep 10, 2008
Off topic multicultural Refugee and Migrant Centre [quote]Tetyana Dytyna wrote: If anything to do
with "culture" poses such a controversial topic
why don't you skip the word altogether and think
of something more neutral? [/quote] W
Atena Hensch Aug 28, 2008
Off topic multicultural why am I asking? I work at the centre which provides services for
refugees and migrants. The services are very
various and they include social services,
integration, learning about New Zealand culture,
Atena Hensch Aug 28, 2008
Interpreting The client is behaving in a very unprofessional and rude way-what to do?-What can I do? we are just voice nothing else... [quote]Kobe_vb wrote: I'm not sure, but I was
always thought that an interpreter should never
interact with what his cusctomers say. I know that
not everyone will agree, and I am not su
Atena Hensch Aug 27, 2008
Off topic multicultural Hi everyone, I am wondering what the
"multicultural" mean to you? How do you define
it? cheers Atena
Atena Hensch Aug 27, 2008
Off topic Maybe visiting Iran Advice I am an Iranian but I don't live in Iran any
longer. I live in New Zealand and I married to a
Swiss man. I might not the best person to advice
you but I can tell you few things. you nee
Atena Hensch Aug 12, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp What's the shortest translation you ever did? One word One time, I was asked to translated the word
"welcome" . They wanted to translate this word
into so many different languages for the main
entrance of the city Library.
Atena Hensch Jul 13, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: How far is your workplace from your bed? same house My husband and I share a small office room which
is 4 meters away from the bed.
Atena Hensch Jul 3, 2008
Multilingual families Choosing *not* to raise baby bilingually socially acceptable? language? Hi I didn't read all the other comments but I
have a similar situation. I am a Persian from Iran
and my husband is a Swiss German and his second
language is French. We live in an English
Atena Hensch Jun 29, 2008
Interpreting Translators and interpreters: How different are we? Interpreter and Translator Your personality type is ENFJ. Extraverted (E)
57% Introverted (I) 43% Intuitive (N) 68%
Sensing (S) 32% Feeling (F) 65% Thinking (T)
35% Judging (J) 55% Perceiving (P) 45% This
Atena Hensch Jun 27, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you turn the computer off during weekends/non-working hours? Wrong side of the world I check my emails during the weekend and holidays.
I am in the wrong side of the world. When it's
Saturday here, it's Friday in Europe. So, it means
still I have to work. Whereas Monday is
Atena Hensch Jun 26, 2008
Teaching and Learning Languages Addressing a person using Mr., Ms. or Mrs. names in Iran and New Zealand For example in Persian (Farsi), they do that.
Here in New Zealand people call each other with
the first name even if they don't know each
other. I agree that it's wrong in English to<
Atena Hensch Jun 19, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: What's the largest number of words you've ever translated without a CAT tool? No CAT Tool at all! I don't know if I was allowed to vote or not! I
don't use CAT tool at all. I have never regret it.
Maybe I should start using CAT tool.
Atena Hensch Jun 19, 2008
Professional development Learning Dari as an English speaker. How? add I have to add there are so many words in Dari that
Iranian would never herad of and vice versa. There
is a book published less than 2 years ago about
Atena Hensch Jun 17, 2008
Persian/Farsi please look here I'd like Dari and Persian speakers comment here,
Atena Hensch Jun 17, 2008
Professional development Learning Dari as an English speaker. How? Dari vs Persian / Pashtu Hi there If you'd like to learn Dari, you have
to learn Persian (Iranian version of Farsi) in
order to learn systematically. You can find hardly
any books that teach you Dari, except th
Atena Hensch Jun 17, 2008 job systems Doubt! Searching for jobs proz site I don't know about that option but you might be
able to get in touch with Proz.Com staff and work
voluntarily on proz site such as localization in
your language pair! cheers Atena
Atena Hensch Jun 8, 2008
Off topic How do you say "Happy father's day" in various languages? Persian روز پدر مبارک Atena Hensch Jun 8, 2008
Off topic World Environment Day- June 5 global warming In my city (Christchurch, New Zealand), we had an
expo from Environment Canterbury and Greenpeace,
sustainability (a govt sector) and the local govt.
were involved It's all about Global
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Translation Project / Vendor Management What makes a good impression on you when working for your translation agency / project manager? I like when people are nice and friendly! It's quite interesting. I work with an agency for
last 4 years. PM is very nice and friendly. She
always write some personal and friendly comments
in her email such as "I hope the weather
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Money matters Early payment discount Never this is odd. Why they want to have discount? Do
they pay interest on top of the money they will
pay after 60 days?
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Translation in Australia NAATI Tests Distance testing [quote]aburiaz wrote: Can anyone give some
information on taking a NAATI test while staying
in your own country? (Distant Testing). Thanks
and Regards, [/quote] I don't think t
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Business issues Suspicious job offer children [quote]Assia Terpecheva wrote: Hello,
Atena, If this is a scam mail, their site will
be a scam also. I don't believe they are helping
anybody. I hate when someone pretends charity
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Business issues Suspicious job offer McAfee Site Advisor I use Firefox browser and I use McAfee
SiteAdvisor. It's interesting that when I click on
this link that you provided us, the McAfee got
yellow and it means that this a scam website.
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Interpreting Community interpreters Hi there, I'd like to hear from you, especially
community interpreters/telephone interpreter who
works with hospitals, community organisations,
etc. about your experience, difficulties an
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
KudoZ A question about Kudos questions. It happened to me while ago It happened to me while I was looking at my
profile with the old version of proz.
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Translation in Australia NAATI Tests NAATI I have a BA in English/Persian Translation and
Interpreting. didn't have to sit for the test. I
got my accreditation through assessing the
overseas qualification category. I got
Atena Hensch Jun 5, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Using diacritical marks for Arabic words translated into English ??? While ago, I had a job that I had to transliterate
the Maori words (the native language of the first
New Zealanders) into my Persian translation. But I
had all the instruction about the pr
Atena Hensch Jun 4, 2008
Money matters Non-paying client - what to do Dept Collection Agency One time I had problem with an agency in Australia
and I told them "if I don't receive my money
within next 10 working days, I will send the Dept
Collection Agency". They transfered the m
Atena Hensch Jun 4, 2008
Persian/Farsi واژه های فرانسوی در فارسی ??? That's very interesting. When my husband speaks
German, I can't pick up hardly any words similar
to Persian (except "Ananas") but when he speaks
French, I can hear few similar words simil
Atena Hensch Apr 11, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp Article: Lost in Translation (Guardian UK) ??? THE ACTUAL QUOTE: So what did Ahmadinejad
actually say? To quote his exact words in
farsi: "Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods
bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad." That
Atena Hensch Apr 10, 2008
Persian/Farsi سال نو مبارک! سال نو مبارک سال نو را به همه شما تبریگ
می گویم. آتنا هنچ
Atena Hensch Mar 21, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: When a potential translation job is described to me, the word(s) I dread hearing the most is easy [quote]Claudia Alvis wrote: When they say that
the text is easy they're actually saying "we're
gonna pay you a miserable rate and we won't
appreciate you job because it's so easy anybod
Atena Hensch Mar 18, 2008
Interpreting Software for interpreter details ?? [quote]Stanislaw Czech wrote: I am quite happy
with Projetex - if you are going not only keep a
database but also give work to this interpreters
this program could help you a lot, but c
Atena Hensch Mar 12, 2008
Interpreting Software for interpreter details hi there I am looking for a free software that I
can enter the details of all the interpreters in
my country. Something specificlly for keeping the
interpreters data base. Do you know
Atena Hensch Mar 11, 2008
Interpreting Possible improper behavior of a check interpreter unprofessional behaviour Here in Christchurch - New Zealand, we have some
problems with some of our interpreters regarding
their unprofessional behaviors. One of the thing
we realized that our constitution is not
Atena Hensch Mar 5, 2008
KudoZ Suggestion for KudoZ: Show a flag instead of a user's country ??? [quote]Enrique wrote: Flags have an associated
emotional value. Members born in one country
and living in another may feel unhappy showing the
flag of the country of residence instea
Atena Hensch Oct 25, 2007 technical support site dead slow on loading (staff: 'ok - we are investigating') jobs also I realized that I can't see all the jobs
posted recently in my language pairs with the old
design. I realized that I missed few jobs
completely. I even didn't receive emails for them.
Atena Hensch Oct 24, 2007
Linguistic diversity Farsi/Dari/Tajik(i): A Trio to Deal with agree [quote]Subhan Fakhrizada wrote: Recently, a
dictionary of Farsi to Dari/Dari to Farsi was
published for the first time, with thousands
words, shows the greater difference between th
Atena Hensch Oct 19, 2007
Linguistic diversity Farsi/Dari/Tajik(i): A Trio to Deal with Farsi or Persian Hi I kept thinking about this forum the whole
afternoon and I understand what Behnam means.
There are few things to consider: 1) there are
so many people out who don't know Farsi and
Atena Hensch Oct 18, 2007
Linguistic diversity Farsi/Dari/Tajik(i): A Trio to Deal with Kurdish language [quote]Tim Drayton wrote: On a related issue, I
wonder how closely Kurdish and Farsi are related.
I believe they both belong to the same language
group. Can speakers of one language und
Atena Hensch Oct 17, 2007
General technical issues Links in emails not working with Firefox Reply Dear Ode, In Windows Explorer go to Tools -
Folder Options - File Types - URL: Hypettext
Transfer Protocoll and click 'Advanced' - then
define Firefox as the default software. Do the
Atena Hensch Oct 17, 2007
General technical issues Links in emails not working with Firefox Firefox I use firefox and I realized that I am happier
with it more than "Opera" and "internet explorer".
it's so nice. especially with its bookmark. you
can do so many things that you can't do it
Atena Hensch Oct 17, 2007
General technical issues Links in emails not working with Firefox Script at the bottom of the Firefox windows, there is a
"S" sign and if you right click on it, a message
bar comes and it says if you want to allow
firefox script or not. Then you can follow the
Atena Hensch Oct 17, 2007

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