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Search results: (6 matches)
Translator resources Microsoft glossary English to french Hello Dear all. I'm desesperately in search for
the downloadable version of Microsoft glossary
(English to French). can anyone help me
please? Thanks a lot Onesime
Onesime Tamoh Gounoue May 20, 2010
Trados support Need help in using Access .mdb TM in Trados Please! thanks! Thanks to all (Vito, Gisela, and Ivaylo) I
really apreciate your help. in fact it is a MS
Access file, I think generated with DV. finaly the
client genrated a ttx and sent it to me, sti
Onesime Tamoh Gounoue Aug 22, 2007
Trados support Need help in using Access .mdb TM in Trados Please! Need help in using Access .mdb TM in Trados Please! I have just receive a translation memory in Access
.mdb format. does anyone know how to use it in
Trados TagEditor? a good step by step tutorial on
this subject would be greatly welcome.
Onesime Tamoh Gounoue Aug 21, 2007
Translation Theory and Practice How to render past tense form in a Resume in English> french translation? How to render past tense form in a Resume in English> french translation? Hello to every one! I am translating a CV in wich
the author explains his achievements and am
wondering what is the best form to render in
french sentences such as: "advised on a range
Onesime Tamoh Gounoue May 30, 2007
Translator resources Need Japanese-English technical dictionary (on-line or download) Jap-eng dictionnaries Try these
http://www. [addsig]
Onesime Tamoh Gounoue Apr 15, 2003
French Les tarifs, ça donne quoi, niveau salaire Encore des tarifs dérisoires. C'est dommage que malgré toutes ces protestations
on retrouve encore des travaux à €0.03 sur
Pourquoi ne pas installer un filtre
comme le proposait un collègue
Onesime Tamoh Gounoue Feb 27, 2003

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