The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
Tudo como dantes, numa terra de Abrantes. Nothing has changed; Everything stays the same
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Tudo continua como dantes no quartel de Abrantes. It's all business as usual.
um balaio de gatos a place of wrangling
um banana a wimp / milksop / pushover
um espaço para encontros, confrontos, fricções a meeting point for encounters, confrontations and disagreements
uma guerra que não pretende ter fim a war not meant to end
Entered by: Mario Freitas
unitermos uniterms
vaga lume lookout
Vagabunda Tramp
Vai que dá Go For It!
vai ser um inferno it's going to be hell / (all) hell's gonna break loose
valeu como etapa 1. counted as as stage / 2. counts points towards
vamos tocar pra... o barco pra frente let's move on
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
variáveis sócias demográficas socio-demographic variables
variáveis sócias demográficas sociodemographic variables
vem de longe my long-held dream of being with you is now about to come true
vender seu peixe to blow your own horn
Entered by: Todd Field
ver o circo pegar fogo to fiddle while Rome burns
VERTENTE (sustainability) trends
visão do todo (from a) global view / perspective
viver em chamas (always) fired-up
vivo da minha reforma I live off my retirement
Entered by: Carla Lopes
você me tira o chão you sweep me off my feet
Entered by: Ben Kohn
você tem que dançar conforme a música you've got to go with the flow
[deixar crescer] uma crista no cabelo \"I grew a mohawk/mohican\"
[ter as] mãos a abanar to come empty-handed
Entered by: Carla Lopes
\"bora benzer\" Bless this mess
Entered by: Felipe Tomasi
\"O dono do defunto pega na cabeça.\" The eye of the master fattens his cattle.
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