The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
el de la nota Did you send that?
el espacio cine movie forum/space/society
El montaje, espacial y escénicamente the scenic and spatial staging
el off de (personaje) off screen
Entered by: EirTranslations
el punto de belleza degree of beauty/grace
el vio en la vidriera "pelucas de cotillon" con colores estridentes He saw bright coloured "New Years Eve" party wigs in the glass case
elevar mis horizontes hacia el mercado latinoamericano ...expand my horizons towards the Latin American market...
elipsar To use an elliptical construction
empresas y ventanas de exhibición cinema chains and viewing outlets
en cartón independiente in a separate box
Entered by: Edward Tully
en cartelera in theaters
en cont. de la escena anterior, pero aún en off voice off, continuing previous scene/continuing previous scene, still in voice off
En el principio fue XXX, inspiración del guionista It was XX who first/originally inspired scriptwriter/screenwriter
en el s.I a.C. in the first century B.C.
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
En forma de haces like beams [of light]
Entered by: liz askew
en fuera de plano off camera / off screen
En las buenas y en las malas Through thick and thin
en pleno auge de la Nueva Ola Francesa at the [very] height of the French Nouvelle Vague
en sincro in sync
encadena a segue into
Entered by: Justin Peterson
encadenar splice
encuadrar (see context) frame
enroscados twisting
entender el nexo de unión necesario to understand the connection needed to focus our attention on the main plot.
entradas y salidas beginning and end
Entran en una sala en la que diversos canales confluyen en un relieve They enter a room in which various broad plains converge in an area of high ground
entre fogones y romances a tres bandas amidst kitchen stoves and three-way love affairs
Entre las actividades que se desarrollaron destacó el espectáculo de dinamización teatral X The highlight was when the theme of reading was brought to life through the theatrical production X
entroncar just what
envasado licensed content
envases de videograma video casings / containers
envestir=embestir to hit, run into (embestir)
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
Es como el bingo, pero con espectáculo. It's like bingo, only far more entertaining.
escaleta de edición edit playlist / story synopsis
Escaleta literaria story plan/plot outline
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
escenario croma/croma blue-screen set/green-screen set
Entered by: Donovan Libring
ese otro cine mainstream cinema
Eso es que.../Eso es que no... it's that.../ it's not that...
Eso si, siempre que el pretendiente, mantenga un peso ideal. That is, so long as the contender maintains his ideal weight.
español castizo y antiguo (in the) original old Spanish
Entered by: EirTranslations
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