Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
"lechuga morada"
English translation:
red leaf lettuce
Spanish term
lechuga morada
4 +5 | red leaf lettuce | Cecilia Gowar |
5 +1 | purple lettuce | Mariana Solanet |
2 +3 | red looseleaf lettuce | Taña Dalglish |
4 | oak-leaf lettuce | Noni Gilbert Riley |
Jun 4, 2013 11:27: Cecilia Gowar Created KOG entry
May 30, 2018 15:10: Enrique Manzo changed "Term asked" from "\"lechuga morada\"" to "lechuga morada"
Non-PRO (1): Yvonne Gallagher
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Proposed translations
red leaf lettuce
Note added at 2 hrs (2013-05-21 23:20:40 GMT)
A couple more examples from my local supermarket: /index.jsp?bmUID=1369178066166
agree |
Zilin Cui
10 mins
Many thanks!
agree |
Joel Schaefer
24 mins
Many thanks!
agree |
Yvonne Gallagher
: in absence of exact type specified best to stick with this quite simply, though a lot of people confuse it with lollo rosso or oak leaf
13 hrs
Many thanks!
agree |
James A. Walsh
13 hrs
Many thanks!
agree |
22 hrs
Thanks Billh!
purple lettuce
Translate this page
agree |
: If you do Google Images for "lechuga morada", you get everything from lettuces that are entirely purple to ones that have purple leaf tips. So this seems a safe choice, though I agree with the other two suggestions.
21 mins
thanks, Phil!
red looseleaf lettuce
As Bill said, "lechuga morada" is "red leaf lettuce" or in Chile it is referred to as "red looseleaf lettuce". morada purple&tbm...
lechuga morada
FoodyChile » Fresh from the Urban Garden
Nov 16, 2011 – Lechuga Costina- Looseleaf Lettuce. Lechuga Milanesa – Butter Lettuce. ***Lechuga Morada- Red Looseleaf Lettuce. *** Espinaca- Spinach ...
Frambuesa -Raspberry
Caigua- Caigua
Pimenton- Bell Pepper
Tomate Cherry- Cherry Tomato
Achicoria- Chicory
Apio- Celery
Cilantro- Cilantro
Perejil – Parsley
Lechuga Costina- Looseleaf Lettuce
Lechuga Milanesa – Butter Lettuce
***Lechuga Morada- Red Looseleaf Lettuce***
Espinaca- Spinach
Ajo- Garlic
Aji – Chili
Ciboulette – Chives
Salvia- Salvia
Albahaca- Basil
Tomillo- Thyme
Menta- Mint
Frutilla- Strawberry
Oregano- Oregano
Stevia- Stevia
Melisa – Lemon Balm
Rúcula- Arugula
agree |
José Alberto Ruiz Pérez
12 hrs
Thank you Alberto. Saludos.
agree |
Wendy Streitparth
: This is also used in England to cover a multitude of varieties.
15 hrs
Thank you Wendy.
agree |
Yvonne Gallagher
: in the absence of exact specified type best to simply stick with this, though a lot of people confuse it with lollo rosso or oak leaf
1 day 11 hrs
Thank you Gallagy.
oak-leaf lettuce
neutral |
Cecilia Gowar
: But Noni, there are green and red varieties of oak leaf lettuce and it is a distinct variety of lettuce. In this case the type is not specified.
1 hr
Good point Ceci, so I would either stick my neck out for purple oak-leaf or say purple-leaf. Purple lettuce sounds odd to me.
But you already know it's red leaf lettuce... MCLANG doesn't