Translation glossary: Finanzen EN

Showing entries 101-150 of 554
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buy (v.)aufkaufen 
English to German
buy (v.) insuranceVersicherung (f.) abschließen 
English to German
capital adequacyKapitaladäquanz (f.) 
English to German
cashBargeld (n.) 
English to German
cashflüssige Mittel; liquide Mittel 
English to German
Cash Flow-Risikocash flow risk 
English to German
cash pointGeldautomat (m.) 
English to German
cause (v.) losses to the depositorsEinlegern (mpl.) Verluste bereiten 
English to German
central and eastern EuropeMittel- und Osteuropa 
English to German
central and eastern European countries; CEECsmittel- und osteuropäische Länder 
English to German
central bank (n.); bank of issue (n.)Notenbank (f.) 
English to German
cents on the dollarProzent 
English to German
chartering and bank examinationKonzessionspflicht (f.) und bankbetriebliche Überprüfung (f.) 
English to German
checking accountGirokonto (n.) (US) 
English to German
checking account (USA)Scheckkonto (n.); Girokonto (n.); Lohnkonto (n.); Gehaltskonto (n.) 
English to German
checking accounts; checking deposits (npl.)Sichteinlagen (fpl.) 
English to German
circumvent (v.)umgehen (v.) 
English to German
co-operative bankGenossenschaftsbank (f.) 
English to German
code numberGeheimzahl (f.) 
English to German
commercial bankGeschäftsbank (f.) 
English to German
commercial bankGeschäftsbank (f.) 
English to German
commercial banking industryGeschäftsbanken (fpl.) 
English to German
commercial loans and leasesgewerbliche Kredit- und Mietforderungen 
English to German
commercial paper market (n.)Commercial-Paper-Markt (m.) 
English to German
commercial real estate loans (pl.)gewerbliche Immobilienkredite (mpl.) 
English to German
commodity futureWarentermingeschäft (n.) 
English to German
common procedurehäufiges Verfahren (n.); häufige Vorgehensweise (f.) 
English to German
competitivenessWettbewerbsfähigkeit (f.) 
English to German
conceptBegriff (m.) 
English to German
concernAngelegenheit; besorgniserregend; Bedeutung (f.) 
English to German
conductDurchführung (f.) 
English to German
convertible bondWandelanleihe (f.); Wandelobligation (f.) 
English to German
core capitalKernkapital (n.) 
English to German
Corporate CenterCorporate Centres 
English to German
Cost-Plus-Methodecost plus method 
English to German
Cost-Plus-Vertragcost plus contract 
English to German
counterBankschalter (m.); Schalter (m.); Theke (f.); Tresen (m.) 
English to German
crashBörsenkrach (m.) 
English to German
credit ceilingsKreditobergrenzen (fpl.) 
English to German
credit itemGutschrift (f.); Habenposten (m.) 
English to German
credit line (USA)Kreditrahmen (m.); Überziehungskredit (m.); Dispositionskredit (m.) 
English to German
creditorGläubiger (m.) 
English to German
cross-the-counter check (USA)Barscheck (m.); Kassenscheck (m.) 
English to German
crowding out of the capital marketVerdrängung vom Kapitalmarkt 
English to German
currency (USA)Bargeld (n.) 
English to German
currency swap (n.)Doppelwährungsanleihe (f.) 
English to German
current accountlaufende Rechnung (f.); Leistungsbilanz (f.) 
English to German
deal (v.) withbehandeln 
English to German
debit (v.)belasten; abbuchen 
English to German
debit entrydebitorische Buchung (f.); Sollposten (m.); Lastschrift (f.) 
English to German
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