Translation glossary: Simon's Pt(Brazil)-Eng Mechanical/Construction/Egineering Glossary

Showing entries 351-400 of 3,009
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Bobina de campoField coil 
Portuguese to English
Bobina de induçãoInduction coil 
Portuguese to English
Bobina de madeiraWooden reel 
Portuguese to English
Bobina do induzidoArmature coil 
Portuguese to English
Bobina em UHairpin coil 
Portuguese to English
bobina interna (f.)internal coil 
Portuguese to English
Bobina morta (de máquina)Dummy coil 
Portuguese to English
Bobina móvelMoving coil 
Portuguese to English
boca de lobo (f.)drain 
Portuguese to English
boca de sino (f.)duckbill / bell mouth 
Portuguese to English
boca de visita (f.)inspection opening 
Portuguese to English
Bocais de soproGas nozzle 
Portuguese to English
bocal (s.m.)nozzle 
Portuguese to English
bocal de saída (m.)output nozzle 
Portuguese to English
bocal de sucção (m.)suction nozzle/ pickup nozzle 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Boletim de Medição de Serviços (m.)Work Measurement Bulletin 
Portuguese to English
Bolha (de ar)(Air) blister 
Portuguese to English
Bolha (glóbulo)Bubble 
Portuguese to English
bolsa de água (f.)water tank 
Portuguese to English
bolsa de resíduosresidue tank?/ trash pot/scrap box 
Portuguese to English
bolsões (s.m.) pl.hollows / pockets 
Portuguese to English
bomba (s.f.)pump 
Portuguese to English
bomba de borra (f.)sludge pump 
Portuguese to English
bomba de engrenagem (f.)gear pump 
Portuguese to English
bomba de óleocrude oil pump 
Portuguese to English
bomba de porão (f.)bilge pump 
Portuguese to English
bomba de transferência (f.)transfer pump 
Portuguese to English
bombas acopladas (f.)(pl.)coupled pumps 
Portuguese to English
bombas de descarregamento (f.)(pl.)discharge / offloading pumps 
Portuguese to English
Bombeamento (de sistema de controle)Hunting 
Portuguese to English
bombordo (s.m.)port side 
Portuguese to English
borboletabutterfly valve 
Portuguese to English
borboletawing nut 
Portuguese to English
boreste (s.m.)starboard 
Portuguese to English
Borne de ligaçãoTerminal for connection 
Portuguese to English
borneselectrical terminal 
Portuguese to English
borra (s.f.)sludge 
Portuguese to English
Borracha de siliconeSilicone rubber 
Portuguese to English
Botão de reposiçãoReversing button 
Portuguese to English
Botão de teste de lâmpadaBulb testing button 
Portuguese to English
bote de resgate (m.)rescue boat 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
botoeira (f.)push button 
Portuguese to English
Botoeira de aberturaOpen tripping device 
Portuguese to English
Botoeira de fechamentoClose tripping device 
Portuguese to English
botoeiras de inibição de alarme(f.)(pl.)alarm shutoff buttons 
Portuguese to English
box (banheiro)(s.m.)shower stall 
Portuguese to English
Braço para iluminação públicaStreet hood bracket 
Portuguese to English
braçola de contenção (f.)restraining coaming 
Portuguese to English
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