Translation glossary: Certificados

Showing entries 101-150 of 183
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Spanish to English
hacer constarattest 
Spanish to English
hago constar de mi puño y letra y sellowitness my hand and seal 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
impuestos de sucesióndeath duties 
Spanish to English
informanteinformant/ deponent 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
informereport, return, record 
Spanish to English
infrascripto (el)the undersigned 
Spanish to English
Jefe del Registro CivilRegistrar 
Spanish to English
Jefe o Inspector del Registro CivilSuperintendent Registrar 
Spanish to English
Juez de PazJustice of the Peace 
Spanish to English
Juez de Primera Instancia en lo Civiljudge of the lower court, judge of first instance, judge having jurisdiction in civil matters 
Spanish to English
leída el actaonce the record was read, the record having been read, having the record been read 
Spanish to English
leyes en rigorprevailing laws, laws in force 
Spanish to English
leyes imperantesprevailing laws, laws in force 
Spanish to English
leyes que están en vigenciaprevailing laws, laws in force 
Spanish to English
leyes vigentesprevailing laws, laws in force 
Spanish to English
librar oficioissue an official statement, issue a letter 
Spanish to English
libro de registro de defuncionesR.B.D. The Registrar´s Book of Deaths 
Spanish to English
médico de guardiaD.O. Duty Officer 
Spanish to English
médico que atendió a la pacienteattending physician 
Spanish to English
Miembro de la Sociedad RealF.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society (GB) 
Spanish to English
modificadoamended, revised 
Spanish to English
muerto al llegarD.O.A. Death on arrival 
Spanish to English
muerto al nacerafterborn child 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
nacido muertostill born 
Spanish to English
nacimientos múltiplesplural births 
Spanish to English
natimuertostill born 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
nombre de bautismobaptismal name 
Spanish to English
nombre de pilaChristian name 
Spanish to English
notificarsummon, give notice, serve notice on/ upon 
Spanish to English
obra en virtud deacting as 
Spanish to English
obra en virtud deacting as 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
oficina de archivosBureau of Records 
Spanish to English
Oficina de Legalización de TestamentoProbate 
Spanish to English
oficina públicacivil service 
Spanish to English
parentescoqualification (in the case of entries) 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
pensionado de guerrawar pensioner 
Spanish to English
persona que presenció el decesoin attendance 
Spanish to English
por uno y otroseverally 
Spanish to English
presente en el momento del decesoin attendance 
Spanish to English
previo los trámites de estilohaving compelled with the legal formalities 
Spanish to English
pruebaevidence, proof 
Spanish to English
que implica ser selladopurporting to be sealed 
Spanish to English
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