Translation glossary: MSDS disease

Showing entries 51-100 of 1,867
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"Avoid prolonged contact with eyes, skin and clothing."�v0�v��J0�0s0 gňx0n0w�g�c扒0�Q0�00 
English to Japanese
"Based on animal studies, the combination of this material and ultraviolet�[��Rirn0P}�gk0�0�0p00S0n0ir�h0A/^+}Y�}�UVA 
English to Japanese
"Based on animal studies, the following negative effects were indicated:"�[��Rirn0P}�gk0�0�0p00�N Nn0�`q_��L0�x��U0�0_00 
English to Japanese
"Based on animal studies, there is no evidence that this material is carcin�[��Rirn0P}�gk0�0�0p00Lvzvuyr'`o0i<�U0�0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Based on animal studies, this material may cause the following:"�[��Rirn0P}�gk0�0�0p00S0n0ir�o0�N Nn0�u�uL0zvu�S��g0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Based upon the preliminary information available, this material is classif�W,g�v�`1Xk0�0�0p00S0n0ir�o08�� 
English to Japanese
"BATTERIES, WET, FILLED WITH ACID"�0�0�0�0�00nc0_00x�'`ir�+T 
English to Japanese
"Batteries, wet, filled with alkali"�0�0�0�0�00nc0_00�0�0�0�0'`ir�+T 
English to Japanese
"benzyldiethylamine, benzylchloride"�0�0�0�0�0�0�0�0�0�0�00iXS�0�0�0�0 
English to Japanese
"BUTYL ACRYLATE, INHIBITED"�0�0�0�0x��0�0�00�bbk 
English to Japanese
"carbon dioxide, foam, powder"�Nx�S�p }0tV'�0�|+g 
English to Japanese
"Chemicals, n.o.i.b.n."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00���T 
English to Japanese
"Chlorobenzene, solution, limited quantity"�0�0�0�0�0�0�00�n�m0\ϑ 
English to Japanese
"Chronic exposures may affect human health, as follows:"ba'`2��Qo0�N Nn0�0F0k0�Nn0eP�^k0q_��Y0�0S0h0L0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Cleaning compounds, n.o.i.b.n., liquid (non-hazardous)"yrk0c�NU0�0j0Q0�0p00mDm(uir�0�mSO�^�qSz�ir 
English to Japanese
"Combustible liquid, n.o.s."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00�S�q�mSOg0B0�00B362 
English to Japanese
"Compound, weed killing, liquid"іI�n02�d� 
English to Japanese
"Contact with water liberates toxic, extremely flammable gas."4lRh0n0・c謇o0 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACIDIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00P�ߘ'`0x�'`0!q_jn0�mSOg0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE LIQUID, BASIC, INORGANIC, N.O.S."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00P�ߘ'`0�0�0�0�0'`0 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE LIQUID, BASIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00P�ߘ'`0�0�0�0�0'`0 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE LIQUID, FLAMMABLE, N.O.S."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00P�ߘ'`0_kp'`n0�mSOg0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE LIQUID, N.O.S. , LIMITED QUANTITY"yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00P�ߘ'`0\ϑn0�mSOg0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE LIQUID, N.O.S."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00P�ߘ'`n0�mSOg0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE LIQUID, TOXIC, N.O.S."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00P�ߘ'`0 
English to Japanese
"CORROSIVE SOLID, ACIDIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S."yrk0�[�0j0D0P��00x�'`0 
English to Japanese
"Coughing, choking and shortness of breath may occur if material is acciden�0��0�0F0L0D0n0g-Nk0S0n0ir�L0��k0Am�0���0p00�T0|T8Tn0E��^~0_0o0\PbkL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Data obtained on product, similar products and on components are summarize���T0^�<O���TJ0�0s0bRn0���O�0�0�0o0�N Nk0~0h0�0�0�0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�lL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�lL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�lL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�lo0�R�gL0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�lo0�R�gL0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�lo0�R�gL0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�ln0�R�gL0�S��g0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�ln0�R�gL0�S��g0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0�lBv�e�ln0�R�gL0�S��g0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�lL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�lL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�lL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�lL0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�ln0�R�go0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�ln0�R�go0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�ln0�R�go0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�ln0�R�go0j0D00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�ln0�R�gL0�S��g0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�ln0�R�gL0�S��g0B0�00 
English to Japanese
"Depending on the patient~'s condition, treatment with the following medica�`�n0�rKak0�0�0L00�N Nn0��dR�lBv�e�ln0�R�gL0�S��g0B0�00 
English to Japanese
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