Translation glossary: Portuguese-English Dictionary

Showing entries 201-250 of 648
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dação em cumprimentoin lieu of compliance 
Portuguese to English
dar causa à moragive rise to culpable delay / culpable default / arrears 
Portuguese to English
Data de Expedição informadareported Date of Issue; Date of Issue reported 
Portuguese to English
data de retracçãowithdrawal date 
Portuguese to English
de formulação de exigência a pedido defrom the formaltion of the requirement at the request of 
Portuguese to English
de formulação de exigência a pedido defrom the formulation of the requirement at the request of 
Portuguese to English
decaimento(% under claim being requested in arbitration) losing position 
Portuguese to English
Decalcador em cinema de animaçãoAnimated Film Copier 
Portuguese to English
decorrentes de sua culpa ou doloarising from (originating from, stemming from) their negligence of malicious fraud 
Portuguese to English
defasagem do saldo de valor justodifference/gap in the balance of fair value 
Portuguese to English
deflagradabroke out; exploded 
Portuguese to English
demandantes(if there are no petitioning companies) filing a lawsuit / as plaintiffs 
Portuguese to English
Demonstração do Resultado do ExercícioIncome Statement for the Fiscal Year 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
desabone a sua conduta profissional e idoniedadediscredits his professional and appropriate/suitable behavior 
Portuguese to English
desde que os avisos ... sejam também reproduzidosas long as the (legal) warnings ... are also reproduced 
Portuguese to English
Desempenho e Performancefulfillment and performance 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
designada por Receptor ou Segunda Contraentereferred to as the Recipient of Second Party to the Contract 
Portuguese to English
deslocamentos de acentostress displacements 
Portuguese to English
devedor fiduciante / credora fiduciariadebtor in consumer finance operation / fiduciary creditor 
Portuguese to English
dever de patrociniosponsorship duty 
Portuguese to English
diligências urgentes de provapressing (urgent) evidentiary action; pressing (urgent) evidentiary steps 
Portuguese to English
dimensionamento elétricoelectrical rating; electrical specifications 
Portuguese to English
director administrativo e financeiroAdministrative and Financial Director 
Portuguese to English
direito à sucessão abertauniversal community rights in succession 
Portuguese to English
direito comparadocomparative jurisprudence; comparative law; conflict of laws 
Portuguese to English
direitos da personalidadeentity's rights 
Portuguese to English
diretrizes curriculares do ensino superiorcurricular guidelines in upper-level (higher-level) education (teaching) 
Portuguese to English
dispositivos de interface de rede de comunicação de dadosinformation communication network interface devices/mechanisms 
Portuguese to English
dissolução judicialjudicial dissolution 
Portuguese to English
distinção entre nulidade e anulabilidadedistinction / difference between nullity and voidableness 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
distribuidores forensesclerks of court 
Portuguese to English
Dividido do PIsplit Intellectual Property 
Portuguese to English
documento do arrecadaçaocollection document 
Portuguese to English
dorna volante(home use) portable vintage tub; (industrial use) portable vintage tub 
Portuguese to English
e nem sempre as pessoas estão dispostas (a fazer) este tipo de sacrifícioand people are not always willing (to make) this kind of sacrifice. 
Portuguese to English
e sobre a qual incidirão os descontos legaison which legal deductions will be made 
Portuguese to English
é um "must"it is a must / it is required 
Portuguese to English
ecogenicidade difusamente aumentadadiffusely increased echogenicity 
Portuguese to English
eixo Rio-São PauloRio-Sao Paulo hub 
Portuguese to English
Ela não vai precisar de visto se ela tem passaporte francês, se vocês forem para o Brasil[translated literally] She is not going to need a visa if she has a French passport if you go to Brazil 
Portuguese to English
Ele ficou de recuperação apenas em Física.He only had to take a makeup exam in physics/He only had to retake the physics exam. 
Portuguese to English
Em briga de marido e mulher, ninguém mete a colher.Nobody can do any good between a man and his wife. 
Portuguese to English
em cada sinistro, a título de franquiain each claim/loss, as a deductible 
Portuguese to English
em desfavor da pessoa acima qualificadaagainst the above-mentioned individual 
Portuguese to English
em função debased on 
Portuguese to English
embarques de empregadoemployee boardings 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
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