Translation glossary: Portuguese-English Dictionary

Showing entries 251-300 of 648
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emisãso de empenhopledge issuance; commitment issuance; contract issuance 
Portuguese to English
emolumento pessoalindividual fee 
Portuguese to English
empossamentoinstallation; (formal usage) investiture 
Portuguese to English
empossamentoinstallation; (formal usage) investiture 
Portuguese to English
empresas de pequeno portesmall sized (small-sized) companies 
Portuguese to English
empresas ligadasaffiliated companies; group companies 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
Encerramento do Exercício ContábilClosing of Fiscal Year 
Portuguese to English
engenharia de dutospipeline engineering 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
engrenagem de comandocontrol gear 
Portuguese to English
esboços embrionários de órgãos e sistemasembryonic outlines of organs and systems 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
escassas décimasmeagre tenths of a percentage 
Portuguese to English
escola pré-universitáriahigh school; university-track within a regular high school 
Portuguese to English
Escritura Pública Declaratória de ConvivênciaNotarized Instrument Declaring a Common-Law Relationship 
Portuguese to English
Escrivania de PazClerk of the Peace 
Portuguese to English
esfera criminalcriminally liable (for expenses); (liable for expenses) in the criminal area 
Portuguese to English
espólio - inventárioestate - inventory 
Portuguese to English
especialidades medicas e cirurgicasmedical and surgical specialties 
Portuguese to English
Esta Licença é regida de acordo com a Lei da República PortuguesaThis License is governed pursuant to the Law of the Portuguese Republic / Republic of Portugal 
Portuguese to English
estação de transferência de clientescustomer transfer station 
Portuguese to English
Estabelecimento Individual de Responsabilidade LimitadaIndividual establishment of limited liability (person) // individual establishment of limited company (entity) 
Portuguese to English
Estado, Administração e CidadaniaState / Government, Public Adminstration and Citizenship 
Portuguese to English
está diante deis facing a (new language); 
Portuguese to English
Estágio SupervisionadoSupervised Traineeship / Supervised Internship 
Portuguese to English
estágio vegetativo de floraçãovegetative stage of flowering 
Portuguese to English
estilos diferenciadosdifferentiated styles 
Portuguese to English
estilos mais cuidadosmore formal styles 
Portuguese to English
estou torcendo por vocêI´m keeping my fingers crossed for you 
Portuguese to English
estreita colaboraçãoclose cooperation 
Portuguese to English
estrombostrobe (light) 
Portuguese to English
exercício socialfiscal year 
Portuguese to English
exigivel (accent over first " i" )liable 
Portuguese to English
Experiência FabrilManufacturing Experience 
Portuguese to English
extrato de tomate e polpa de tomatetomato extract and tomato paste 
Portuguese to English
EZAEuropean Centre for Workers' Questions 
Portuguese to English
faixa de potênciapower range 
Portuguese to English
faixa preditiva de fator de proteçãopredictive range of the safety factor 
Portuguese to English
faturamentoinvoicing, billing 
Portuguese to English
faturamento líquidonet invoicing or billing 
Portuguese to English
fazer uma consignação na justiçamake a payment into the Courts 
Portuguese to English
fácil deterioraçãogradual wear and tear 
Portuguese to English
fechamento do caixacash closing 
Portuguese to English
feito, lido em voz alta e achado conformeprepared/done, read outloud and approved 
Portuguese to English
fez o gosto que eu curtojust the way I like them 
Portuguese to English
ficar no papelremain on the drawing board 
Portuguese to English
ficha medidaevaluation card, measurement card 
Portuguese to English
ficha técnicatechnical specifications 
Portuguese to English
fichas telefônicastelephone tokens 
Portuguese to English
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