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scam / fraud job offer : translating a book about Child Care and Parents Obligations...
Thread poster: Catherine Boissée
Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
Member (2006)
Dutch to German
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Why did you do that? Oct 20, 2009

Annett Hieber wrote:

I just informed this "Ms. Paloma Something" that they were officially unmasked on Proz!


Why did you do that? You actually helped her by doing so...

Annett Hieber
Annett Hieber  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
English to German
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Help her? Oct 20, 2009

efreitag wrote:

Annett Hieber wrote:

I just informed this "Ms. Paloma Something" that they were officially unmasked on Proz!


Why did you do that? You actually helped her by doing so...

Why do you think I helped her? I just wanted to deter her from continuing!!! There might be enough (new) translators who might not recognise what she/they is/are after. I want her to stop.

I would be really sorry if I caused some harm, believe me!


Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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I agree with freitag Oct 20, 2009

Annett Hieber wrote:
I just informed this "Ms. Paloma Something" that they were officially unmasked on Proz!

Unfortunately I have to agree with efreitag... We now "loose" the advantage of knowing how this works. The best thing we can do is to ignore the message and warn our colleagues as Cathetine did.

Well, no big deal really! You did it for a good purpose and that is what counts.

Now, if you received this message via, did you mark it as spam so that can lock the IP address?

Gemma Sanza Porcar
Gemma Sanza Porcar  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
Member (2008)
English to Spanish
The same Oct 20, 2009

I´ve just received the same e-mail this afternoon. It was as response of an e-mail I send when I received this job post: (which have been deleted).

Thanks for the advice.



Elisa Comito
Elisa Comito  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
English to Italian
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Me too! Oct 20, 2009

I received the same message from "Paloma Spath" (she said the book had to be translated in Italian) but with me she was more generous: she offered 1200 euros !

Hattie Spence
Hattie Spence  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
German to English
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Beware of Paloma Spath!!! Oct 20, 2009

A colleague of mine received the following e-mail today in response to her application, from a Paloma Spath. Her e-mail address is if anyone feels like letting off steam! Unfortunately she gave some personal details including bank details, which could obviously be used in a dishonest manner, so translators, please beware of any further mails from this person!


Thank yo
... See more
A colleague of mine received the following e-mail today in response to her application, from a Paloma Spath. Her e-mail address is if anyone feels like letting off steam! Unfortunately she gave some personal details including bank details, which could obviously be used in a dishonest manner, so translators, please beware of any further mails from this person!


Thank you for your response to the Translator job. Paloma Spath. I am a social
enterpreneur and I'm having a project with UNICEF Asia Projects. It is a material on
Child Care, Parent Obligations and similar topics. The previous editions have been
published in English Language but the need right now is for the same material to
come in German. Please let me know if you can expertly translate the book into
German without the book losing its original meaning.

In as much as there is a time frame within which I expect this job to be completed
which is 2 weeks, I want to make it clear that I expect it to be carried out
expertly. That is, ensuring that the book does not loose its original meaning in the
course of translation. The book has 30 pages and the words count is between nine
thousand and eleven thousand..

I will be offering you 1200 euros for this job considering the the time limit. I
will also ensure that you recieve the payment in full before you start the job.

You will receive a copy of this book from my publisher and you are expected to send
the interpreted copy back to him within 2 weeks from the day you receive the book. I
want to emphasize that I need you to prove to me that you are reliable and
trustworthy and above all, that you will not let me down as regards the deadline for
this job. For reference purpose, you can also send an email so we can reach an
agreement on time and you get started with the job.

Also, Kindly get back with the following information so I can start making
arrangement for your payment:

Full Name:
Address ;
Post Code:
cell Phone number:
Acceptance of offer:

All I need from you is total honesty and time consciousness. I will be waiting to
hear from you.

Paloma Spath

Vanessa Di Franco
Vanessa Di Franco  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
English to French
+ ...
Thank you to all of you Oct 20, 2009

for sharing your experience.

I got an email from this woman or whoever she is and was about to send my details but I decided to check first as this sounded to easy... apparently I did well!

Thank you!

Stella Lamarque
Stella Lamarque  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
English to Spanish
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Cuando la limosna es grande, hasta el santo desconfía Oct 20, 2009

Just for the record, I have also just got a similar message.

Let's hope that this forum helps protecting us from fraud job offers.

In Spanish we say: Cuando la limosna es grande, hasta el santo desconfía (literally: when alms are generous, even saints mistrust), i.e. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Let's be aware!


Leïla Fressy-Parvin
Leïla Fressy-Parvin  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
English to French
+ ...
Me too Oct 20, 2009

I am glad I checked !
Thanks for the information.
Whoever John Spencer is, he/she cannot spell, you are right. And the @ymail e-mail address looked cheap.


Local time: 07:47
French to English
+ ...
Google search results Oct 20, 2009

Geraldine Oudin wrote: Yesterday for instance I had a lady on the phone pretending to be British when she had such a strong French accent! When I told her in French that she could speak French, she got offended and answered (in perfect French) that she was British and didn't speak French. She was tryong to convince me that she could put my website on top of google results within a week, but I have to admit was busy and cut short the conversation....And she got my phone number from Proz, too.

I had a similar phone call last week supposedly from Google in Manchester (UK). The man who rang me spoke both English and French with an accent. Sounded like someone from an ex-French colony. He was very pleasant and could have been very persuasive if I hadn't had an inbuilt resistance to cold-callers. Anyway, I told him I didn't want to be on the first page of Google's search results and so would pass on this very 'generous offer'.

Anne Francescangeli
Anne Francescangeli
Local time: 07:47
Member (2006)
English to French
It happened to me too! Oct 20, 2009

I received exactly the same message yesterday, asked for futher information and got the same answer! And it happened to one of my colleague today. I found it strange and decided to search for this topic in the Proz Community. Oh...well....

Erik Freitag
Erik Freitag  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
Member (2006)
Dutch to German
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warn potential victims instead Oct 20, 2009

Annett Hieber wrote:

Why do you think I helped her? I just wanted to deter her from continuing!!! There might be enough (new) translators who might not recognise what she/they is/are after. I want her to stop.

I would be really sorry if I caused some harm, believe me!


Well, now she knows she needs to change her method a little. It'd been better to warn potential victims than to keep the offender informed ...

But, as Tomàs already said, it's not a big deal...

Bruno Espalha
Bruno Espalha  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:47
Member (2006)
English to Portuguese
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I too was victim of tentative scam Oct 20, 2009

Hello all,

I also got into this kind of scam one day.

I even received the cheque trough DHL or UPS, but when i looked at it the sum was much higher than the agreed.

I contacted the "supposed" client and asked about it.

She said it was an error and that i should send the remaining to some guy with an Arab (excuse me all our fellow colleagues with an Arabic origin) name based in Wales.

When i refused to do that i was even contacted b
... See more
Hello all,

I also got into this kind of scam one day.

I even received the cheque trough DHL or UPS, but when i looked at it the sum was much higher than the agreed.

I contacted the "supposed" client and asked about it.

She said it was an error and that i should send the remaining to some guy with an Arab (excuse me all our fellow colleagues with an Arabic origin) name based in Wales.

When i refused to do that i was even contacted by e-mail by the supposed translator saying he had a family of 5 and they were having difficulties with food and supplies because they were missing this payment.

I think the text to be translated was the 5th ammendment or something like that.

I started figuring it out when i put the Title of the document in google and it returned me hundreds of results. I figured that if there were so many results the text would also been translated and would be available to anyone in a translated version somewhere.

Needless to say that i didn't do the job and got rid of the cheque immediately.



P.S - Forgive me my English but i am doing a speedy writing. Time to go to bed now

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:47
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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Well done! Oct 21, 2009

Bruno Espalha wrote:
Needless to say that i didn't do the job and got rid of the cheque immediately.

Well done Bruno. I think this is the way to go.

I have a friend who has a friend who accepted a deal selling her Singer sewing machine. She also received a bank transfer much larger than agreed (even before she sent her Singer machine to the purchaser) and was asked by the purchaser to return the amount... to another account. This way they make money clean. A couple of days later the Spanish police contacted my friend's friend and accused her of money laundering, as they had the accounts of origin all tracked. After some weeks the matter was clarified, but it was probably the worst time of her life for the affected person.

The rule of thumb here is something we say in Spain: "Nadie da duros a peseta", i.e. "Nobody will give you a fiver in exchange of a pound"! If someone offers to pay the full amount in advance without even knowing you... beware!

Conchi Otaola
Conchi Otaola
Local time: 07:47
Member (2008)
English to Spanish
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the same Oct 21, 2009

It's incredible! I received the same email yesterday. It seemed to me strange because when I returned to the posted job it had disappeared, but as I had no much time I answered and left for today the little investigation because a bell was ringing in my ming about that everything was very strange, and now I see that my suspicions were true. Here is the answer she sent me.

Hello ,

Hope this message finds you well. Thanks for your prompt response.The Book will be send on
... See more
It's incredible! I received the same email yesterday. It seemed to me strange because when I returned to the posted job it had disappeared, but as I had no much time I answered and left for today the little investigation because a bell was ringing in my ming about that everything was very strange, and now I see that my suspicions were true. Here is the answer she sent me.

Hello ,

Hope this message finds you well. Thanks for your prompt response.The Book will be send on CD to your address.Yes the book will be send back in word

However, I reviewed all the applications for the translator position but your application stands out. I have chose to offer you the job which you will commence as soon as you receive the payment according to our agreement.

Moreso, I have instructed my financier to proceed with the cheque payment for your service. I already gave him the breakdown of your charges and that of the publisher. He advised that the payment will will be made out to your address ASAP.

He promised to get back to me later next week monday. I will keep you informed on the progress of everything by early next week.

Warmest Regards,
Paloma Spath

Of course, I have just written to tell her no to try to contact me again
I suppose this will help others, the question if that she or they change the name and use one of the many we have provided her or them with our applications to the job
Bye everyone!

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scam / fraud job offer : translating a book about Child Care and Parents Obligations...

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