Is obtaining other company's registration documents part of the translator's duties?
Thread poster: Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Member (2018)
English to Arabic
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Feb 4, 2021


I hope you are doing well.

Actually, I'm receiving weird emails from some translation companies.

I just want to make sure if these requirements are part from the translator's duties or not.

They want me to read and summarize some Arabic reports about a specific company and send them back in English.

The second requirement which I find it very strange as the following:

"We will also need help obtaining the company's
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I hope you are doing well.

Actually, I'm receiving weird emails from some translation companies.

I just want to make sure if these requirements are part from the translator's duties or not.

They want me to read and summarize some Arabic reports about a specific company and send them back in English.

The second requirement which I find it very strange as the following:

"We will also need help obtaining the company's registration
documents from the Egyptian company register (I think this has to
be done in person so please let me know if the registry office is
accessible to you).

Please let me know if you would be available and your hourly rate
for this type of task."

Actually, I'm refusing that type of work, but I want to make sure if this type of task is normal or not!

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


Jean Lachaud
Jean Lachaud  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:33
English to French
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Up to you Feb 4, 2021

Unless what is requested is illegal, then it is legal.

A free-lance translator is a service provider. You may accept or not, it is your choice.

Me, I would charge a good price for providing this service. Hopefully, that would make the client happy, which is always a good thing.


Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Member (2018)
English to Arabic
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So, this type of task is normal? Feb 4, 2021

Jean Lachaud wrote:

Unless what is requested is illegal, then it is legal.

A free-lance translator is a service provider. You may accept or not, it is your choice.

Me, I would charge a good price for providing this service. Hopefully, that would make the client happy, which is always a good thing.


Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Member (2018)
English to Arabic
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So, this type of task is normal ?! Feb 4, 2021

Jean Lachaud wrote:

Unless what is requested is illegal, then it is legal.

A free-lance translator is a service provider. You may accept or not, it is your choice.

Me, I would charge a good price for providing this service. Hopefully, that would make the client happy, which is always a good thing.


Thank you for explaining your point of view!

Jean Lachaud
Jean Lachaud  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:33
English to French
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You are an independant contractor. Feb 4, 2021

... which means you are boss and production manager, among many, many other job positions. In other words, you decide what are the tasks you want to perform. Or what is "normal."

Were I a translator employed by someone else, I would look in my employment contract, the company's rules, whatever, and decide whether a specific assignment is part of my "normal" tasks.

Using restricted definitions, doing anything that is not "translation" proper is not part of the job
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... which means you are boss and production manager, among many, many other job positions. In other words, you decide what are the tasks you want to perform. Or what is "normal."

Were I a translator employed by someone else, I would look in my employment contract, the company's rules, whatever, and decide whether a specific assignment is part of my "normal" tasks.

Using restricted definitions, doing anything that is not "translation" proper is not part of the job. That won't get anyone far as an independent contractor.


Dalia Nour wrote:

Thank you for explaining your point of view!

Dalia Nour
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:33
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Danish to English
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The client may need help with many different tasks besides straight translation Feb 5, 2021

Very often the client will provide the information you need, but not always.
For instance, if the documents are in a language the client cannot read, as may be the case with the company's registration documents, then they may need help to find the documents and obtain copies. The translator might be the obvious person to ask for that help. Make sure you charge for your time, if you decide on another occasion that you will help in that way.

In some countries dealing with a not
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Very often the client will provide the information you need, but not always.
For instance, if the documents are in a language the client cannot read, as may be the case with the company's registration documents, then they may need help to find the documents and obtain copies. The translator might be the obvious person to ask for that help. Make sure you charge for your time, if you decide on another occasion that you will help in that way.

In some countries dealing with a notary may be a normal part of the translator's job, but it depends on the document and local legislation.

Extra services may attract some clients, especially direct clients, but it may not be profitable if you spend a lot of time or have to invest in extra software which you do not use very often. A single person cannot provide a wide range of services and do all of them well.

As Jean Lachaud points out, it is up to you what services you provide, but in many cases it is better to let an agency provide the regular ones. DTP, coordinating translations in many different languages, setting up and maintaining websites, and plenty more can be done by specialists who do not translate.

Samuel Murray
Dalia Nour
Kevin Fulton
Kevin Fulton  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 19:33
German to English
Normally a lawyer or commercial agency would handle this Feb 5, 2021

Dalia Nour wrote:

"We will also need help obtaining the company's registration
documents from the Egyptian company register (I think this has to
be done in person so please let me know if the registry office is
accessible to you).

Please let me know if you would be available and your hourly rate
for this type of task."

Actually, I'm refusing that type of work, but I want to make sure if this type of task is normal or not!

By "agency", I don't necessarily mean a translation agency. There are small enterprises whose purpose is to support foreign trade/commerce to make it easier for one company to do business in another country. They often work with local chambers of commerce (if they exist in the target company) to facilitate trade. There are also independent organizations, for example the German American Chamber of Commerce(R) works with German and American companies. Such organizations often outsource translation work or refer work to translators. You might find out whether such an organization exists in your home country, as it could be a potential source of work.

[Edited at 2021-02-05 02:19 GMT]

Dalia Nour
Angie Garbarino
Nikki Scott-Despaigne
matt robinson
matt robinson  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:33
Member (2010)
Spanish to English
Before you accept Feb 5, 2021

I think you need to have a good idea of how much time you would have to spend doing the task, and how it would affect your "core" business.

Josephine Cassar
Dalia Nour
Christine Andersen
Morano El-Kholy
Morano El-Kholy  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Member (2011)
English to Arabic
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I have been approached by this same client as well ... Feb 5, 2021

Dear Dalia,

This same client contacted me as well. I think that your acceptance - as all my colleagues have made clear - depends upon your willingness and ability to perform this specific task. You have to determine exactly whether you are able and can do so. If you can and have the time and effort for this kind of work, go for it. As Christine Andersen and Kevin Fulton wrote, I think a notary can be a good choice in this case regardless of the linguistic part needed for this job.<
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Dear Dalia,

This same client contacted me as well. I think that your acceptance - as all my colleagues have made clear - depends upon your willingness and ability to perform this specific task. You have to determine exactly whether you are able and can do so. If you can and have the time and effort for this kind of work, go for it. As Christine Andersen and Kevin Fulton wrote, I think a notary can be a good choice in this case regardless of the linguistic part needed for this job.

Have a nice day.

Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Member (2018)
English to Arabic
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Thank you very much for explaining your points of view! Feb 5, 2021

Honestly, I thought that this type of work is some how "illegal" as they can contact the company they want directly and get copies of these documents. Then, send the copies to the translator to translate them (If they want a translation service). If they can't contact with the company directly because of a language barrier, then the translator can contact this company and get copies of these documents for the client.

But anything else looks out of the scope of the translator's duti
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Honestly, I thought that this type of work is some how "illegal" as they can contact the company they want directly and get copies of these documents. Then, send the copies to the translator to translate them (If they want a translation service). If they can't contact with the company directly because of a language barrier, then the translator can contact this company and get copies of these documents for the client.

But anything else looks out of the scope of the translator's duties.

When I received the same type of work from different companies, I said maybe my point of view is wrong!
That's why I am asking!

Actually, your comments are very helpful to me and make things clear!
Thank you very much again!

Kind regards,

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
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Possibly this is a local bureaucracy issue Feb 14, 2021

Sounds like the only way to fact-check whether they are dealing with a real business or a scammer is to send a local person into a government office for an information request. Probably because they haven't gone digital / don't provide online services / don't respond to inquiries from non-residents.

If this is all legal (i.e., they're not asking you to bribe anyone, just to use a legitimate citizen's right for a legal information request), then it might well be a typical type of job
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Sounds like the only way to fact-check whether they are dealing with a real business or a scammer is to send a local person into a government office for an information request. Probably because they haven't gone digital / don't provide online services / don't respond to inquiries from non-residents.

If this is all legal (i.e., they're not asking you to bribe anyone, just to use a legitimate citizen's right for a legal information request), then it might well be a typical type of job for an Egyptian contractor.

Half of it isn't particularly translator-ish, but if they pay you a decent hourly rate for your time (I would suggest same as for translation or higher), then load up an ebook or an album, strap on your headphones, and get paid for sitting around not doing much of anything.

...unless you're legitimately concerned about catching covid, in which case, tell em it's a definite "no". However, if you feel relatively safe and comfortable doing this for the right compensation, make sure to STILL tell em you're concerned over covid and charge "hazard pay" (maybe double, maybe more).

Eric Azevedo
Dalia Nour
United States
Local time: 18:33
English to Russian
+ ...
This is Egypt, not USA Feb 15, 2021

Adieu wrote:

If this is all legal (i.e., they're not asking you to bribe anyone, just to use a legitimate citizen's right for a legal information request),

Before accepting, make sure that Egypt laws are in favor of citizen's rights to public records and freedom of information. You might get yourself in trouble otherwise.

"When you travel, American Constitution does not travel with you"

Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Dalia Nour
Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Translation Feb 16, 2021

IrinaN wrote:

Adieu wrote:

If this is all legal (i.e., they're not asking you to bribe anyone, just to use a legitimate citizen's right for a legal information request),

Before accepting, make sure that Egypt laws are in favor of citizen's rights to public records and freedom of information. You might get yourself in trouble otherwise.

"When you travel, American Constitution does not travel with you"

Translation: Find out how long it takes and how much it costs.

Btw, fyi, the US Constitution contains NOTHING whatsoever about freedom of information

[Edited at 2021-02-16 14:24 GMT]

Dalia Nour
United Kingdom
Local time: 00:33
Serbian to English
+ ...
They maybe just want to bypass Feb 18, 2021

agents in their own country - cut middlemen. Take a look at these tariffs:

Strictly speaking, it's definitely NOT a "translator's job" but you could still decide to take it (or not).

In principle, assuming that the Register(s) of companies are "public information" in Egypt (I don't remember ever Egypt b
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agents in their own country - cut middlemen. Take a look at these tariffs:

Strictly speaking, it's definitely NOT a "translator's job" but you could still decide to take it (or not).

In principle, assuming that the Register(s) of companies are "public information" in Egypt (I don't remember ever Egypt being cited as a tax haven with "total privacy" about company information), gathering publicly available information is hardly "illegal", in your case it sounds more like some kind of "due diligence".

If you accept it, there's another element to take into account: be sure that you know exactly what documents to ask for - not all bureaucrats are helpful when they sense they deal with someone who doesn't know the subject matter.

[Edited at 2021-02-18 19:53 GMT]

Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour
Dalia Nour  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Member (2018)
English to Arabic
+ ...
Thank you! Apr 29, 2021

Thank you so much for sharing your points of view!


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Is obtaining other company's registration documents part of the translator's duties?

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