This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Traditionelles Wander-Powwow + Saarlouis

October 29, 2016, 4:00 pm
GermanyDusseldorfIn personGerman

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (25) / Confirmed: 7
Name NoteWill Attend
Klaus Herrmann  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Steffen Walter   ...  y
Zsuzsánna Kupán   ...  
Ilona Riesen   ...  
Stephanie Wloch   ...  
Eva Stoppa   ...  
XLea Schultze (X)   ...  
Miguel Jimenez   I hope this time I can attend   y
Irene Anton  \"Photographer\" ...  y
mohsen soleimani  \"Photographer\" ...  
Anette Hilgendag   Nächstes Jahr wieder  n
Christian Schneider   ...  
David Parry   I may be unable to atend after all  
Laura Velasco Sánchez  \"Host\" ...  
Kalinka Hristova   ...  y
Dr Sarai Pahla, MBChB   Would be interesting to meet up :)  
Christina Heischmann   ...  
Sylvie Pelissier   In 2017  n
Dilek Senurkmez-Wollnik   ...  
Steven Sidore   ...  
Sara MF   ...  n
Helga Humlova   ...  
Erik Hansson   Hört sich gut an!  y
Herbert Fipke   ...  y
Ansgar Knirim   ...  y

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