Organizing Your Day!
Time management is an important key factor to any business. Learning how to organize your time correctly can determine your success. As a translator we need to focus ourselves on the activities that will bring us the greatest returns. We need to invest in our time wisely to save time, which will in turn help us work smarter. In this article I am going to express a few key points of how to manage your time.
“Time management skills are the simple, practical techniques that have helped the leading people in business, sport and public service reach the pinnacles of their careers.”
Some Important Key Factors
• Don’t Procrastinate – Procrastination is our worst enemy, get the work done
• Create Activity Logs – Keep track of where your time is spent
• Make an Action Plan – Create a plan and put it into action
• Prioritize – Take control of your time
• Scheduling – Control your workload using daily/weekly and long-term planners
• Personal Goal Setting – Live life the way it should be and have fun doing it
• Make the most of your opportunities!
Concentrate On Results. “Typically 80% of unfocussed effort generates only 20% of results. This means that the remaining 80% of results are achieved with only 20% of the effort.”
So, if that’s the case, through a little focused effort we can achieve much greater results while diminishing daily stress load. Through proper time management you will see your numbers increase and work life is so much more enjoyable. Time management is also of utmost importance for maintaining a healthy personal and family life. The best part about time management is that it doesn’t require much. Concentrate on the results; post your goals in a place where you can always see them, and look for ways to keep motivated. Take regular breaks, such as take your dog for a walk or refresh yourself with a nice cold glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Strategies for Managing Time
• Study time
Set aside time everyday for professional study
• Schedule weekly reviews and updates
• Prioritize assignments
Beginning with the most difficult task first
• Develop alternative work places free from distractions
Maximize productivity
• Use your time wisely
Even while you are walking, riding the bus, etc.
• Proofread translations before sending them
• Write down any inspired thoughts as they come to you
(Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours)
• Schedule time for critical events
Other Important Factors
• Quality Personal Time
Don’t forget that you are the most important person
• Family Time
Start the day off right by reading a good book, listening to music or other positive activities to set the tone for the rest of the day
• Translate of Course!
Healthy Daily Routine
I can’t stress enough the importance of developing a good healthy routine. The following is an example of what a good routine could be. Everybody has there own system for what works for them. The important thing is putting it to action.
Get-up early in the morning, read a good book, have a shower, eat breakfast, check your schedule, answer emails, study, work on a translation, take the dog for a walk, work some more, have lunch, look for new possible clients, translate some more, do follow-up, clean your work space to start fresh the following day, and then relax and spend time doing other things that you enjoy… such as spending time with the family!
The key to success is managing your time, setting goals, overcoming internal barriers and making smarter decisions faster.
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