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Why do some outsourcers keep posting the same job? ( 1 ... 2 ) 24 (3,460)
Mega bug? All standing still. ( 1 ... 2 ) 23 (2,489)
About the constant AI training job posts. ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ... 6 ) 75 (15,411)
Wish -- jobs filter by signal words or phrases 0 (541)
Why haven't I received more jobs for all those quotes I've submitted where I was ranked 1st? 7 (1,814)
Weird emails regarding video data collection projects - are these permitted on ProZ? 6 (1,642)
Email requests don't show on dashboard 0 (329)
Proposition of feature to add comments or questions on "Translation jobs" ads 5 (1,843)
Pitiful-rate job offers on Proz ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ... 7 ) 91 (39,227) job postings: translation versus MTPE ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 34 (7,146)
Blue Board ( 1 ... 2 ) 20 (2,641)
Requirements for job postings? 3 (927)
Mismatch in the job and profile software name 2 (617)
Is it possible to exclude certain LSPs from jobs messages 2 (885)
Job quotes number is different in listing and job pages (Staff: fixed) 7 (1,567)
How to find the jobs that I have applied? 4 (2,973)
Available jobs for English > Swedish seems off 2 (1,136)
Essential data missing from job postings 7 (1,816)
How to remove old and closed job postings 1 (1,078)
What is happening with the job board? 10 (2,323)
bad payment agency 2 (1,118)
How do customers place orders? 2 (1,137)
Job Information Not Showing 1 (971)
Confidentiality breach on ProZ-supported job platform? 5 (2,725)
Blue Board set up in error - ProZ won't remove it 5 (1,796)
Job posts closed but show as open and not many jobs for Spanish 5 (1,992)
OneDocument Translation Workspace powered by Proz? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 31 (19,071)
Bombarded by messages 4 (2,388)
How to respond to Connect message? 3 (4,666)
OneDocument Workspace 1 (1,666)
Da best job evar 2 (1,763)
An ambiguous "new feature" 1 (1,487)
Confirmation of email sent to outsourcer 0 (1,164)
How can I report spam sent via ProZ? 5 (3,472)
Access to Blue Board records and jobs using browniz points and cash to be discontinued as of Nov. 15 ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ... 8 ) 107 (57,276)
how do I know if the job is still available? 2 (1,712)
Can't enter specialisation on profile - why? 4 (2,333)
Constant work from 2 (2,660)
Company banned from posting with good BB rating - what does this mean? 6 (3,317)
How can I edit my standard bids on the bid page, other than when bidding? 1 (1,612)
VAT charged to add funds to wallet ( 1 ... 2 ) 15 (6,228)
Pay to quote 0 (1,248)
OneDocument SL requesting my Proz password? 5 (2,516)
How do I disable job emails from [Agency Name] Translation Workspace? 0 (1,423)
Certified translations by sworn translators in France 3 (2,110)
Please include a BB link on company pages (that are linked in job notification emails) 6 (2,833)
Job postings update: What can be improved about display of job postings? ( 1 ... 2 ) 20 (8,488) Job RSS feeds now available ( 1 ... 2 ) 22 (21,283)
Mistakes in job postings 10 (4,016)
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