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In case you've missed it (survey on perceptions and experience of
Thread poster: Barbara Carrara
Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:40
Member (2003)
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Translation mastermind Feb 7, 2024

Christopher Schröder wrote:

There’s also the Translation Mastermind group on Facebook, a paid thing .

I am a member and I can assure you that I did not pay, or am I missing something?

Chris Says Bye
Dan Lucas
Dan Lucas  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:40
Member (2014)
Japanese to English
Foreboding Feb 7, 2024

Andrew Morris wrote:
Where you ARE right is that healthy communities tend not to welcome sarcasm, vindictiveness and cynicism, finding such qualities rather toxic. As you so ably and consistently demonstrate.

While I defend Andrew's right to comment robustly, I'm not sure this will end any better than the notorious 2019 thread. (Which, despite copious and even - dare I say it - heartfelt feedback from forum members, apparently failed to induce the powers-that-be to take any action to improve the operation of the forum, which in turn is one of the problems that has been repeatedly pointed out to management by said forum members: nothing ever happens.)


Philip Lees
Chris Says Bye
Jennifer Levey
Grace Anderson
Joe France
P.L.F. Persio
Michele Fauble
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:40
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it's just unprofessionalism Feb 7, 2024

Andrew Morris wrote:

Well as a longstanding member of the human race, I find your sense of inappropriateness and ability to take offence highly selective, which could in itself be considered offensive.

No. Your way of communicating is another example of the lack of the concept of "professionalism" at Proz.
As a member of a BUSINESS, you will NEVER be aggressive with CLIENTS, even if they are. Because they pay your rent (or your Porsche).
You'll rather try to understand what problem they are experiencing and how you can solve it. This is called customer care.

[Bearbeitet am 2024-02-07 09:27 GMT]

Emily Scott
Rachel Waddington
Christel Zipfel
Philip Lees
Jennifer Levey
Angie Garbarino
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 03:40
Member (2020)
French to Dutch
+ ...
. Feb 7, 2024

Zea_Mays wrote:

As a member of a BUSINESS, you will NEVER be aggressive with CLIENTS, even if they are.

Well, I don't think you should tolerate clients that behave aggressively, but I get your point. If you want to survive or thrive as a business you might want to tolerate certain behaviour that you wouldn't necessarily tolerate in your private life. Andrew seems to disagree.

Apart from that it seems a bit weird to call sarcasm and criticism toxic. The opposite - slick business environments with constantly smiling and positive people - seems more toxic to me, because they are far away from reality. There can't be improvement without feedback, and sarcastic feedback is also feedback.

[Bijgewerkt op 2024-02-07 10:00 GMT]

Philip Lees
Jennifer Levey
Rachel Waddington
Anton Konashenok
P.L.F. Persio
Robert Rietvelt
Apologies Feb 7, 2024

Turns out the ProZ forum is no longer moderated by Andrew Morris and membership of Translation Mastermind is now free. I stand corrected. My original point about this forum not being the only source of feedback to ProZ Towers stands.

Apologies also for my catty remarks. I shouldn't have poked the hornet's nest.

I would however vigorously defend my right to be cynical about those who seek to make money from what their peers give away for free.

Philip Lees
Jennifer Levey
Grace Anderson
Rachel Waddington
Dan Lucas
Barbara Carrara
Charlie Bavington
Angie Garbarino
Angie Garbarino  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:40
Member (2003)
French to Italian
+ ...
As far as I know Feb 7, 2024

Christopher Schröder wrote:

membership of Translation Mastermind is now free.

I am a member since 2019, but I never paid, not sure when or if it was not free.

Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:40
English to Italian
It wasn't... Feb 7, 2024

at the very beginning... if I remember correctly, Andrew was accused of monetising his previous non-revenue generating assets...

Angie Garbarino wrote:

I am a member since 2019, but I never paid, not sure when or if it was not free.

Charlie Bavington
Angie Garbarino
P.L.F. Persio
Tanya Quintieri
Tanya Quintieri
Local time: 03:40
Why don't you just ask?! Feb 7, 2024

Christopher Schröder wrote:

Turns out the ProZ forum is no longer moderated by Andrew Morris and membership of Translation Mastermind is now free. I stand corrected. My original point about this forum not being the only source of feedback to ProZ Towers stands.

Then you wouldn't have to make assumptions... "When you assume, you make an a$$ out of you and me." comes to mind...

TM is a paid group that is 39 EUR per year. But it is free for Plus & Premium members.

Andrew was the admin until the end of the year, then Susan took over as admin, and I help out with tech and post series.

Now what I don't know is what TM has to do with the ProZ survey. It clearly says: "Your thoughtful answers will help the team improve aspects of the experience."

Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:40
French to English
Maybe a bit of a digression Feb 7, 2024

Tanya Quintieri wrote:

Now what I don't know is what TM has to do with the ProZ survey. It clearly says: "Your thoughtful answers will help the team improve aspects of the experience."

I think the whole TM/Mr Morris/money discussion was an offshoot from the mention of the larger, general Proz group on FB.
And that was mentioned because it's another place where folk discuss this website. Another place in addition to here. Where, the perception is, that much is said, but little is actually done.
Which is why I have to confess that on reading your assertion "It clearly says....", I chuckled wryly to myself, thinking, yup, lots gets said, sometimes even clearly, but is that enough?

Barbara Carrara
P.L.F. Persio
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 23:40
On the survey, on the social media groups, and on the forums Feb 7, 2024

Hi all,

First, thanks to everyone who has participated in the survey so far. The survey is exactly what it says it is, a survey on perceptions and experience of Surveys like this have been done in the past by different means. This one is directed at those who already use the site, and also those who may not be using the site, hence its diffusion on social media and other places off site.

I notice some confusion around the Facebook groups, so I'll take a momen
... See more
Hi all,

First, thanks to everyone who has participated in the survey so far. The survey is exactly what it says it is, a survey on perceptions and experience of Surveys like this have been done in the past by different means. This one is directed at those who already use the site, and also those who may not be using the site, hence its diffusion on social media and other places off site.

I notice some confusion around the Facebook groups, so I'll take a moment to clarify.

There are two main groups on Facebook. The first is a general group, , which was started around 14 years ago. Anyone who wants to can ask to join. Like, it is designed as a space for language professionals to come together in a positive, results-oriented manner. The rules there are the same as on the site. So if you are on Facebook, you can interact with other professionals in a professional manner there if you choose. As of this writing, the group has just over 71,000 members.

The other group is called Translation Mastermind, , and was started back in 2016 by Andrew Morris. The focus there is a bit more narrow (see the "About" section of the group). Membership in Translation Mastermind is paid, but is also included in Plus membership, so if you are a Plus subscriber and are on Facebook and want to collaborate with colleagues seeking to improve their business, their mindset, their contact with direct clients, etc., you can join for free. I would say the atmosphere there is, in line with what seeks to support, highly positive and results-oriented.

While I'm at it, also runs a LinkedIn group, to which any language professional can apply, and the purpose of which is the same as the general Facebook group. At the moment, this group has 136,000 members.

Why the groups and why not have everything on in the forums? The team are what we'll call platform agnostic, in that it doesn't really matter what the platform is, if there is a way for the team to deliver on the mission, they'll use it (or at least try to!). If language professionals can benefit from that where they are, and can go to them, it will.

Experience has shown, in the above mentioned groups for example, that when more effort is put into providing the right atmosphere, the place suddenly becomes much more useful for everyone.

With the forums in particular, here's some data you may, or may not, find interesting. In January, there were 1,999 forum posts made, among 389 people posting. To a great extent, those posts are in line with the purpose of the forums: asking for and providing help. But if even a small percentage of those 389 people are not collaborating in a constructive, results-oriented manner, and are also posting a higher percentage of that 1,999 total of posts to boot, the atmosphere of the forums changes, and becomes more "dangerous" to others who would seek or provide help here. I feel relatively confident in saying that there could be a lot more collaboration happening in the forums if those who are following along passively at the moment were to have less of a sensation that posting to the forums will be rewarded with a bag full of snark. You can get or give that almost everywhere else on the internet. There is no shortage of "free speech" zones out there, but is not one of those zones, as outlined in its rules and its limited scope:

The responsibility for ensuring that atmosphere is on the team, of course. Changes in this can be expected moving forward.

Returning to the topic, once again thank you to everyone who has completed the survey and to those who have helped spread the word. The input so far has been highly constructive.


Dr. Matthias Schauen
Tanya Quintieri
Tanya Quintieri
Local time: 03:40
That's fair Feb 7, 2024

Charlie Bavington wrote:

I think the whole TM/Mr Morris/money discussion was an offshoot from the mention of the larger, general Proz group on FB.
And that was mentioned because it's another place where folk discuss this website. Another place in addition to here. Where, the perception is, that much is said, but little is actually done.
Which is why I have to confess that on reading your assertion "It clearly says....", I chuckled wryly to myself, thinking, yup, lots gets said, sometimes even clearly, but is that enough?

Well, to clarify, TM is not a asset. Susan is a part-time staff member (as am I), and she runs TM as a sister-space (with my help). But we have our own rules in TM, our own objective, our own approach to community. The fact that we both joined the team doesn't change that. We'd still be doing TM even if hadn't hired us (our roles at are different from what we do at TM). The handshake is just one of the cool perks for Plus and Premium members.

Now, about the Facebook group and the survey — I'm scratching my head trying to connect the dots here. This survey's making rounds everywhere, not just on Facebook. is present all over the internet — Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, you name it, plus the good old newsletter and event billboards. What's the issue with that?

As for "lot's gets said"... yeah, loud and clear. It's all over the forum. That's exactly why Susan's on board. She's the new Communications Coordinator, and this survey is her opening act. Throwing her to the wolves with all that pent-up steam wouldn't be playing fair, would it? It's not exactly a bed of roses in here sometimes.

So, how about we give Susan, the survey, and a fair shot at turning things around? We can't rewrite history, but we sure can script a better now and future for this community. That's the whole point of the survey.

On a personal note, I struggle to understand the negativity directed towards Andrew. He's one of the finest people I know and I'm proud to consider him a friend. He charged for the TM membership in the same way that charges for the membership here. He put in a lot of hours every week and it was only fair that he was paid for his work. Nobody was forced to take his offer. Those who did have not regretted it. There is plenty of room for different strokes for different folks. No reason to throw shade at different paths or values. It's all about finding your tribe and what clicks for you, free or paid.

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:40
English to Italian
Reason, maybe... Feb 7, 2024

Tanya Quintieri wrote:

On a personal note, I struggle to understand the negativity directed towards Andrew. He's one of the finest people I know and I'm proud to consider him a friend. He charged for the TM membership in the same way that charges for the membership here.

If I remember correctly, Andrew shared his advice in a group of outstanding translators and when the group got really big, he decided to open a different one where he would share his advice for a fee. Hence the monetisation accusation. Personally, I couldn't care less. I could not join because I was blocked by him. But this is a completely different story and very OT. HTH.

Dan Lucas
Dan Lucas  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:40
Member (2014)
Japanese to English
No, it's not enough Feb 7, 2024

Charlie Bavington wrote:
"It clearly says....", I chuckled wryly to myself, thinking, yup, lots gets said, sometimes even clearly, but is that enough?

And remember please, site staff who are engaged in this thread, that this is not a charity, that I and many others pay a substantial sum for the service, of which the forum is a part.

One aspect of the problem is that this is a site essentially for people who have a way with words, and that facility with language extends to site staff. The result is always a lot of plausible verbiage from the side when forum members get annoyed and start pointing out the site's many shortcomings. It's not enough.

As Charlie points out, it's all very well to say "clearly" this and "clearly" that, but nothing seems to change. Ever. Ultimately good intentions aren't enough; outcomes are what matter. If we judge purely by outcomes viewed from the perspective of the customer (us), you (collectively) just don't seem to be very effective.

That may be hard for you to hear, and no doubt you feel that there are reasons why you haven't been able to give us some (any?) of the things we have asked for, but is not our job to make you feel good.

Finally, like it or not, snark, irony, satirism and other quasi-rhetorical devices are a part of the ebb and flow of adult human discourse, particularly when one party is faced with what they believe to be excuses, disingenuousness, obduracy, or just plain incompetence on the part of another. Provided that it doesn't devolve into abuse or harassment, I don't have a problem with that.


Charlie Bavington
Barbara Carrara
P.L.F. Persio
Robert Rietvelt
Grace Anderson
Tanya Quintieri
Tanya Quintieri
Local time: 03:40
I am on your side Feb 7, 2024

[quote]Dan Lucas wrote:

And remember please, site staff who are engaged in this thread, that this is not a charity, that I and many others pay a substantial sum for the service, of which the forum is a part.

Yes, but that doesn't mean that we don't get to make the rules. There have been threads that are absolutely horrendous. It's a venue and members pay for admission. Not for shares. This is not an official answer, but one that needs saying. I understand you're frustrated. I am, too.

However, I am using the energy unleashed by frustration to press for changes by doing, not by verbally abusing or ridiculing people. And yes, I feel personally attacked when e.g. someone makes assumptions on why I or anyone else diversifies. Just to name an example from this one thread. It's none of anyone's business. Nobody here has a right to personally attack or judge anyone.

One aspect of the problem is that this is a site essentially for people who have a way with words, and that facility with language extends to site staff. The result is always a lot of plausible verbiage from the side when forum members get annoyed and start pointing out the site's many shortcomings. It's not enough.

As Charlie points out, it's all very well to say "clearly" this and "clearly" that, but nothing seems to change. Ever. Ultimately good intentions aren't enough; outcomes are what matter. If we judge purely by outcomes viewed from the perspective of the customer (us), you (collectively) just don't seem to be very effective.

Again, I hear you. hears you. We're working on solutions. You can't change an infrastructure that has grown for 25 years over night. Nor change processes in a jiffy.

That may be hard for you to hear, and no doubt you feel that there are reasons why you haven't been able to give us some (any?) of the things we have asked for, but is not our job to make you feel good.

I've only been around as staff for a few weeks, so I can't really receive that, nor do I have to. And I can't really speak to the reasons either. What I do know is that it isn't a lack of ability or care — the team works hard and with passion. But there have to better ways to communicate, from both sides. We're working on that.

Finally, like it or not, snark, irony, satirism and other quasi-rhetorical devices are a part of the ebb and flow of adult human discourse, particularly when one party is faced with what they believe to be excuses, disingenuousness, obduracy, or just plain incompetence on the part of another. Provided that it doesn't devolve into abuse or harassment, I don't have a problem with that.

Odd... I would say a lot of what happens could be seen as abusive. There's subtle and not so subtle bullying, harassment, and uncalled-for behavior. I don't experience the same in other communities I am part of.

The forum certainly isn't a welcoming space for those new to the profession or our community. And that's a real shame. Because we have so much to learn from each other. We're generally smart people. With the veterans among us having so much experience to share. Yet a few "choose violence" and poison what could be a nurturing, inspiring, supportive space... It's sad, really.

Personally, I am tired of back-stabbing keyboard warriors. As someone who has been to countless events for translators, I can confirm that those who bicker the loudest and lack respect/decency online fail to look one in the eye when standing face-to-face. So all of this bickering and hinting and trying to be 'smart' is useless and a waste of everyone's time and energy. As you say, we have a way with words. Perhaps we should put it to better use.

Gregory Thomas (X)
Dr. Matthias Schauen
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In case you've missed it (survey on perceptions and experience of

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