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Search results: (19 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: In comparison with 2011, the work volume I have received this year has chill, also: 2012 beats 2011 Get real, guys. If you don't like the poll, don't
answer the poll. I really don't see why we should
all be so fired up about sharing details on our
workload or anonymous polls. It's not th
Esther van der Wal Jul 16, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you invoice? Right after project, at end of month, sometimes early next month I prefer to invoice shortly after delivering a
project and do so most of the time, but some
clients send me between 5 and 15 small jobs per
month, so it's much easier to add them all up at
Esther van der Wal Jun 27, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you made financial plans/preparations for retirement? Just started I've recently set up a savings plan for this
purpose, seeing as I have virtually no money on my
name from former jobs. The first deposit was made
in December last year, because it was a go
Esther van der Wal May 21, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have any pets? Kitten soon Our neighbors have a litter of kittens and we'll
be taking one home when she's old enough
:) This is Coco aged 6 days
Esther van der Wal May 6, 2012
Trados support Studio 2011: Select whole source text and copy to target Yes I think you can do this by going to Options ->
Editor -> Opening files - tick the box before
'Automatically copy source content to target cells
when opening document'. Have a nice weeke
Esther van der Wal May 4, 2012
Dutch Zelfstandig werken in Nederland Een paar meningen Heren, heren. Hij vroeg om ondernemerstips, niet
om een opfriscursus Nederlandse spelling en
grammatica, toch? :) [quote]Alistair Ian
Spearing Ortiz wrote: *Welke percentage van
Esther van der Wal Apr 28, 2012
Trados support SDL starter edition. Is it worth it? Try it I would try it. I've worked with the Starter
Edition for a year before updating to the full
version. You can use the basic functions that
you need for translating, such as opening sing
Esther van der Wal Apr 28, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you ever delete your work-related emails? Obliged to keep 7 years I keep all relevant emails because under Dutch tax
law, I'm obliged to archive and keep all parts of
my administration for 7 years. This does not
necessarily include every piece of a conve
Esther van der Wal Feb 9, 2012
Fun with language Define yourself in 140 characters Like [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: "The kind
of person who would spent two days trying to
describe himself in 140 characters, only to find
that he would need 140 more." [/quote] Ha
Esther van der Wal Oct 4, 2011
Fun with language Define yourself in 140 characters Tagline I currently use this as a tagline: Inspired
lover of life, music and coffee. Explorer of
identities at IdentiTales. Writer, editor and
translator at Redactiebureau Sterk. It is, of<
Esther van der Wal Oct 3, 2011
Dutch We don't work for free? Lef & blokkeren Ik heb het ook zien staan en vond het een
prachtige reden om verdere postings van deze
aanbieder te blokkeren. Ze krijgen wel steeds meer
lef, die potentiële klanten van ons!
Esther van der Wal Sep 26, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have your own website? It's my digital business card To me, my website is like a digital business card.
I work as a writer, editor and translator, so I
figured the least I could do was write good texts
on my website to show people my skills.
Esther van der Wal Mar 4, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help Is there any free or cheap translation software? Thanks for the tip [quote]Pablo Bouvier wrote: Wordfast anywhere
online, free and versatile.

[/quote] Thanks for the tip, I didn't know this
one and will check it out!
Esther van der Wal Oct 23, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: In which social network do you participate most actively? Hyves Hyves is the largest social network here in the
Netherlands, although I only use it for casual
social contacts. I use LinkedIn professionally,
but can't say I'm active with it at the momen
Esther van der Wal Oct 8, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your profile 100% complete? Just the WWA! Mine is complete for the moment, except for a WWA
entry! I'm hoping to get one soon so I can get
that nifty little green mark on my profile.
Esther van der Wal Aug 30, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever written a book? NaNoWriMo; probably won't be published I have taken part in National Novel Writing Month
(NaNoWriMo) three times now, of which I have "won"
twice. "Winning" means writing 50.000 words during
the month of November - which not ne
Esther van der Wal Aug 27, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work exclusively as a translator/interpreter? Also a writer/editor Besides working as a translator, I also write,
edit and proofread both online and offline texts.
Ranging from SEO based website texts, columns,
articles, interviews and reviews to desk res
Esther van der Wal Aug 25, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: When I'm working, I always have within reach Several of the above Coffee and/or water, the radio (when I don't have
to concentrate much or make phonecalls), my cell
phone, pen and notes, agenda, dictionaries when
applicable, and grapes if I crave a snack
Esther van der Wal Aug 1, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you pay attention to the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your website? It's not as scary as it sounds Besides working as a translator, I am also a
writer and editor. Since the magic abbreviation
"SEO" has entered the public domain, it's hard to
omit when working as a web editor. So I recen
Esther van der Wal Jul 29, 2010

Translation industry discussion forums

Open discussion on topics related to translation, interpreting and localization

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Your smart companion app

Pastey is an innovative desktop application that bridges the gap between human expertise and artificial intelligence. With intuitive keyboard shortcuts, Pastey transforms your source text into AI-powered draft translations.

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