The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
"natural de".... "nascida em" native of . . . born in
Entered by: Elvira Alves Barry
"transitados em julgados" final and binding (res judicata)/ final and unapealable
(a) Conservatória do Registro Civil (a) Civil Registry (Office) (b) Parish (c) Record (d) Registrar (e) Deputy-Registrar
(a.) Signed
(efs) initials of the certifying clerk
*para fins de direito* for all intents and purposes under the law
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
... um damão pequeno da freguezia de senhora do mar conselho de damao Nani Daman, Senhora do Mar (Lady of the Sea) Parish, Daman Municipal Council
....só será valido quando portar rubrica e CHANCELA EM RELEVO... shall only be valid if initialed and RAISED SEAL has been affixed
...dita do conselho dito ...from the above mentioned/mentioned parish and (municipal) council serviço registral a meu cargo.... ... in the registry service incumbent upon me ...
...pratica de acto do registo civil... This document should be presented whenever a certificate or official document is required or issued.
...revogado o disposto na Resolucao XXX e demais disposicoes contrárias. ...being cancelled any statement of the resolution XXXX and further contrary provisions
...sou professora de matematica e ciencias onde conclui universidade ...where I studied and where I am teacher in mathematics and sciences
Entered by: Philippe Maillard
...vai firmada com o selo branco ..signature accompanied by an embossed seal
1aVIA Original copy
2a VIA copy, duplicate
2a via.r. certified (recognized) copy (2nd. copy)
2º Ajudante deputy assistant
2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Middle school
A aluna foi submetida a processo de adaptaçao em OSPB The student had to take remedial classes in OSPB
A conservadora adjunta em exercício acting assistant registrar
a cursar course not yet taken...
Entered by: airmailrpl
a fim de tratar de assuntos do seu interesse to deal with matters of concern to you / that concern you.
A Secretária Eficaz The Efficient Secretary
a seu cargo under his/her responsibility
a virago the woman (in latin)
Entered by: airmailrpl
A.I. (em cargo) interino/provisório/temporário/ad interim
ação de conversão de separação judicial consensual em divórcio (Br.) petition/action/ to turn consensual judicial separation into divorce
acc. motorcycle license
Aconta No. Bill No.
acrebispado archbishopric
Entered by: Nadja B Batdorf
Adaptação Pedagógica-Informática ICT Adaptation in Education
Adaptacao Curricular/Equivalencia de Estudos curricular adaptation / equivalence of studies
ADM. MAT. LOG. PAT. Procurement and Logistics Management
Administração - Bacharelado Habilitação em Comércio Exterior Administration - Bachelor Degree Candidate in Foreign Commerce (Trade)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Administração de Governança de Hotéis hotel housekeeping management
Agência Júnior de Comunicação junior/student-run communication agency
Entered by: Daniel Erlich
aluna com matrícula trancada student on academic leave of absence
Aluno em situação de desligamento com processo Student's enrollment status being deactivated/in the process of being deactivated
Amparo constitucional reconhecido e auto-regulamentado Constitutional Support Recognised and Self-Regulated [by Law...]
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