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Romanian to English Poetry & Literature Translation Glossary

Romanian term English translation
pus pe ranga on the crowbar
râsul (ui) de substanță substantial/momentous laughter
Entered by: Simona Pop
răzbate comes from/is apparent from
renume make a name (for yourself)
retraiesti viata incheiata pe pamant live again the life you had on earth
s.n. emphasis added / italics mine
să fie aureolată de cununa modestiei (whose wisdom) is adorned with the crown of modesty
se facea ca I had this dream where...
se uită în direcția privirii ei he looked in the direction of her sight/gaze
se-nghesuiau s-o viziteze flocked to see her
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Sectant Sect follower
sensibilizat de ochii-i înlăcrimați moved by her tear filled eyes
Si ei ii era dor. She longed for it, too.
si tot el le aduna cu buzele and he also picked them up with his lips
si-am incalecat pe-o sa si v-am spus povestea asa An\' the wheel bend, an\' the story end.
si-si aranjă capotul si părul fixed her dressing gown and her hair
simți un junghi puternic in inima felt a sharp pain in his heart
simtea ca traieste a doua tinerete she felt that she was living a second youth
simtind nevoia sa se miste Feeling the need to stretch his legs
Entered by: Lara Barnett
stih verse
strânse pleoapele She scrunched her eyes up
străbătuți de scânteieri stranii (his/her eyes had) a weird sparkling glint
Entered by: Claudia Coja
taranism peasantrism
te voi purta I would carry you/I'll take you there/I cannot take you
tehnica substituirilor de planuri interchangeability of narrative levels
tiraj A press run / edition
tot meritul lor il pun pe seama They attribute all their accomplishments to
traind cu tot sufletul povestea lui living/feeling with all her being his story
tremura ciorba in farfurii sent ripples through the (bowls of) soup / the soup rippled in the bowls
Entered by: Lara Barnett
trup sufletesc spiritual body
turnuri solitare solitary towers
uitat de timp which time forgot
Entered by: Claudia Coja
Un deceniu cât un secol A Century-Long Decade
Unghiile roase bitten nails
urmărind mișcările regulate ale pieptului în timp ce el respira observing the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest as he was breathing
vatră strămoşească ancestral homeland
vâlva băilor fairy of the mine
văzu cum fața femeii iubite se insenineaza he saw the face of his beloved woman suddenly brightening up
vederea in duh (the gift of) clear sight
Visele ei păreau a fi realitate Her dreams felt (so) real
Entered by: Lara Barnett
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