Translation Glossaries from the Web
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2226-2250 of 8054 results
You can find this glossary of condiments, spices and vegetables used in Indian food towards the middle of the page, on the right hand side. There are two links: Hindi to English AND English to Hindi. There is also a link to a handy conversion table for measurements.
Phrases typiques en français, avec leurs définitions
The American's guide to speaking British.
The seven sections on the left contain over 1000 words and expressions that differ in their usage between the US and the UK
Diccionario médico-biológico (histórico y etimológico) de helenismos
Francisco Cortés Gabaudan (Coordinador) - Universidad de Salamanca |
Se trata de un diccionario dedicado especialmente a los helenismos médicos y biológicos y los estudia desde un punto de vista histórico y etimológico. No pretende, en su actual fase de elaboración, recoger sistemáticamente todos los helenismos de la medicina o biología pero acumula ya un número muy significativo de ellos (más de 4.800 acepciones), ... View more
English - Ingush / Ingush - English Lexical Database
University of California, Berkeley / Johanna Nichols |
The Ingush database is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 file maintained on Macintoshes and PCs. The searchable version on this website is a series of ASCII text files generated from the original database. As of October 1999 the database contains approximately 3500 lexical records or about 5000 words. Data is taken from a number of published and unpublished sour... View more
Chechen - English / English - Chechen glossary
University of California, Berkeley / Johanna Nichols |
This dictionary uses an interface program to search a the lexical database for this project. Search for any form of a word. So far the Chechen words are only in the Latin spelling used here, not in the standard Cyrillic spelling used in Chechnya.
The searchable portion is about 2000 words.
Glossario con definizioni relative a :
I materiali usati per le tubazioni:
Le tubazioni per il gas devono essere adatte, per quanto riguarda i materiali e gli spessori, a convogliare il metano e a sopportare la pressione con cui il gas e' trasportato.
Il GAS metano
Glossario delle definizioni e dei termini ricorrenti sul gas così come comunemente è conosciuto: il metano delle distribuzioni cittadine
Il glossario aziendale è un insieme dei principali termini che vengono abitualmente utilizzati nella vita dell'azienda. Le parole inserite si riferiscono a tre rami dell'organizzazione: qualità, logistica e produzione. Lo spirito dell'esposizione vorrebbe essere quello di "raccontare" le voci del glossario, in modo di aiutare chi ha una necessit... View more
glossario di logistica
glossario di logistica economica a cura di Fedele Iannone sotto la supervisione del Prof. Ennio Forte, |
Glossario con più di 500 termini tra lemmi italiani, prestiti dalla lingua inglese, sigle. glossario di logistica economica a cura di Fedele Iannone sotto la supervisione del Prof. Ennio Forte, Università Federico II di Napoli, di Scienze Economiche e Sociali [pubblicato anche dal Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti nell'Annuario della l... View more
Proyecto de fin de carrera. Mémoire de maîtrise.
glossario di marketing
Frontpoint Europe |
Glossario con più di 200 termini utilizzati nel marketing
Multilingual technical dictionary from the Association of European Wheel Manufacturers in the form of downloadable PDF files. There is also an appendix for wheel and rim nomenclature, as well as rim typologies for each language.
The Multilingual Glossary Translation and Definitions in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. MiFID, UCITS & UCITS III, Investment Funds, Hedge Funds, Trading Transparency, Anti-Money Laundering, Structured Finance, Capital Adequacy & Risk Management.
A very comprehensive English monolingual glossary of telecommunications from the US Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions.
termes et définitions en français
Glossaire logistique
FAQ Logistique |
English equivalents of French terms; definitions are in French only.
Logistik Wörterbuch
Verein Netzwerk Logistik |
Einsprachiges deutsches Glossar mit Begriffen von ABC-Analyse über Multimomentaufnahme bis Zolllager
termes et définitions en français
English-mono glossary of terms used in tribology.
German-mono version is at:
Aquí podréis encontrar numerosos nudos que se inventaron hace muchos años, y que se utilizan hoy en día, así como otros que ya no se utilizan pero son muy decorativos.
Canada Labour Relations Glossary
The Public Service Labour Relations Board- Canada |
This glossary is intended for those who deal directly or indirectly with the Public Service Staff Relations Act, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Part II of the Canada Labour Code, the words and expressions
contained herein are related for the most part to the field of labour relations.
Since the whole glossary is on... View more
Glosario de nutrición, salud y bienestar. ¿Tiene dudas respecto al significado de alguna palabra relacionada con el tema de Nutrición, Salud y Bienestar? Este glosario glosario incluye parte de la terminología habitual que en esta área se utiliza con frecuencia.
A glossary containing 233 terms relating to European integration and the institutions and activities of the EU. The definitions explain how the individual terms have evolved and provide references to the Treaties, if necessary. Historical background, how the institutions work, what the procedures are, and what areas are covered by a Community poli... View more
Glossary of EU jargon
Local Government Association |
Glossary of EU terms and phrases
Globemaster Dictionary: Military abbreviations and acronyms of the US Armed Forces
The GLOBEMASTER US Military Aviation Database |
The database contains about 15,000 abbreviations, acronyms and aircraft designations of all military branches. Records of military organizations include the official URLs as far as available. It offers several search engines to find:
-Air Facilities of all branches
-Aircraft and helicopter operating units
-Aircraft tail codes ... View more
Basic terms for Internet users
Glossary of forest-related terms and species from the NFI (Swiss National Forest Inventory). Scientific Latin names of all species are provided, as well. Terms highlighted in yellow have detailed descriptions in English, as well as the other three languages; for those not highlighted, only the equivalents in other languages are provided.
Vokabeln aus dem universitären Bereich
Praxiskontaktstelle der Uni Passau |
Vokabelliste deutsch<>italienisch, die die Bewerbung in der jeweiligen Sprache erleichtert.
Glossario dei termini botanici
a cura di Giuliano Salvai e Giovanni Dose |
glossario dei termini botanici tratto dal sito dell´A.M.I.N.T. - Associazione micologica italiana naturalistica telematica
Glossar mit Fachbegriffen aus der Tribologie in deutscher Sprache.
Englische Version ist unter:
glossario in lingua italiana
Glossario relativo ad aste immobiliari
Aste Immobiliari |
glossario delle aste immobiliari (in lingua italiana)
Glossario dello Champagne |
glossario francese-italiano
Fachwörter der Zirkuswelt
Circusfreunde, Switzerland |
Fachwörter ABC der Zirkuswelt
Auflistung der wichtigsten Fachbegriffe der Raumforschung, Raumordnung und des Baurechts.
klinisch-medizinisches Glossar
Horten-Zentrum, Universitätsspital Zürich |
Das Horten-Zentrum ist ein Institut, das praxisorientierte Forschung durchführt und unterstützt. Das Horten-Zentrum ist damit ein Ansprechpartner für Forschungsfragen aus der Praxis. Das Horten-Zentrum hat die Fachkompetenz zur Bewertung klinisch-medizinischer Informationen aus wissenschaftlichen Studien. Auf dieser Basis bietet es aufbereitete,... View more
Proverbi e eufemismi della lingua italiana
Secondarete di Alibrando Morgantini |
Ogni proverbio o idioma è provvisto di una spiegazione, a volte anche storica. Dal proverbio interessato si arriva direttamente alla spiegazione.
Un vocabolario per i termini meno frequenti.
Glossaire de Linguistique Computationnelle
Mourad Amine, Serge Fleury, Lionel Delafosse |
Le but de ce glossaire est d'aider à la compréhension des mots techniques utilisés en linguistique computationnelle. À ce titre, il peut servir d'aide mémoire pour tous ceux (spécialistes ou non spécialistes) qui sont confrontés au Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL). Il regroupe de nombreux termes utilisés dans la terminologie du TAL. Il... View more