Translation glossary: FR-EN-EN-FR APM

Showing entries 451-500 of 1,393
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dispositif semiconducteur intégré de modulation de lumière ultrarapideintegrated semiconductor device for extra-high-speed light modulation 
French to English
Dispositifs Actionnés de Sécurité DASActuated Safety Devices 
French to English
document à conserver(document) to be retained / keep for your records 
French to English
document issue recordhistorique des révisions des documents 
English to French
documents liberatoiresrelease documentation OR documents 
French to English
dog end [colloquial term for cigarette butt OR end]mégot [similar register in FR] 
English to French
domiciliationuse as an accommodation address 
French to English
dommages et intérêts équivalents au préjudicedamages corresponding to the loss 
French to English
dont l'un d'ailleursone of which, moreover, 
French to English
double accord [electronics: radio, communications etc.]double-tuned (other possibilities exist, depending on application) 
French to English
double micro blanche couchéedouble micro-corrugated cardboard, faced with coated white card 
French to English
double-end amplifier / dual final amplifieramplificateur de sortie / de puissance à 2 canaux 
English to French
douille volanteflying / loose lampholder [specifically, for fluorescent tube] 
French to English
downwards-compatibleà compatibilité descendante 
English to French
DPR = Decret du Président de la RépubliquePresidential Decree 
French to English
Dr. rer. Nat. = Doctor rerum Naturalium OR Naturæ[roughly equivalent to...] PhD 
dressé à la règlelevelled with a straightedge 
French to English
dressé(e)(s) à leur encontreestablished against them 
French to English
drive (piles) [the action of driving them]mise en place (de pieux) 
English to French
drive power suppliessource d'alimentation pour les appareils motorisés portables 
English to French
driver (unit / module)module / unité (d'alimentation et) de commande 
English to French
driving on company businessse déplacer OU les déplacements en voiture / véhicule pour le compte de son employeur OU de la société 
English to French
DRT > Disjoncteur à Relais Thermiquethermal circuit-breaker 
French to English
French to English
dry Martini [the cocktail]Martini sec / dry Martini / Martini dry 
English to French
drywallcloison sèche 
English to French
du bout des levresgrudgingly / reluctantly / half-heartedly [some constructions can use: pay lip service to] 
French to English
dual stud mountingmontage mural sur 2 montants 
English to French
dummy round [isually convincing, but does not fire](cartouche / balle / obus) factice 
English to French
dumper trucktombereau OU benne (de chantier) 
English to French
duplicate an imagereproduire une image 
English to French
earth braidtresse de mise à la terre 
English to French
French to English
effet norianoria effect 
French to English
effeuillagestripping off leaves 
English to French
effort tranchantshear strain 
French to English
efforts exercés à l'axeforces acting along the axis / axial forces 
French to English
ektachromecolour positive OR transparency 
French to English
elbowed (line)(ligne) coudée 
English to French
electrical ground connectionsles mises à terre [when referring to notional connections, rather than the actual physical means used] 
English to French
electrostatic spikedécharge électrostatique 
English to French
embase à chevillemasonry push mounts 
French to English
embase d\'adaptationadaptor base 
French to English
French to English
embec(q?)tage vis, aile sur pied AValignment / insertion / starting of screw(s), wing to front pillar 
French to English
English to French
embout serticrimp(ed) connector / ferrule / terminal 
French to English
empreinteradial pin (security) (tumbler) lock 
French to English
en équerre avec à l'angle des deux bâtimentsat right-angles, with, in the corner of the two buildings, 
French to English
en butéefully home OR against its stop (if there actually is some specific stop) 
French to English
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