Archived polls

5981 polls, displaying 151 through 200
Compare your turnover in Q1 2024 to your turnover in Q1 2023 - was it...?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 17
A lot lower 28.9%
About the same 21.3%
A little lower 18.8%
A lot higher 13.6%
A little higher 13.6%
Other 3.8%
367 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which is the best strategy to raise translation/interpretation rates?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 16
All the above 33.2%
Cultivating a strong reputation 19.8%
Specializing in a niche 19.5%
Finding new clients 17.1%
N/A (discuss) 8.4%
Networking in industry events (webinars, etc) 2.1%
334 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much do you invest in learning and professional development each year?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 15
I don't invest money in training 31.7%
$100 - $500 26.9%
Less than $50 16.3%
$50 - $100 15.4%
$500 - $1,000 7.1%
More than $1,000 2.7%
338 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you take notes during your translation process?
By Lingua 5B - featured on Apr 14
Only sometimes, as needed. 51.8%
Yes, regularly, on a sheet of paper. 22.4%
No, I never do. 18.4%
Yes, regularly, in a digital note taking app. 6.9%
Other/NA 0.4%
245 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you collect feedback from clients about your freelance services?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 13
I do not collect feedback from clients 52.5%
Email 23.2%
A combination of previous options 8.3%
Feedback via social or professional platforms 6.6%
Other - N/A (discuss) 5.5%
Feedback form on website 3.3%
Online survey 0.6%
Feedback form on invoices 0.0%
181 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you engage in networking activities to connect with potential clients or colleagues?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 12
Rarely 41.6%
Never 33.5%
Weekly 9.0%
Monthly 9.0%
Daily 6.8%
322 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you handle payment deadlines with clients?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 11
I discuss the issue along with rates 47.4%
I set the rates, the client sets the deadline 30.7%
I care very little about it 11.1%
Other (N/A) 9.2%
I ask to be paid in advance 1.6%
306 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you give your cell phone/home number to clients/agencies?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 10
Yes 55.0%
It depends 27.4%
No 15.1%
Other N/A 2.5%
398 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you find clients that pay your rates?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 9
They find me 37.6%
By applying to jobs 28.7%
By looking for reputable agencies 16.3%
N/A (other) 11.8%
By connecting with them 5.6%
338 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many times do you check your own translations, segment by segment?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 8
Twice 31.2%
Once 26.0%
It depens on the kind of text 25.0%
Three times 10.6%
N/A Other 3.5%
More than 4 times 2.5%
Four times 1.2%
404 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How old were you when you realized you wanted to be a translator/interpreter?
By Iulia Parvu - featured on Apr 7
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Do you respond to emails from agencies who don't even answer your reply when they offer a job?
By Sittie Hane Mama - featured on Apr 6
Depends on what agency it is 44.5%
Sometimes 16.9%
Never! 15.5%
Yes 14.5%
Other (please share). 8.6%
290 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How long have you been working with your earliest long-lasting clients?
By Natalia Pedrosa - featured on Apr 5
more than 16 years 25.6%
11-15 years 24.5%
6-10 years 24.3%
5-2 years 18.5%
Other 4.2%
One year-months away 2.9%
383 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you think we need to adjust our rates when working with AI-enabled CAT tools?
By Ines R. - featured on Apr 4
No 39.3%
I don't know 23.6%
Yes 20.1%
Yes, as we have to invest more money for AI 12.6%
Other 4.4%
318 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The best marketing strategy to get more clients is:
By anonymous - featured on Apr 3
Applying to agencies directly 34.8%
Applying to jobs on sites like Proz 22.5%
Other - N/A 16.8%
Networking with colleagues 11.7%
Online marketing 10.5%
A paid listing in a translation association 3.7%
351 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On social media sites, do you display a current photo of yourself?
By anonymous - featured on Apr 2
Yes 51.5%
No, my photo is not current 20.4%
No, I don't use any 10.8%
Other (please discuss) 6.3%
No, I use an avatar 6.0%
No, I use a non-copyrighted image 3.0%
No, I use someone else's photo (kid, dog) 2.1%
334 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you reside in the country of your/any of your target language/s?
By Jeppe Fischer - featured on Apr 1
Yes. 69.1%
No. 27.7%
I'd love to! 2.2%
Other N/A 1.1%
278 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Where do you work?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 31
Home 89.1%
Anywhere with wi-fi connection 3.6%
Office / shared office 3.2%
It depends 3.2%
Other - please share 0.8%
Library 0.0%
Park 0.0%
Café 0.0%
247 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My monthly income is based on:
By anonymous - featured on Mar 30
More than two clients 31.7%
Agencies/direct clients - unforseen volume 24.7%
1-2 main clients + random requests 23.7%
Two clients 7.0%
N/A Other 6.7%
One client 6.3%
300 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which device do you use most often when you respond to translation inquiries?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 29
Laptop/Computer 90.6%
iPhone/Smartphone 7.5%
iPad/Tablet 1.1%
Other 0.8%
Apple Watch/Smartwatch 0.0%
373 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever participated in a tv event?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 28
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Do you earn more than 2000 EUR net/month as a linguist?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 27
No, I don't. 52.2%
Yes, I do earn around 2000 EUR net per month. 23.5%
I earn double or more. 14.8%
N/A Other 9.6%
460 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As a freelance translator/interpreter, do you have liability insurance?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 26
No 78.3%
Yes 15.4%
No, but I will get one 4.5%
Other (please share) 1.8%
396 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In your experience, what is the most wanted field in the translation market?
By samah A. fattah - featured on Mar 25
Other - N/A (discuss) 33.0%
Legal 23.0%
Marketing 21.7%
Gaming 8.3%
E-commerce 6.1%
Media 4.8%
Economics 2.2%
Social media 0.9%
230 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you certify and stamp your own translation?
By Sophie Meis - featured on Mar 24
Yes 48.0%
No 38.3%
Other N/A (discuss) 13.8%
196 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How is your business evolving this year so far?
By Orianne Gogo-Mulot - featured on Mar 23
Stagnating 35.5%
Growing 27.4%
Declining 27.1%
Other N/A 10.1%
358 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you could compare translation to a sport/game/activity, what would it be?
By Lingua 5B - featured on Mar 22
Marathon 32.2%
Chess 20.3%
Other - N/A 15.4%
Figure skating 10.9%
Hurdling 9.6%
Boxing 3.9%
Weightlifting 3.2%
Poker 2.6%
Diving (jumps) 1.9%
311 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you mind your full name being displayed on the client's CAT tool/TM?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 21
No, I don't 51.3%
Yes, I do 35.7%
Other, please explain 13.0%
339 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you manage your work downloads (even after years of experience)?
By Susanna Martoni - featured on Mar 20
After years, I still get nervous 43.2%
Just relax. I know work will come 28.5%
Try to market my services 21.6%
Other N/A 6.6%
347 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you do if you are assigned to review a poorly translated text?
By Marzieh Izadi - featured on Mar 19
Request to re-translate it. 24.7%
Review it anyway. 21.7%
Ask for more money. 19.2%
Other N/A 13.9%
Reject the job. 10.4%
Ask for more time. 10.1%
396 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use MT in regular, non-PEMT translation projects?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 18
Never 38.1%
Yes, occassionally 23.5%
Yes, all the time 16.2%
Yes, with some exceptions 15.8%
Other 6.5%
260 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you get through huge and very boring projects?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 17
Challenge myself (eg: get 1000 words by 11am) 29.9%
Schedule regular physical activity 19.1%
N/A (discuss) 18.6%
Listen to music 13.4%
Eat/Drink something regularly 8.2%
Ask twice as much the time 5.2%
Play podcasts 3.6%
Ask twice the normal rate 2.1%
194 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the max. payment period you accept?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 16
60 days 40.6%
45 days 25.1%
30 days 16.0%
Any 6.9%
90 days 6.3%
Other (please share) 3.6%
14 days 1.3%
Any but only with partial prepayment 0.3%
394 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In your opinion, which is the most valuable tip for a beginner in the industry?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 15
Apply to as many agencies as you can 31.9%
Market your services with clients 25.2%
N/A Other 21.6%
Become an AI expert 8.8%
Subscribe to ProZ notificactions 8.5%
Get an excellent cover letter 4.0%
329 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On a 1-10 scale rate your current satisfaction with the translation industry.
By Lingua 5B - featured on Mar 14
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How do you perceive the results of reviews/proofreading after you sumbitted your work to an agency?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 13
They make mostly preferential changes. 32.9%
They never send me results. 25.7%
They make only relevant changes if any. 23.0%
Other (please share your experience) 14.8%
They never change anyting in my translation. 3.6%
304 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What type of AI tools are you familar with and use regularly? (Examples in brackets)
By anonymous - featured on Mar 12
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Do you normally take more/larger projects than physically possible to handle alone?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 11
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Do you accept payment after delivery when dealing with clients you have never worked for before?
By Iulia Parvu - featured on Mar 10
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If you were a "generalist", which hard core niche (broad) would you choose?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 9
Medical 31.8%
Other (please be so kind and share it) 20.4%
Legal 20.1%
Engineering 19.1%
EU 8.6%
314 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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At what time of the day are you most productive?
By Jorge Nunes - featured on Mar 8
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When working on texts in languages with gendered nouns/pronouns,how do you handle gender neutrality?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 7
I use a mix of gender-neutral and gender-specific language 27.5%
I use gender-specific language (male if there is no distinction) 26.9%
I ask the client what they prefer 26.3%
Other (please specify) 11.0%
I do not offer services in languages with gendered pronouns or nouns 8.3%
327 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you are a Trados user, which version are you currently using?
By Lotte Bulckens - featured on Mar 6
Trados Studio 2021 29.6%
Trados Studio 2022 22.6%
Trados Studio 2019 18.3%
N/A Other 16.3%
Older versions 9.5%
Trados Studio 2023 3.8%
399 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you be willing to work on a project that contributes to development of AI translation?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 5
No 42.0%
Yes 31.8%
Yes, but reluctantly 20.7%
Other 5.5%
440 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Which of these mediums do you prefer most for your self-education?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 4
Self-paced course 22.1%
Video training 21.7%
Book 20.8%
Other (please share) 12.8%
One-on-one training (virtual or in-person) 10.2%
E-book 9.3%
Podcasts and blogs 3.1%
226 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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According to you, how many language combinations should a translator ideally work on?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 3
2 37.2%
3 16.8%
1 16.0%
There is no limit for that 14.0%
Other - N/A (discuss) 10.4%
4 4.0%
6 0.8%
5 0.4%
More than 6 (please specify) 0.4%
250 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My favorite wellness/pampering time is:
By Lingua 5B - featured on Mar 2
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Are you on social media as a translator/interpreter (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook)?
By anonymous - featured on Mar 1
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Do you work for brands which are big competitors?
By anonymous - featured on Feb 29
Yes, through agencies. 35.8%
No, I don't. 34.2%
Yes, I do. 20.1%
Yes, unless prohibited in the NDA. 5.1%
Any other cases? Please, share. 4.2%
Yes, even if prohibited in the NDA. 0.6%
313 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you treat yourself after completing a big project?
By Kätlin Alasepp - featured on Feb 28
Sometimes. 45.0%
Yes. 28.9%
No. 24.0%
N/A Other 2.2%
409 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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5981 polls, displaying 151 through 200