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| QHE United States Local time: 20:11 English to Chinese + ...
Fargoer wrote: Que sera, sera
QHE wrote:
我也觉得很不解。按理说,教授发表见解通常应该是很严谨的;原文好像也没有给出引言的出处场合。这里的 “老式计算机”,应该是指 conventional computers (storing information in digital bits)。
其实,教授在预言未来时,通常都是满嘴跑火车的。谁不是呢?  这段话引自该教授关于未来的讲演。我找到了部分的讲演稿。
“Que sera, sera” 百听不厌, 谢谢 Fargoer。
我特地查了一下 “满嘴跑火车” 是什么意思,得到的解释是:“就是不假思索的胡乱说话,像好多火车从嘴里乱跑出来,一会天南一会海北的。出处不知道。”
链接里的讲稿我是越看越糊涂,后来终于恍然大悟:看的不正是 “满嘴跑火车” 嘛。 | | | QHE United States Local time: 20:11 English to Chinese + ... Luxury Concept | Apr 11, 2016 |
Haval's vision 豪华得令人有点生畏呢; 我看,骑脚踏车到乡下去可能会感觉更舒畅。 
[Edited at 2016-04-12 00:10 GMT] | | | wherestip United States Local time: 19:11 Chinese to English + ...
QHE wrote:
Luxury Concept
Haval's vision 豪华得令人有点生畏呢; 我看,骑脚踏车到乡下去可能会感觉更舒畅。
I agree. I'd be more impressed if they figured out a way for the garbage to pack itself up and set itself out by the curbside. | | | jyuan_us United States Local time: 20:11 Member (2005) English to Chinese + ... 恭喜这位教授,我们的champion | Apr 12, 2016 |
QHE wrote:
Fargoer wrote: Que sera, sera
QHE wrote:
我也觉得很不解。按理说,教授发表见解通常应该是很严谨的;原文好像也没有给出引言的出处场合。这里的 “老式计算机”,应该是指 conventional computers (storing information in digital bits)。
其实,教授在预言未来时,通常都是满嘴跑火车的。谁不是呢?  这段话引自该教授关于未来的讲演。我找到了部分的讲演稿。
“Que sera, sera” 百听不厌, 谢谢 Fargoer。
我特地查了一下 “满嘴跑火车” 是什么意思, 得到的解释是:“就是不假思索的胡乱说话,像好多火车从嘴里乱跑出来,一会天南一会海北的。出处不知道。”
链接里的讲稿我是越看越糊涂,后来终于恍然大悟:看的不正是 “满嘴跑火车” 嘛。
[Edited at 2016-04-12 18:47 GMT] | |
Fargoer Canada Local time: 18:12 English to Chinese
[修改时间: 2016-04-13 00:27 GMT] | | | Fargoer Canada Local time: 18:12 English to Chinese
翻译服务能否从小作坊升级到互联网上的富士康? 我看不出不能的障碍在哪里。
[修改时间: 2016-04-13 03:46 GMT] | | | wherestip United States Local time: 19:12 Chinese to English + ... Technological Utopianism | Apr 13, 2016 |
Fargoer wrote:
Science and technology
Utopian flying machines, France, 1890-1900 (chromolithograph trading card).
Though Francis Bacon's New Atlantis is imbued with a scientific spirit, scientific and technological utopias tend to be based in the future, when it is believed that advanced science and technology will allow utopian living standards; for example, the absence of death and suffering; changes in human nature and the human condition. Technology has affected the way humans have lived to such an extent that normal functions, like sleep, eating or even reproduction, have been replaced by artificial means. Other examples include a society where humans have struck a balance with technology and it is merely used to enhance the human living condition (e.g. Star Trek). In place of the static perfection of a utopia, libertarian transhumanists envision an "extropia", an open, evolving society allowing individuals and voluntary groupings to form the institutions and social forms they prefer.
Buckminster Fuller presented a theoretical basis for technological utopianism and set out to develop a variety of technologies ranging from maps to designs for cars and houses which might lead to the development of such a utopia.
One notable example of a technological and libertarian socialist utopia is Scottish author Iain Banks' Culture.
Opposing this optimism is the prediction that advanced science and technology will, through deliberate misuse or accident, cause environmental damage or even humanity's extinction. Critics, such as Jacques Ellul and Timothy Mitchell advocate precautions against the premature embrace of new technologies, raising questions on responsibility and freedom brought by division of labour. Authors such as John Zerzan and Derrick Jensen consider that modern technology is progressively depriving humans of their autonomy, and advocate the collapse of the industrial civilization, in favor of small-scale organization, as a necessary path to avoid the threat of technology on human freedom and sustainability.
There are many examples of techno-dystopias portrayed in mainstream culture, such as the classics Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four, which have explored some of these topics.
Technological utopianism (often called techno-utopianism or technoutopianism) is any ideology based on the premise that advances in science and technology will eventually bring about a utopia, or at least help to fulfil one or another utopian ideal. A techno-utopia is therefore a hypothetical ideal society, in which laws, government, and social conditions are solely operating for the benefit and well-being of all its citizens, set in the near- or far-future, when advanced science and technology will allow these ideal living standards to exist; for example, post-scarcity, transformations in human nature, the abolition of suffering and even the end of death.
Douglas Rushkoff, a leading theorist on technology and cyberculture claims that technology gives everyone a chance to voice their own opinions, fosters individualistic thinking, and dilutes hierarchy and power structures by giving the power to the people.[1] He says that the whole world is in the middle of a new Renaissance, one that is centered around technology and self-expression. However, Rushkoff makes it clear that “people don’t live their lives behind a desk with their hands on a keyboard” [2]
A tech-utopia does not disregard any problems that technology may cause,[3] but strongly believes that technology allows mankind to make social, economic, political, and cultural advancements.[4] Overall, Technological Utopianism views technology’s impacts as extremely positive.
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, several ideologies and movements, such as the cyberdelic counterculture, the Californian Ideology, transhumanism,[5] and singularitarianism, have emerged promoting a form of techno-utopia as a reachable goal. Cultural critic Imre Szeman argues technological utopianism is an irrational social narrative because there is no evidence to support it. He concludes that it shows the extent to which modern societies place faith in narratives of progress and technology overcoming things, despite all evidence to the contrary.
| | | ysun United States Local time: 19:12 English to Chinese + ... When one door shuts, another opens | Apr 14, 2016 |
Fargoer wrote:
我的一位亲戚在国内某大学英语系毕业后在某大学教了几年书,然后就到加拿大 University of Western Ontario 念了个MBA。毕业后她在加拿大 London 的一家银行工作了两年,又到 University of British Columbia 拿了个法学博士。在某律师事务所实习两年后,她就在温哥华开了家律师事务所,还聘用了六名助手。
我的另一位远亲随她博士丈夫移民加拿大后,不甘心在家吃闲饭,就在温哥华从事房地产经纪。据说她每年收入远高于她丈夫。所以说,不一定要等饭碗堪忧时才想辄。如果做翻译做得不顺心,又何必一条道走到黑? | |
Fargoer Canada Local time: 18:12 English to Chinese
ysun wrote:
还有,年轻的朋友们在踏入翻译这一行之前,三思啊! | | | wherestip United States Local time: 19:12 Chinese to English + ... Quantum Computing | May 5, 2016 |
IBM has made a functioning quantum processor available to the public over the internet.
Quantum computing is widely seen as an evolution of computer technology, which may allow for much faster calculations than today's machines.
The technology is still in its infancy, but one expert said it was a "small step" towards a useful quantum computer.
IBM said it hoped to see processors up to 20 times larger in the next decade.
Traditional computers process all their information using bits - information stored in tiny transistors that can either be on or off - interpreted as values of one and zero.
Quantum computing instead takes advantage of a mechanic called superpositioning that allows quantum bits - or "qubits" - to have values of one, zero, or both at the same time.
Researchers believe this core difference will eventually lead to powerful devices with processing power that will exceed the limits of classic computers.
IBM's quantum processor is located in its TJ Watson Research Centre in New York. Quantum processors are notoriously sensitive, so it is being kept at supercooled temperatures in a cryogenic refrigerator.
It has just five qubits that can be manipulated, but the company expects processors of 50-100 qubits to emerge within the next decade. General-purpose machines, which IBM calls "universal" quantum computers, will eventually use more than 100,000 qubits.
[Edited at 2016-05-05 13:47 GMT] | | |
很抱歉的無禮,但我要問,是什麼是中國人 | | | pkchan United States Local time: 20:12 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
pkchan United States Local time: 20:12 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ... Ceiling Tiles Vs Smallpox | Jul 8, 2016 |
 | | | Fargoer Canada Local time: 18:12 English to Chinese
把 “high-quality aluminum nature smallpox” 交给"谷歌翻译"译成中文,得到的结果是:“高品质铝质天花”。
[修改时间: 2016-07-09 02:58 GMT] | | | Fargoer Canada Local time: 18:12 English to Chinese
pkchan wrote:
欧式风格 龙的经典 !!!
夸上面的英译文吧?只有它配! | | | Pages in topic: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151] > | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 TM-Town | Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business
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