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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题
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wherestip  Identity Verified
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Expulsion Nov 12, 2011

ysun wrote:

Newcastle University 的用词是 exclude (除名),也许比“取消入学资格”严重些。“辞退”的说法确实是用词不当。

Expulsion or exclusion refers to the permanent removal of a student from a school system or university for violating that institution's rules. Laws and procedures regarding expulsion vary between countries and states.


Yes, indeed. I would say the equivalent Chinese term is “开除学籍”.

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:48
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Expulsion or exclusion Nov 12, 2011


是的,就相当于“开除学籍”。前面提到的“取消入学资格”只是因为学习成绩不够格。“开除学籍”就涉及触犯校规、涉及道德品质问题了。驻英使馆教育处公布的那篇文章使用“辞退”字样,说明新华社记者不懂 exclusion 的真正含义。


wherestip  Identity Verified
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一颗耗子屎坏了一锅汤 Nov 12, 2011



[Edited at 2011-11-13 13:14 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:48
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Gone are the days Nov 23, 2011

... when academic honesty was the norm. Now the problem is spreading over here. It's actually the neighborhood where I was born!

But at least over here the public condemns it. And the you
... See more
... when academic honesty was the norm. Now the problem is spreading over here. It's actually the neighborhood where I was born!

But at least over here the public condemns it. And the young people who engage in this kind of activity are being duly punished.

Some of them are being charged with felony - not a laughing matter.

[Edited at 2011-11-23 14:29 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:48
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真是聪明反被聪明误 Nov 23, 2011

wherestip wrote:

Some of them are being charged with felony - not a laughing matter.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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防君子不防小人 Nov 23, 2011

ysun wrote:


wherestip wrote:

Some of them are being charged with felony - not a laughing matter.

其实美国原来很少有这种问题,普通公民一般都是奉公守法的, 所以 SAT, GRE 这种考试场合管得都不很严。 加之美国高校招生都是以中学学历的 GPA 以及 ranking 为主要参考,SAT scores 并不是唯一的决定因素。 退一步说,行骗者即使是得逞进了好学校,各门课程跟不上还不是白搭?

考 SAT, GRE 等, 出示一下 Driver's License 便行了。监考的根本不仔细核查 ID,因为整个教育系统大体上是以每个人自觉守信为前提的 (honor system)。 有些中学毕业生连 Driver''s License 都不一定有, 入考场只凭学生证 就可以了。

时代真是变了! 先是 Globalization, 整个社会风气每况愈下,后来又加上 Terrorism, 处处都要格外警惕提防。 就拿去趟加拿大来说吧,以前开车过境看看 Driver's License 就放行了,根本谈不上有什么手续。 现在不同,好像非有护照不可。 乘飞机旅行就更别提了,如今上机前的层层安全检查越来越麻烦,越来越严格了。

[Edited at 2011-11-24 14:48 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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Honor System Nov 24, 2011


The first honor system in America was penned by Thomas Jefferson at the College of William and Mary, Jefferson's alma mater. In some colleges, the honor system is used to administer tests unsupervised. Students are generally asked to sign an honor code statement that says they will not cheat or use unauthorized resources when taking the test. As an example, at Vanderbilt University students taking examinations are required to sign and include the following pledge: "On my honor as a student I have neither given nor received aid on this examination". Any student caught in violation of the Honor Code is referred to the Honor Council which investigates and determines the appropriate action, which can range from failing the course to expulsion from the University. At the University of Virginia a student taking an examination is also required to sign a pledge not to give or receive aid and there is but one penalty for transgression of the honor code, and that is dismissal from the University. Texas A&M also has an Honor System which states, Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do. This is listed at the beginning of all tests. Any student that does not follow the code is remanded to the Honor council so they can determine the severity of the case and how the student should be punished or if expulsion is necessary. The students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill also maintain a student-run honor system. Students maintain the integrity of the university by pledging not to cheat, steal or lie. Unlike the University of Virginia, the honor system at Chapel Hill allows for different sanctions, ranging from probation to expulsion.

Washington and Lee University maintains an Honor System that was introduced by General Robert E. Lee, who stated "We have but one rule here, and it is that every student must be a gentleman." The Washington & Lee Honor System is entirely administrated through the student body. It is one of the few universities in the United States to have a non-codified system. As a result, students decide what constitutes a breach of honor. These breaches are commonly named as lying, cheating, or stealing, but what constitutes an honor violation is open to the interpretation of the current student body.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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Honor System Nov 24, 2011


整个世界都在变,美国也不例外。不过总的说来,这里的社会风气还是好的。上述那种 SAT 考试作弊的情况毕竟还是极少数的个别现象,法律对涉案者的处罚也是够严厉的。这个 Honor System 以及人们从小就开始接受的道德、法制教育还是起很大作用的。

Happy Thanksgiving!

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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Happy Thanksgiving Nov 24, 2011

ysun wrote:


整个世界都在变,美国也不例外。不过总的说来,这里的社会风气还是好的。上述那种 SAT 考试作弊的情况毕竟还是极少数的个别现象,法律对涉案者的处罚也是够严厉的。这个 Honor System 以及人们从小就开始接受的道德、法制教育还是起很大作用的。

Happy Thanksgiving!


是这样,这里社会风气仍是很好,但远远不如以前了。 日常生活中不礼貌的现象,比如在公共场所大声喧哗,与其他行人抢路等,虽然仍是罕见, 但偶尔碰上,往往都是个别新的移民。 这种现象在加州一些新移民比较集中的地方更为显著,许多人把以前原居地开车的坏毛病都带过来了(这还是你告诉我的: 警察一逮一正着,犯规的基本上都是新移民 ...)。 如此久而久之,美国整体社会都免不了受一些影响。

Anyway, life goes on. After all is said and done, it's really not our problem.

Have a wonderful holiday!

[Edited at 2011-11-24 18:38 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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新移民的陋习 Nov 24, 2011

wherestip wrote:


是这样,这里社会风气仍是很好,但远远不如以前了。 日常生活中不礼貌的现象,比如在公共场所大声喧哗,与其他行人抢路等,虽然仍是罕见, 但偶尔碰上,往往都是个别新的移民。 这种现象在加州一些新移民比较集中的地方更为显著,许多人把以前原居地开车的坏毛病都带过来了(这还是你告诉我的: 警察一逮一正着,犯规的基本上都是新移民 ...)。 如此久而久之,美国整体社会都免不了受一些影响。




ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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“诚信第一” Dec 15, 2011




wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 17:48
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"China in Ten Words" by Yu Hua Dec 27, 2011,9171,2100133,00.html

What has changed, according to Yu, is the intensity of moral degradation. The heart of his outrage comes from his sense that "since 1990, corruption has grown with the same astounding speed as the economy as a whole." In 2004, he notes, 10 million people went to Beijing seeking redress for injustices in their home districts, only to be harried by police and forced to sleep rough. As he puts it, with typical directness: "The strong prey on the weak, people enrich themselves through brute force and deception, and the meek and humble suffer while the bold and unscrupulous flourish."

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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Search for morality Dec 27, 2011

A futile effort perhaps, but if it really works ... !

pkchan  Identity Verified
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書中自有金屋 Jan 13, 2012

College graduates score higher-paying jobs

The class of 2011 scored higher-paying jobs than graduates the year before, with engineering and computer science majors taking home the fattest paychecks.

The average starting salary for 2011 graduates was $41,701, up 2.3% from the average salary in 2010, according to a new survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

While average salaries rose across every discipline last year, a large gap rem
... See more
College graduates score higher-paying jobs

The class of 2011 scored higher-paying jobs than graduates the year before, with engineering and computer science majors taking home the fattest paychecks.

The average starting salary for 2011 graduates was $41,701, up 2.3% from the average salary in 2010, according to a new survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

While average salaries rose across every discipline last year, a large gap remains between the highest and lowest earners.

The top earners of the Class of 2011 were engineering students, who were raking in average starting salaries of $61,872 upon graduation -- a 1.5% increase from the previous year. Computer engineering majors were the highest-paid of that bunch, bringing in a whopping $70,400 a year.

Computer Science graduates weren't far behind, with the biggest increase in pay out of all the disciplines. Students in this field landed jobs with an average starting salary of $60,594 last year, up 4.1% from 2010.

Business students, which include economics, accounting, business administration and finance majors, signed onto their jobs with an average salary of $48,144. Within this field, economics majors were the highest-paid in 2011, earning an average starting salary of $54,400.

[Also see: Cities Where Housing Will Boom]

Majors in the Health Sciences disciplines, including nursing majors, are being paid an average $44,955, up only 1% from the previous year.

Math and Sciences graduates are earning an average salary of $40,204, while Communications students -- including advertising and journalism majors --are bringing in salaries of $39,577 on average.

The lowest-paid graduates majored in Humanities and Social Science disciplines like criminal justice, English and psychology, earning an average salary of $35,503.

Graduates in the education field didn't earn a whole lot more, receiving an average salary of $37,830. Special education majors, however, saw salaries increase 2.9% in 2011, bringing the average salary for that particular major up to $39,100. CNN

[修改时间: 2012-01-13 17:37 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 17:48
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Andrea Doria Jan 17, 2012

I remember the Andrea Doria maritime disaster from about 55 years ago. The incident and its aftermath were heavily covered by the news media; except there was no 24/7 coverage on the Internet like we have today.

I would have thought that some media outlet would at least refer to this previous maritime disaster in passing.

SS Andrea Doria was an ocean liner for the Italian Line (Società di navigazione Italia) home ported in Genoa, Italy, most famous for its sinking in 1956, when 46 people died. Named after the 16th-century Genoese admiral Andrea Doria, the ship had a gross register tonnage of 29,100 and a capacity of about 1,200 passengers and 500 crew. For a country attempting to rebuild its economy and reputation after World War II, Andrea Doria was an icon of Italian national pride. Of all Italy's ships at the time, Andrea Doria was the largest, fastest and supposedly safest. Launched on 16 June 1951, the ship undertook its maiden voyage on 14 January 1953.

On 25 July 1956, approaching the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts, bound for New York City, Andrea Doria collided with the east-bound MS Stockholm of the Swedish American Line in what became one of history's most infamous maritime disasters. Struck in the side, the top-heavy Andrea Doria immediately started to list severely to starboard, which left half of her lifeboats unusable. The consequent shortage of lifeboats might have resulted in significant loss of life, but the efficiency of the technical design of the ship allowed it to stay afloat for over 11 hours after the ramming. The good behavior of the crew, improvements in communications and the rapid response of other ships averted a disaster similar in scale to that of the Titanic in 1912. 1,660 passengers and crew were rescued and survived, while 46 people died as a consequence of the collision. The evacuated luxury liner capsized and sank the following morning.

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茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题

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